Features of Russia’s trade at the present stage
The Russian economy has crossed a threshold of a new millenium in a stage of steady economic rise.
According to customs statistics, the foreign trade turnover of Russia in January - June, 2006 has made 199,7 billion dollars. It has increased for 31,8 %, including the countries CIS – 28,7 billion dollars.
The volume of the world trade has increased in January – June, 2006. It is connected to growth of export deliveries of energy carriers and with growth of import increase of internal demand.
It is necessary to note, that, despite of fluctuations of volumes of import and export, invariable positive remains to balance of the international trade.
The active balance of trading balance of Russia has made 86,3 billion dollars and has increased for 19,9 billion dollars. The factor of a covering of import by export has made 252 %. Thus the balance has essentially exceeded import (in 1,5 times).
The high level of balance has provided updating currency reserves of the country. According to Bank of Russia, the international reserve actives of the country for June, 1, 2006 have made 250,6 billion dollars and have increased in comparison with 2005 in 1,7 times.
In the foreign trade of Russia a special place as the largest economic partner occupies the European Union. On its share in January - June, 2006 it was necessary 52,1 % of the Russian commodity circulation.
The basic trading partners in a circulation of Russia were Germany – 10 %, Netherlands – 8,9 %, Italy - 7,5 %, Ukraine – 5,4 %, China – 5,9 %, Turkey – 3,8 %, the USA - 3,4 %, France -3 %, Japan -2,6 %.
The foreign trade turnover of Russia in I half-year 2006 has made 213,5 billion dollars, including export – 144,1 and import – 69,5 billion dollars.
Development of export
The Russian export in January – June, 2006 against January – June, 2005 has increased for 31,3 %. Thus total export has made 143 billion dollars. 84,1 % of a gain of export is received due to growth of contract prices.
Physical volumes of export have increased by 5,0 %. The average export prices have increased for 25,1 %.
The relation of commodity export to gross national product of Russia under the mid-annual exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has made 41,5 %.
The export quota (a share of export in manufacture) has increased on oil, mineral oil, coal and has decreased on natural gas, a paper newspaper, automobile and to lorries.
The basic trading partners of Russia in export were Netherlands – 11,6 % (in 2005 -10,4 %), Germany – 8,6 (8,8), Italy – 8,8 (8), China – 5,1 (5,3), Turkey – 4,6 (4,4), Poland-3,5 (3,4), the USA – 2,9 % (2,8 %).
The structure of the basic export positions in comparison with the last year practically has not changed and includes the major energy carriers (oil, gas, mineral oil), base metals, jewels, a round wood.
In a fuel and energy complex cost the volume of export of fuel and energy resources has increased for 44,1 %.
The world prices for oil URALS in June, 2006 have made 469,3 dollars for one ton.
In a metallurgical complex cost the volume of export of production in the accounting period has increased for 3,3 %.
In a wood and pulp-and-paper complex in January - June, 2006 the standard item of wood and pulp-and-paper production has increased for 11,8 %.
In a chemical and petrochemical complex cost the volume of export of the basic goods in 2006 has increased for 15,4 %.
In a machine-building complex it has been put on a foreign market of machines, the equipment on 6889,2 million dollars.
Development of import
The Russian import January - June, 2006 has made 56,7 billion dollars and has increased for 33,2 % .The basic trading partners of Russia in import were Germany – 13,4 % (2005 – 13,4 %), Ukraine – 6,6 % (8,3), China – 7,9 % (6,2), Japan – 5,7 % (5,5), the USA – 4,6 (4,9), Italy – 4,1 % (4,3), South Korea – 5,7 % (3,2), France – 3,9 % (3,7), the Great Britain -2,7 % (2,9 %).
Growth of import was provided due to increase in physical volumes of import. In the accounting period the physical volume of import has grown on 28,3 %. The increase in import volumes promoted expansion of internal demand.
The increase in import volumes promoted expansion of internal demand. The real salary of one worker in June, 2006 has raised on 15,2 %, and a turn of retail trade on 13,7 %. In 2006 monetary incomes of the population have made 1417,8 billion roubles.
Real effective strengthening of rouble to foreign currencies in 2006 on 8,4 % promoted import. In the accounting period import of machines, the equipment and vehicles has increased for 48,6 % and has made 26196,4 million dollars.
So, the analysis of growth of the world trade of Russia has shown, that in export activity the volume of export has increased due to contract prices.
In import activity, on the contrary, in the accounting period of 85,1 % - due to physical volumes, and 14,9 % - due to a rise in prices. Really the economy of Russia has shown good rates of economic growth.
Дата: 2019-07-24, просмотров: 228.