Lisa: Hello. My name is Lisa Oshima and I’m currently a PhD candidate at Imperial College London. My research focuses on developing odour-sensing robots. This is useful because humans have a poor sense of smell, and so we have to rely on other methods to detect particular odours. For example, we use trained sniffer dogs to locate people trapped in buildings, chemical leaks or illegal drugs. However, there are a number of problems with using dogs. First they cannot communicate exactly what they have detected. But a robot could. Secondly, it is difficult to tell if an animal’s sense of smell is in some way impaired. But a malfunctioning robot would be easily spotted. Third, animals require extensive training with …
Carlos: Well, you remembered everything, and you spoke clearly, and not too fast, but...
Well, one thing is you sound very bored. Your voice is always at the same level. Well, if you listen to English- speaking people, they stress the important words. They make them louder and stronger. And their voice goes up and down more. ... So try to work out which your important words are and stress them. And another thing connected to this is that you don't pause enough.
So I guess you should plan when to pause too. And there were some words you had problems with. I guess you just need to practise those problem words or groups again and again. Why don’t you ask an English speaker to record it for you? Then you can listen and try to copy them.
Exercise 4. Complete the notes below.
Good: Remembered everything
Spoke more (1) clearly
Speed OK
Practise more:
Make important words (2) louder and (3) stronger . Plan when to (4) pause
Practise (5) problem words many times
Ask an (6) English (7) speaker to record your presentation so you can copy them.
Exercise 5. Complete the phrases with information that is true for you. Then practise saying the sentences, paying attention to stress and intonation.
1. Hello. My name is Lisa Oshima and I’m currently a PhD candidate at Imperial College London.
2. My research focuses on developing odour-sensing robots.
3. This is useful because humans have a poor sense of smell, and so we have to rely on other methods to detect particular odours.
4. For example, we use trained sniffer dogs to locate people trapped in buildings, chemical leaks or illegal drugs.
5. However, there are a number of problems with using dogs.
Exercise 6. Imagine you are giving a short presentation like Lisa. Choose a topic in your own research area and plan a short presentation (about 70 words). Plan where you will pause and which words you will stress. Then memorise the text. Give feedback on each other’s presentations.
Hello. My name is Seryy Sergey, and I'm currently a master student at the Samara State Technical University. My dissertation topic is: Development of mathematical models of resource management on the basis of the apparatus of classical automatic control theory. In planning the operation of any enterprise should solve the problem of inventory management. To solve the problem of inventory management-E used the classical theory of automatic control. Tanna developed model allows us to maintain a given level of the dynamics of the insurance reserve in the enterprise, without the need of forecasting. The objective of inventory management is an integral part of the General problem of financial management for any production enterprise. In most cases, the purpose of inventory management is to ensure the continuity of processes of production and sales while minimizing the total costs for maintenance reserves. On the one hand, extremely large supply leads to the increase of the cost of storage, reducing the possible incomes due to the freezing of financial resources in inventory losses resulting from physical deterioration and moral obsolescence of inventory. On the other hand, inadequate supply causes interruptions in production, the drop in sales volume, disrupts well-established processes of interaction with other companies and may entail various administrative and economic sanctions.
Меня зовут Сергей Серый, и я в настоящее время магистрант в Самарском Государственном Техническом Университете. Моя тема диссертации называется: Разработка математических моделей управления ресурсами предприятия на базе аппарата классической теории автоматического управления. При планировании работы любого предприятия необходимо решить задачу управления запасами. Для решения задачи управления запасами применялась классическая теория автоматического управления. Разработанная модель позволяет в динамики поддерживать заданный уровень страхового запаса на предприятии, не требуя прогнозирования. Задача управления запасами является неотъемлемой частью общей проблемы управления финансовыми ресурсами для любого производственного предприятия. В большинстве случаев целью управления запасами является обеспечение бесперебойности процессов производства и реализации продукции при минимизации совокупных затрат по обслуживанию запасов. С одной стороны, чрезвычайно большой запас приводит к увеличению затрат на его хранение, сокращению возможных доходов из-за замораживания финансовых ресурсов в запасах, потерям в результате физической порчи и моральному старению запасов. С другой стороны, недостаточный запас вызывает перебои в работе производства, падение объемов реализации, нарушает отлаженные процессы взаимодействия с другими предприятиями и может повлечь за собой различные, как административные, так и экономические санкции.
Дата: 2019-07-24, просмотров: 826.