Кафедра «Философия»
Домашнее задание
по дисциплине
Английский язык
студент 1-АИТ-1М
Серый С.О.
Доброва В.В.
Самара 2017
Preparing for an interview
Exercise 1. Read the extract of an email to Lisa from Dr Caroline Hansford of SARF and then answer the following questions.
1. How will Lisa be interviewed?( By conference call)
2. What does she have to do before the interview? (Confirm her availability for the date and time, upload a video of her presenting her research proposal )
3. Why might this interview be particularly difficult? (She cannot see the interviewers, there might be a time delay between UK/Australia, it might be difficult to hear what is said)
...and we plan to hold interviews in the final week of July. Your interview has been scheduled for Thursday 28 July at 0900GMT. As you are currently based in the UK, we will be interviewing you by conference call. Please write back to us to confirm your availability for this date and time.
We will be asking all interviewees to deliver a short presentation of their research proposal at interview. In your case, we would like to ask you to upload a video of yourself giving such a presentation no later than Wednesday 20 July.
Exercise 2. Lisa has decided to write her presentation and then to memorise it. In pairs, make a note of the advantages and disadvantages of:
● reading your presentation from a script. The answer will be complete, but the listener will doubt that you know what you are talking about.
● memorising the script of your presentation. The listener will understand that you know your topic well, but there is a chance to forget the script.
● not using a script (using notes only). The answer is complete, but there is a chance to forget the text.
Exercise 3. Lisa has asked Carlos to listen to her presentation. Read Lisa’s presentation and Carlo's feedback and complete the notes below.
Lisa: Hello. My name is Lisa Oshima and I’m currently a PhD candidate at Imperial College London. My research focuses on developing odour-sensing robots. This is useful because humans have a poor sense of smell, and so we have to rely on other methods to detect particular odours. For example, we use trained sniffer dogs to locate people trapped in buildings, chemical leaks or illegal drugs. However, there are a number of problems with using dogs. First they cannot communicate exactly what they have detected. But a robot could. Secondly, it is difficult to tell if an animal’s sense of smell is in some way impaired. But a malfunctioning robot would be easily spotted. Third, animals require extensive training with …
Carlos: Well, you remembered everything, and you spoke clearly, and not too fast, but...
Well, one thing is you sound very bored. Your voice is always at the same level. Well, if you listen to English- speaking people, they stress the important words. They make them louder and stronger. And their voice goes up and down more. ... So try to work out which your important words are and stress them. And another thing connected to this is that you don't pause enough.
So I guess you should plan when to pause too. And there were some words you had problems with. I guess you just need to practise those problem words or groups again and again. Why don’t you ask an English speaker to record it for you? Then you can listen and try to copy them.
Exercise 4. Complete the notes below.
Good: Remembered everything
Spoke more (1) clearly
Speed OK
Practise more:
Make important words (2) louder and (3) stronger . Plan when to (4) pause
Practise (5) problem words many times
Ask an (6) English (7) speaker to record your presentation so you can copy them.
Exercise 6. Imagine you are giving a short presentation like Lisa. Choose a topic in your own research area and plan a short presentation (about 70 words). Plan where you will pause and which words you will stress. Then memorise the text. Give feedback on each other’s presentations.
Hello. My name is Seryy Sergey, and I'm currently a master student at the Samara State Technical University. My dissertation topic is: Development of mathematical models of resource management on the basis of the apparatus of classical automatic control theory. In planning the operation of any enterprise should solve the problem of inventory management. To solve the problem of inventory management-E used the classical theory of automatic control. Tanna developed model allows us to maintain a given level of the dynamics of the insurance reserve in the enterprise, without the need of forecasting. The objective of inventory management is an integral part of the General problem of financial management for any production enterprise. In most cases, the purpose of inventory management is to ensure the continuity of processes of production and sales while minimizing the total costs for maintenance reserves. On the one hand, extremely large supply leads to the increase of the cost of storage, reducing the possible incomes due to the freezing of financial resources in inventory losses resulting from physical deterioration and moral obsolescence of inventory. On the other hand, inadequate supply causes interruptions in production, the drop in sales volume, disrupts well-established processes of interaction with other companies and may entail various administrative and economic sanctions.
Меня зовут Сергей Серый, и я в настоящее время магистрант в Самарском Государственном Техническом Университете. Моя тема диссертации называется: Разработка математических моделей управления ресурсами предприятия на базе аппарата классической теории автоматического управления. При планировании работы любого предприятия необходимо решить задачу управления запасами. Для решения задачи управления запасами применялась классическая теория автоматического управления. Разработанная модель позволяет в динамики поддерживать заданный уровень страхового запаса на предприятии, не требуя прогнозирования. Задача управления запасами является неотъемлемой частью общей проблемы управления финансовыми ресурсами для любого производственного предприятия. В большинстве случаев целью управления запасами является обеспечение бесперебойности процессов производства и реализации продукции при минимизации совокупных затрат по обслуживанию запасов. С одной стороны, чрезвычайно большой запас приводит к увеличению затрат на его хранение, сокращению возможных доходов из-за замораживания финансовых ресурсов в запасах, потерям в результате физической порчи и моральному старению запасов. С другой стороны, недостаточный запас вызывает перебои в работе производства, падение объемов реализации, нарушает отлаженные процессы взаимодействия с другими предприятиями и может повлечь за собой различные, как административные, так и экономические санкции.
