A. Цей взаємозв’язок припускає, що не тільки бідні люди, як правило, страждають, коли усім іншим добре.
B. Цей взаємозв’язок припускає, що існує незначна тенденція, коли ти хворієш чи коли ти здоровий.
C. Ця кореляція рекомендує бідним бути завжди здоровим.
Нижчий соціоекономічний статус пов’язали із хронічним стресом, серцево-судинними захворюваннями, діабетом, певними типами онкозахворювань та передчасним старінням.
A. A lower socioeconomical status has been linked to chronic stress, heart disease, diabetes, certain types of cancer, and premature aging.
B. Lower socioeconomic status has been linked to chronic stress, heart disease, diabetes, certain types of cancer, and premature aging.
C. A lower socioeconomic status has been linked to chronic stress, heart disease, diabetes, certain types of cancer, and premature aging.
5. Концепція психосоціального стресу намагається пояснити, як психосоціальне явище може призвести до цих багатьох захворювань.
A. The concept of psychosocial stress attempts to explain how psychosocial phenomenon can lead to the many diseases.
B. Concept of psychosocial stress attempts to explain how psychosocial phenomenon can lead to the many diseases.
C. The concept of psychosocial stress attempts to explain how psychosocial a phenomenon can lead to the many diseases.
6. Багато людей приймають нерівність як дану реальність.
A. A many people accept inequality as a given.
B. Many people accept inequality as a given.
C. The many people accept inequality as a given.
Task 24. Write a letter to an economic expert. Ask him/her three questions about the socioeconomic rise in Ukraine. Give him/her three of your opinions. Read your letter to your classmates. Your classmates will answer your questions.
Task 25. You have been asked to make a presentation on social mobility at the coming conference. You are prone to refuse, because you have never participated in such meetings. That is your first experience and you hesitate. But your friend is more optimistic and assures you there is nothing to be afraid of. Ask him to give you a hand to make some notes for the presentation.
This presentation planning checklist will help you deliver successful presentation:
Task 26. Summarize the content of the text in 10 sentences.
In order to write an accurate summary, you must understand what you're reading. Try reading with the author's purpose in mind.
Check for accuracy.
Ask someone else to read your work.
Revise your work.
Task 1. Discuss these questions with a partner.
Ø How do you understand the statement “compensatory leisure hypothesis”?
Ø What are the ways of spending free time in your own country?
Ø Give your own opinion about the Benjamin Franklin’s quote “Employ the time well, if thou meanest to gain leisure”?
Task 2. Review the following statements and pick the answer that describes you best. You may not find an answer that matches your feelings exactly, so just choose the one that’s closest.
1. I stay late at the office:
a) Never. I’m usually out of there at least a few minutes before everyone else. Hey, I’ve got a life unlike some other people.
b) Only when it’s absolutely necessary. If we are approaching a critical deadline, usually the whole team will work late together to get things done. I try not to do it on a regular basis but I definitely want to support my team and our goals.
c) All the time. I’m usually the only one in the office that late but I just can’t stand the thought of leaving while there’s still work to be done.
2. Regarding my job, my friends and family say:
a) Most of them don’t know anything about my job.
b) They support my career goals and know it’s challenging but they don’t think it consumes my every waking moment.
c) They think it rules my life. They get angry when I talk about work or do work tasks outside the office. Sometimes, I think they want me to quit.
3. I miss events with my family and friends due to work:
a) Never. I’d rather call in sick than miss something with my friends and family.
b) I’ve done it occasionally, but it’s definitely not a regular thing.
c) Too many times to count. I often have to make personal sacrifices to succeed in my profession.
4. I find myself doing work tasks outside of the office:
a) Never. I leave work where it belongs.
b) Rarely. It is only for very specific projects that I feel it is necessary to sacrifice my personal time for my job.
c) Everyday. If I didn’t take work home with me, I’d have to live at the office.
5. If I need to take personal time off of work (for a doctor’s appointment or another personal obligation):
a) I just take it. My personal appointments are more important than work.
b) It’s usually not a problem. I try to schedule a time when it will be convenient for everyone else in the office. But in the end, it has to be done so I expect they will all understand.
c) I haven’t taken time for a personal appointment in years! It’s such a pain to be out of the office it doesn’t seem worth it
Task 3. Read the text about Time, Work and Leisure. Write down two interesting things you remember. Compare your notes with other students.
