Affect – influence
Attempt – try
Calculate – compute
Challenge – question
Demonstrate – show
Identify – distinguish
Include – involve
Investigate – study
Provide – give
Exercise 3. Read extracts from academic books containing other key verbs. Give the synonyms to the following:
1) divide things into groups according to their type
2) discover or get proof of
3) explain
4) given
5) proved
6) (formal) tries
- In developing methods to explain the significance of health status measures, one can classify (divide things into groups according to their type) ways of establishing (discover or get proof of) quality of life into two main types.
- The length of time spent on the tasks may account for (explain) the decrease in motivation which was seen in many of the participants.
- The data presented (given) in Chapter 3 showed (proved ) that the age of the subjects was not the main factor.
- Political theory attempts ((formal) tries)to build bridges between different schools of political thought.
Exercise 4. Consider the table of using a verb + the noun form of the key verb in academic style and give your own examples with the words in bold. Rewrite sentences given below using the word in brackets and make any necessary changes to other words.
verb | verb + noun | example |
explain | give/provide/offer an explanation (of/for) | The model providesanexplanation for the differences between the two sets of data. |
explore | carry out an exploration (of) | Kumar carriedoutanexploration of music genius. |
emphasise | place/put emphasis (on) | The hospital puts a lot of emphasis on training nurses. |
describe | give/provide a description (of) | The book givesadescription of modern Europe. |
1 Erikson's theory explains provides an explanation the fluctuations in the figures for this period. (provides)
2 Bevan explored carried out an exploration into the relationship between family background and political ambition. (exploration)
3 The book describes provides a description of the life and times of Abraham Lincoln. (description)
4 Cheng's theory emphasizes puts emphasis on the importance of extensive reading in language acquisition. (puts)
Exercise 5. Complete each phrase with the appropriate noun.
1) investigate = conduct, carry out an came
2) illustrate = provide an consumes, generate of
3) analyse = provide, carry out an played of
4) affect = have an investigated on
5) attempt = make an invalidate to/at
6) classify = make, provide a combincs/combined of
Exercise 6. Choose the best verb from Exercise 3 or Exercise 4 to complete these sentences. Put the verb into the correct form.
1 As can be seen from Table П, participation figures have been steadily falling since 1970.
2 Different authors have amounted for the President's actions in different ways.
3 Mendel attempted to devise a system for classifying the many different types of pea plant that he grew.
4 It is often most effective to present your data in a chart or table.
5 The data we have collected show that there has been a downward trend with regard to job satisfaction over the last 50 years.
6 The aim of the research is to develop a new software application which will help aviation engineers design more sophisticated aircraft.
7 The archaeologists should be able to use carbon dating techniques to establish exactly how old the bones are.
8 Charles Darwin attempted to explain the existence of different species in terms of evolution.
Note: The verbs affect and effect are different. To affect means to influence, to effect means to make something happen / to bring about. The burning of fossil fuels has negatively affected the global climate. The procedure has been successful and has effected a return to normal functioning of the engine. |
Дата: 2019-07-24, просмотров: 5474.