Structure and the basic commodity streams of the international trade at the present stage of development
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Considering structure of the world trade in the beginning of XXI century, it is possible to see essential changes. The share of the trade of a manufacturing industry has increased with 1/3 up to 3/4, on the foodstuffs and raw material it is necessary about 1/5 commodity circulations. More than 40 % of all modern world export are machines and the equipment.

The commodity structure of the world trade changes under influence of a scientific and technological revolution, a deepening of the international division of labour. Now the share of such kinds of production, as production of a manufacturing industry, machines, the equipment, chemical production, the high technology goods especially quickly grows.

One of quickly developing spheres of the international trade is trade in chemical production.

Consumption of raw material and power resources has increased. However rates of growth of trade in raw material noticeably lag behind the general rates of growth of the world trade.

Active trade in machines and the equipment has generated a number of new services, such as engineering, leasing, consulting, information services.

Export of the electrotechnical and electronic equipment quickly grows. On its share it is necessary more than 25 % of all export of machine-technical production.

The commodity structure of the international trade testifies to a level of economic development of the state.

In 2005, according to WTO, there was a growth of the international commodity circulation more than on 13 % at cost up to a level of 10,4 bln. dollars.

The important role in commodity structure of the world trade is played oil and other fuel goods. The share of fuel raw material has increased up to 16 %. For example, Norway is the third in the world the exporter of oil and gas. The Incorporated Arab Emirates the fourth in the world exporters of oil and gas.

The basic share in the international trade in the goods is occupied with the advanced countries with market economy. The leader of the world trade by the goods are the USA, on 2-nd place the Germany, on 3-rd place the Japan.

The leading countries – exporters of the world are: 1 place - Germany (10 % of the world export); 2 place - USA (9,7 %) and further places are distributed as follows: Japan (6,3 %); China (5,9 %); France, the Great Britain (4,1 %); Netherlands (3,9 %); on 11-th place Hong Kong, and Russia on 17-th place (1,8 %).

The leading countries – importers are: the USA - 16,8 % (1 place); Germany – 7,7 % (2); the Great Britain – 5,3 % (3); Japan – 4,9 % (7); and Russia in the given list occupies 23 place – 1 %.

According to WTO, the largest manufacturer, the exporter and the importer of an industrial output remains the USA. On their share 14 % of the world export and 19 % of import are necessary. The USA is the world's largest pure importer of production of mechanical engineering.

The tendency of the international trade is the increase in volumes of trade between less developed countries.

The share of the countries of the Western Europe in the world export made 32 %. On EU 85 % of export and 77 % of import of the industrial goods are necessary.

The beginning of XXI century was characterized by significant shifts in the external economic sphere of Spain. In 2004 on its share was necessary 4,1 % of the world trade, including 1,9 % on export and 2,2 % on import.

The commodity structure of the Russian export to last years keeps the raw orientation. Dominating positions occupy the fuel and energy goods, black and nonferrous metals and chemical fertilizers.

It is necessary to note, that on structure of the international trade the greatest influence render a scientific and technological revolution, a deepening of the international division of labour. In the world trade growth of chemical production, a manufacturing industry, a machine engineering industry, power resources is observed, that is the precondition for development of new services.

Дата: 2019-07-24, просмотров: 201.