The History of Leisure
Before the Industrial Revolution leisure for most people meant rest from work. Leisure activities were not a matter of individual choice but part of the regular pattern of social life. County fairs, quilting bees, and sheep shearings were social gatherings that combined work and play. These pleasures were justified as a reward for work, or as a means of restoring oneself for more work. As the workplace became separated from the home, such social activities began to be defined as "nonwork," or recreation. During the first half of the nineteenth century, new forms of commercial entertainment became available to people in all social classes. Variety shows and minstrel shows transformed the theater; travelling circuses reached even out-of-the-way small towns; horse races, boxing matches, and foot races became popular. In the cities more people had more money to spend at amusement parks, public dance halls, and beer gardens. In short, the leisure industry was born. In response to a larger urban population's demand for open-air recreation, local governments created public parks and playgrounds. New York's Central Park was opened in 1857, Philadelphia's Fairmount Park in 1867, and Boston's Franklin Park in 1883. Believing that "Satan finds mischief for idle hands to do," worried city dwellers encouraged public schools and other agencies to provide "wholesome" pastimes during the nonworking hours. Libraries and public recreational centers were built as noncommercial alternatives to the pool halls, burlesque theaters, and saloons that social reformers saw as breeding grounds for vice.
Leisure is usually measured in free time, or the opposite of paid work. A gradual decrease in working hours over the past century has reduced the average work week by about 25 hours since the 1890s. This dramatic increase in free time has actually been somewhat overrated, since it is measured against the exceptionally long working hours that prevailed during the early stages of capitalism. A hundred years ago steelworkers worked a 12-hour shift, seven days a week, and 14-hour days were common for factory workers. Seen in longer historical perspective, the amount of free time we have today seems less like a remarkable modern achievement and more like a return to normal. In pre-industrial England, for example, the length of the working day was about 11 or 12 hours in the fifteenth century and 10 hours in the seventeenth. Workers in other historical periods also enjoyed more holidays. The medieval calendar generally observed 115 holidays a year, which, when added to 52 Sundays, made 167 days of rest—or an average work week of less than four days.
Housework today is more productive (because more services are performed and more goods produced for every hour of work) and less laborious than it was at the turn of the century, yet most women find it just as time-consuming and demanding. For working wives with full-time jobs, a 75-hour week of paid and unpaid work leaves precious little time for leisure.
Compared to 50 or 100 years ago, Americans today seem to have more free time but not proportionately more leisure. The next section considers the question of how they spend it.
The Uses of Leisure
goes quietly home, collapses on the couch, eats and drinks alone, belongs to nothing, reads nothing, knows nothing, votes for no one, hangs around the home and street, watches . . . the TV programmes shade into one another, too tired to lift himself off the couch for the act of selection, too bored to switch the dials.
The compensatory leisure hypothesis, on the other hand, suggests that leisure activities provide an outlet for the frustrations built up by unsatisfying work. Wilensky's caricature pictures an automobile assembly line worker who,
for eight hours gripped bodily to the main line, doing repetitive, low-skilled, machine-paced work which is wholly ungratifying, comes rushing out of the plant gate helling down the super-highway at eighty miles an hour in a second-hand Cadillac Eldorado, stops off for a beer and starts a bar-room brawl, [and] goes home and beats his wife.
The second type of relationship between work and leisure is the opposition pattern, in which leisure activities are intentionally very different from experiences at work and “business and pleasure” are never mixed. People with physically tough jobs, like miners and waitresses, find relief in leisure; others hate their work so much that they don’t want to be reminded of it off the job. This pattern corresponded to the compensatory leisure hypothesis.
The third type of relationship is neutrality. Although leisure and work do not overlap, work and play are not deliberately segregated. This pattern is typical of people in “grey” jobs, such as routine clerical or semi-skilled manual workers, who find their jobs boring but not oppressive. They define leisure as relaxation.
Task 4. Read the text about Time, Work and Leisure. Some paragraphs have been removed from the text. Choose from paragraphs A-E the one which fits each gap 1-4. There is one paragraph which you don’t need to use.
