Exercise 1. Use nouns referring to ideas in the sentences of your own and choose the most appropriate noun to complete sentences given below.
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
example (with prepositions underlined) comment
She wrote an article on the subject of class. thing which is being discussed, considered or studied
The theme of the poem is emigration. main subject of a talk, book, etc.
The students were given a list of essay topics. used to refer to what one is studying or writing about
There was a lively debate on the issue ofglobalisation in the seminar yesterday. subject/problem which people are thinking/talking about
Political theory is a popular undergraduate subject. Einstein's theory of gravitation has been questioned recently. statement of the rules on which a subject of study is based or, more generally, an opinion or explanation
The model of climate change presented in the Stern Review seems to be becoming a reality. a representation of something as a simple description which might be used in calculations
The book is called 'The Nature of Intelligence'. main characteristic of something
Human behaviour is based on theprinciple of least effort. basic idea or rule that explains how something happens or works


1 Environmental issues should be at the top of today's political agenda.

2 In the exam students had to choose three from a choice of ten essay topics.

3 There are still people who are reluctant to accept theory of evolution.

4 The professor decided to take moral courage as the theme for his inaugural lecture.

5 The London underground map is best understood as a model showing how the different stations relate to one another rather than a precise representation of their distances from each other.

6 The Peter Principle states that members of a hierarchical group will usually end up being promoted to the point at which they become incompetent.


Exercise 2. Match each noun connected with ideas in bold with the most appropriate comment.

example (with prepositions underlined) comment
Repetition is an important aspect of speech development in children. one individual part of a situation, problem, subject, etc.  
Automatic backup is a feature of the new software. a typical quality of something  
The political motives for the government's actions are beyond the scope of this essay. range of a subject covered by a book, discussion, class, etc.
The study revealed a pattern of results which could be interpreted in either of two ways. showed a regularly repeated arrangement  
During 2005, the number of violent attacks increased to an alarming degree. amount or level  


Exercise 3. Read titles of academic books and articles and note the key nouns referring to ways of thinking, processes and activities and their prepositions. Find the equivalents to the following words and phrases:

1) importance

2) ability to establish the identity of something

3) judgement of the amount, value, quality or importance of

4) arguments, facts and reasons in support of or against something

5) way of considering something

6) different particular or individual ways of considering something

7) having special interest in or experience of something, and so being well informed

8) research is often also used with the preposition on

9) a system of ways of studying something

Micro-organisms in water: their significance1 and identification2

Renewable energy: a critical assessment3 of recent research

The Case4 for Change: Rethinking Teacher Education. Towards a New Approach5

Perspectives6 on Ecological Management: A study of public awareness7 of river pollution

Citizens' Views on Healthcare Systems in the European Union

Epidemiological research into8 asthma and allergic disease: establishing a standardised methodology9


Дата: 2019-07-24, просмотров: 3123.