Russia is one of the largest countries in the world. It possesses unique natural resources, large industrial, scientific and personnel potential.
Russia plays the important role in a mineral and raw complex of the world. From depths of Russia 10 % of oil, 30 % - gas, 10 % - coal, 14 % - commodity iron ore, 15 % – color and rare metals from all volume of minerals extracted are taken by the world community.
On a share of Russia 85 % of oil, 84 % – a gas condensate and gas, 70 % – coal, 66 % – iron ore, 53 % – are necessary approximately to copper, 95 % – nickel, 70 % – bauxites from stocks of the CIS.
Russia is one of the world's largest owners of power resources. According to the international economic organizations, Russia also has strong competitive positions in export black and nonferrous metallurgy, the wood and defensive industry, the machine industry, the chemical industry.
Positions of Russia in the international trade have a little improved.
Now the share of Russia in world export of goods makes 1,8 % (17 place among the leading countries – exporters of the world. In world import of the goods the share of Russia made 0,9 % (23 place).
Under the foreign trade turnover Russia occupies 20 place in the world. The share of gross national product of Russia in the world economy in 10 times is less, than the USA, and in 5 times there is less than China. On total amount of gross national product Russia occupies 15 place in the world. On stocks of the nuclear weapon Russia occupies 1 place in the world (55 %).
Foreign trade remains the important source of receipt of the investment goods.
So, the sphere of the foreign trade gives huge opportunities for becoming and developments of economy, formation of the budget of the country, maintenance of well-being of people.
Development and complication of the international trade has found reflection in evolution of the theories explaining driving forces of this process. Traditional foreign trade theories are insufficient for an explanation of a modern international exchange of the goods, but they are base in theoretical researches of the western scientists and explain occurrence and an orientation of the world trade by the goods.
In modern conditions it is possible to analyse distinctions in the international specialization only on the basis of set of all key models of the international division of labour.
International trade influences economy of each country. All that is made in the country goes on export, and in volume of consumption the increasing role is played with import.
Theories revealing principles of optimum participation of national economies in the international barter and law of the world trade development, including the world trade of Russia are investigated.
The term paper can be used in educational process at studying economic disciplines.
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Дата: 2019-07-24, просмотров: 278.