A.A better way to measure leisure is to separate it from free time. If time spent on the job totals about 40 hours a week, and a week is 168 hours long, how much free time is available for leisure —128 hours? No, of course not. First, there are sleeping and eating — which account for over half our free time — and then there are all the essential chores, or unpaid work that everyone has to do—bathing, dressing, shopping, travelling to and from work, cleaning, cooking, making household repairs, and so on. Americans actually have, on average, only about 39 hours a week left to spend on what they define as leisure. Some people have a great deal of free time but relatively little leisure. One sophisticated analysis of data from a large national sample of households concluded that the average American woman spends about four hours a day doing housework and about three and one-half hours caring for children (making a seven and one- half hour day and a 54-hour week). The working hours for a modern housewife are not much different from the number of hours an affluent wife spent on housework in 1912, when domestic servants were members of all well-to-do households, or from the number of hours that rural and urban housewives spent on such chores in 1935. Roughly speaking, American wives who are not gainfully employed spend 50 hours a week on housework; wives with outside jobs spend 35 hours on work in and for their homes. |
B. Sociological theories of leisure contend that the kind of work we do is reflected in the activities we choose for our hours of leisure. According to the spillover hypothesis, for example, alienation from work carries over into the rest of life and the drudgery we do on the job has a mentally stultifying effect. In Harold Wilensky's caricature, this hypothetical worker. |
C.These conspicuously "leisurely" styles are no longer in fashion, and the way of life they represent has almost disappeared. Recreation and leisure have become more widely available in all social classes, and prestige today is more likely to come from one's occupation than from one's use of leisure. As we have already seen, the "idle rich" have never been much admired in American culture. Estee Lauder, Ross Perot, Malcolm Forbes, and most other very rich Americans continue to work—they just don't work for a living. In other industrial societies, even queens and princes are likely to think of their roles as jobs that must be done for the good of their countries. |
D. In The Threat of Leisure(1926) George Barton Cutten, the president of Colgate University, expressed the popular view that increasing leisure might be a menace to society. For some people, he wrote, "freedom from labour means liberty for the indulgence of low tastes,… and most vice and crime take place in spare time." At the time Cutten was writing, English farm workers were describing the ideal life as: Eight hours' work and eight hours' play Eight hours' sleep and eight shillin's a day. Cutten thought that most of us could be trusted with the work and the sleep, but what would future generations do with all that money and free time? |
E. The British sociologist Stanley Parker theorizes that there are three kinds of relationships between work and leisure. The first is the extension pattern, in which at least some work and leisure activities are similar and daily life is not clearly divided between the two. This pattern, which corresponds to the spillover hypothesis, is typical of social workers, high-level business executives, physicians, teachers, and other professionals who enjoy many of the same kinds of activities with many of the same people both at home and at work. As Wilensky has suggested, people in these positions are often so overwhelmingly committed to working that they have little time left over for leisure. The popular image of the workaholic fits the extension pattern. |
Task 5. Match the column A with column B.
A | В | ||
recreation | A | мешканець | |
Indulgence | B | полегшення | |
Dweller | C | поблажливість | |
Overrated | D | відчуження | |
Alienation | E | дорогоцінний | |
Drudgery | F | переоцінено | |
to claim | G | заявляти | |
Precious | H | трудоголік | |
workaholic | I | відновлення сил | |
Relief | J | важка робота |
Task 6. Fill in the correct words (not all words are needed) from the previous exercise into the gaps below.
1. Marx used the term ___________ to describe the human loss of control over the forces of industrial society.
2. It’s a huge ___________to know that your workers are safe.
3. Nevertheless, in spite of all the advertising _________ to the contrary, it still takes time to launder clothes, clean floors, and scrub the stains out of the kitchen sink.
4. __________ and leisure have become more widely available in all social classes, and prestige today is more likely to come from one's occupation than from one's use of leisure.
5. I’ve had __________ little sleep over the last few days, because of the overload at work.
Task 7. Fill in the correct word from the box into the gaps below.
decline occupation eliminate human beings surveys enroll reflect apathetic evidence self-esteem |
1. Because work is an important source of identity and_______, loss of work is a devastating blow.
2. Bored and __________workers are not only unhappy with their jobs, they are less efficient and productive.
3. One way to improve work is to _________boring and unpleasant jobs.
4. Although robots are far more productive than __________ in some jobs, they are too expensive and exotic for most purposes.
5. Other experts are predicting that employment in service industries will also __________because of office automation.
6. Many _________ have shown that people who do highly complex and difficult work are much happier than everyone else.
7. Although unions ________ only a minority of the work force, their members are generally the best paid and best protected workers.
8. As we have already noted sports _________ and reinforce many American values.
9. All in all, the _________is that most Americans are consumers of sports rather than active participants.
10. Recreation and leisure have become more widely available in all social classes, and prestige today is more likely to come from one's ________than from one's use of leisure.
Task 8. Are the following statements about the text true (T) or false (F)?
1. | A gradual decrease in working hours over the past century has reduced the average work week by about 25 hours since the 1890s. | T / F |
2. | The best way to measure leisure is to identify it with free time. | T / F |
3. | Housework today is more laborious and less productive than it was at the turn of the century. | T / F |
4. | Leisure – is a life of ease, abundance, and complete idleness. | T / F |
5. | The leisure industry was born in the first half of the nineteenth century. | T / F |
Task 9. Now look again at the text and match column A with column B. Then explain meanings of expressions.
1. | Country | A. | choice |
2. | individual | B. | time |
3. | Spare | C. | industry |
4. | Social | D. | class |
5. | amusement | E. | hours |
6. | Leisure | F. | fairs |
7. | Working | J. | park |
Task 10. Rearrange the letters to form a word used in the text, then match the word to its definition.
oialremcmc | А. performances that people enjoy | ||
itetennrteman | B.all the people who live in a particular area | ||
Kepocwrla | C. the place where you work | ||
uapltonpoi | D.in or related to the area that you live in, or to the particular area that you are talking about | ||
Oalcl | E.a group of people meeting together | ||
Trihgegna | F. produced in order to be sold | ||
ecenmtahevi | J.unusual in a way that surprises or impresses you | ||
alebarmker | H.a particular thing that you have achieved |
Task 11. Read the text from this unit again. Match the beginning of the sentence with their endings.
1. | Some people have a great deal of free time | A. | leisure activities are similar and daily life is not clearly divided between the two. |
2. | According to the spillover hypothesis, for example, alienation from work carries | B. | compensatory leisure hypothesis. |
3. | The first is the extension pattern, in which at least some work and | C. | or semi-skilled manual workers, who find their jobs boring but not oppressive. |
4. | This pattern is typical of people in “grey” jobs, such as routine clerical | D. | but relatively little leisure. |
5. | This pattern corresponded to the C | E. | over into the rest of life and the drudgery we do on the job has a mentally stultifying effect. |
Task 12. Use the words from the right side to make the expressions with the words from the left side. Then translate them into Ukrainian.
Social | Time |
Free | Increase |
Leisure | Line |
Sociological | Life |
Dramatic | Activities |
Assembly | Theories |
Task 13. Fill in each gap with a suitable verb from the box, using words and expressions from the box
so consequently because now that in order to |
1. He did a postgraduate course ____________safe his position in the firm.
2. ____________ they have children, they have less free time.
3. The week was crazy, _________ I decided to take some rest.
4. We spent a lot of our free time playing football, _____________ we were exhausted.
5. Employment in these jobs is already declining ________ automation.
Task 14. Rewrite these sentences using the words in brackets.
1. She doesn’t earn much money. She works very hard. (in spite of)
2. He was ill. He went to work. (despite)
3. Housework today is more productive and less laborious than it was. Most women find it just as time-consuming and demanding. (yet)
4. Jannet is clever. She finds these tasks difficult. (still)
5. He could not get a job. He is qualified. (in spite of)
Task 15. Study the table then fill in the gaps in the sentences below.
ago | before now |
before | before a past time |
until/till | up to the time when |
by the time + clauses | not later than the moment smth happens |
by | not later than |
during + noun while/as + clause | in the time period |
1. ____________ these experiments have had some encouraging results, the most significant changes in the workplace in the near future will probably come from technological innovation.
2. _____________ the Industrial Revolution leisure activities were less a matter of individual choice than part of the regular pattern of social life.
3. I have to finish these letters _______________I can leave the office.
4. You must be at your work place _____________ ten o’clock today.
5. Wait here ________________ I get back.
Task 16. There is an extra word in each of the sentences below. Check your knowledge of different clauses.
1. The decrease in working hours during of the twentieth century has resulted in more free time but not proportionately more leisure.
2. The loss of opportunities to work through automation and technological change is therefore become a frightening prospect.
3. Because the work is an important source of identity and self-esteem, loss of work is a devastating blow.
4. Employed housewives had to work in order to perform adequately for the first as employees and then as housewives.
5. Few Americans are participated in organized sports, but many read the sports pages and watch sports on television.
6. He is acting as though like he’s had bad news.
Task 17. Complete the asterisked gaps in the chart below with words from the paragraphs indicated. Then fill the other gaps.
* | work | |
* | Varying | |
encouragement | * | |
* | Entertaining | |
care | * | |
* | experience | |
* | alienate | |
* | * | play |
Task 18. Clauses of contrast. Choose the correct answer.
1. ____________, the same study found that nearly three out of four Americans say they watch sports on television every week.
a) In spite of | b) However | c) While |
2. ________________robots are far more productive than human beings in some jobs, they are too expensive and exotic for most purposes.
a) Although | b) Despite | c) In spite |
3. According to the Miller Lite Report, seven out of ten Americans exercise at least once a week, _________ far fewer participate in organized sports.
a) but | b) despite | c) in spite |
4. ___________ these experiments have had some encouraging results, the most significant changes in the workplace in the near future will probably come from technological innovation.
a) however | b) even though | c) while |
5. ____________, robots will soon be capable of manufacturing and assembling nearly all important industrial products.
a) Nevertheless | b) While | c) Even though |
Task 19. Rearrange these words to form sentences, and translate them into Ukrainian.
1. In 1966 / when / 100 percent / line workers / for labour / was high / Saab / had to/ replace / for / the / demand / example / of / its /assembly / especially / every year/
2. The / in / working / hours / during / the / time / but / leisure / twentieth / century / has / resulted / in / more / proportionately / free / decrease / not more /
3. One / telephone / television / day / survey / reported / that / 72 / of / the / respondents / watched / often / every / national / or / percent / every / day / and / 70 / percent / read / newspapers / as / almost /
4. During / 1950s / and / 1960s / the / economic / their / force / motivations / for / traditional / doing / tedious / or / dangerous / the / prosperous / work / lost / some / of /
5. Given / assembly-line / these / than / hard / to see / why / and mathematicians / are / so / findings / much / it / is / not / happier / with / professors / their / jobs / workers /
Task 20. Find examples of the above mentioned clauses in the text. Analyse them.
Task 21. Translate the following paragraph into Ukrainian, pay attention to the use of different clauses.
Task 22. Choose the best option to translate the sentences.
1. The American work ethic is based on the traditional values such as independence, hard work, and material success.
A. Американська етика праці базується на традиційних цінностях таких як незалежність, важка праця та матеріальний успіх.
В. Американська етика робітника базується на традиційних цінностях таких як незалежність, важка праця та матеріальний успіх.
С. Американська етика праці базується на цінностях незалежності, важкій праці та матеріальному успіху.
2. Leisure industry is not as popular nowadays as it was.
A. Індустрія відпочинку зараз не так популярна як колись.
В. Індустрія відпочинку зараз популярна як і колись .
С. Індустрія відпочинку зараз популярна.
3. Sports are a pervasive part of American culture, probably because they symbolize the values of individualism and cooperation, competition and success.
A. Спорт це переконлива частина Американської культури, ймовірно, тому що вона символізує цінності взаємодії та індивідуалізму, суперництва та успіху.
В. Спорт це поширена частина Американської культури, ймовірно, тому що він символізує цінності взаємодії та індивідуалізму, суперництва та успіху.
C. Спорт це поширена частина Американської культури, тому що він символізує взаємодію та індивідуалізм, суперництво та успіх.
4. Один із способів вдосконалити роботу – уникати нудних та неприємних професій.
А. One of the ways to improve work is to eliminate boring and unpleasant jobs.
В. One way to improve work is to eliminate boring and unpleasant jobs.
С.One way to improve work is elimination of boring and unpleasant jobs.
5. Ця робота піддaлася критиці.
A. That matter is controversial.
B. That job was controversial.
C. That matter had been controversial.
6. Протягом процвітаючих 1950-1960 років, традиційні економічні мотиви для виконання нудної та небезпечної роботи втратили частку своєї сили.
A. During the prosperous 1950s and 1960s the traditional economic motivations in doing tedious or dangerous work have lost some of their force.
B. During the prosperous 1950s and 1960s the traditional economic motivations for doing tedious or dangerous work lost some of their force.
C. For the prosperous 1950s and 1960s the motivations for traditional economic doing tedious or dangerous work lost some of their force.
Task 23. Think about the leisure industry in your country. Write five sentences. Then find out about your partner.
Task 24. Read several paragraphs about the sociology as a subject at high schools and analyze it.
1. Underline the topic sentence. Is it the first or second sentence?
2. Is the first sentence indented?
3. How many supporting sentences are there? Which are they?
4. Circle the concluding sentence or clause.
Task 25. Write a small summary of the text Time, work and leisure for about 10 sentences.
Begin with:
Have you
used some expressions from the text in your summary?
written 10 sentences?
checked your spelling?
checked punctuation and grammar?
Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 245.