Before your interview ● Find out exactly who you will be talking to ● Check whether they will be able to (1) see you or just hear you ● Check the date, time, the (2) phone number to dial in on, and the right code to access the conference call ● Read your CV and (3) application form again ● Practise answering questions you might be asked ● Prepare(4) questions to ask the interviewer | During your interview ● Don’t be (5) late ! ● Use your (6) tone of voice to sound confident and enthusiastic ● Do not (7) shuffle papers (this will make a noise) ● Sit in a (8) comfortable position – do not move about too much ● Speak very clearly, (9) facing the microphone ● When the interview is over, (10) thank the interviewer(s) and end positively |
Making a presentation
Exercise 1. Read the sentences concerning “Introducing the presenter” and “Getting started” and fill in the missing words in these introductions to presentations.
Introducing the presenter
- Let's welcome Carmen Grcgori, who's going to talk to us today on the subject of 'Healthcare in Paraguay'
- Now I'd like to call on Mieko to make/give her presentation. Mieko, thank you.
- OK, thank you everybody. Now, Dr Ulla Fensel is going to present her research to us.
- I I'd like to introduce Dr Li Meiju, who's going to address (speak to / talk about) the topic of 'Preventive medicine'.
Getting started
-'In this presentation I'd like to focus on recent developments in biomass fuels. I'll speak for about 45 minutes, to allow time for questions and comments. Feel free to (informal way of giving permission) interrupt if you have any questions or want to make a comment.'
- 'First I'll give a brief overview of the current situation with regard to intellectual property rights, then I'd like to raise a few issues concerning the internet. I'll try to leave (less formal than allow) time for questions at the end.'
- 'I'd like to begin by looking at some previous studies of ocean temperatures. There's a handout going round (which is being distributed), and there are some spare (extra) copies here if you want them.'
- 'In this talk I'll present the results of a study I did (more formal carried out / conducted) for my dissertation. I'll try not to go over time and keep to 20 minutes.'
1. Dr Anwar Musat will now present his research on soil erosion in Malaysian forests.
2. I'd now like to call on our next speaker, Eva Karlsson, to make/give (give two answers) her presentation.
3. Ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome our next speaker, Professor Prodromou from the University of Athens.
4.Thanks, everybody. So, Masanori is going to talk to us now on the subject of 'Mental health issues in Japan'.
5. I'd like to introduce today's speaker, Dr Krishnan Guptar, who is going to address the topic of metal fatigue in rail tracks.
Key nouns
Nouns and prepositions
Exercise 1. Consider the table of groups of related nouns sharing prepositions and fill in the missing prepositions.
nouns | preposition(s) | example |
book, article, essay, lecture, dissertation, project, assignment | About (for more general subjects), on ( for more specific, detailed works) | In 1978, Da Silva published a book about the history of emigration. She wrote a dissertation on teenage slang in New York. |
research (see also B), investigation, inquiry | into | Kelly (1969) conducted an investigation into the origins of international terrorism. |
analysis, examination, exploration (see also B), study | of | The article offers an analysis of the potential impact of the H5NI Avian Flu virus. |
problem, difficulty | of, with | He gave a lecture on the problem of global warming. One difficulty with this approach is that a set of results may allow different interpretations. |
reason, motivation, rationale (see also B) | for | Economists have recently questioned the rationale for government spending. |
1. One difficulty with the class questionnaire was that some students had already left the course and could not be contacted.
2. She wrote a dissertation on wild flower conservation in Finland in the 1990s.
3. The book is an exploration of the origins of the economic crisis of 1997.
4. The rationale for the present research is the need to better understand the process of agreement in international law.
5. Research on spoken language has been considerably assisted in recent years by the availability of computerised databases or 'corpora'.
6. Prippen's (1984) book was an inquiry into the foundations of nationalism.
7. What is Kazuo Matsui's book about ? Have you read it?
8. He did a study of the problem of side-impact automobile collisions.
Exercise 2. Consider the table of nouns commonly associated with particular prepositions and correct the mistakes in the use of prepositions in these sentences. There may be more than one mistake per sentence.
nouns | preposition | example |
look, attempt, point, age | at | An attempt at integration of economic and psychological theories of consumption |
changes, differences, increase, decrease | in | Gender differences in risk-taking in financial decision making |
insight, inquiry, research, investigation | into | An investigation into sleep characteristics of children with autism |
work, research, influence, emphasis, effect | on | Genetic influence on smoking - a study of male twins |
basis, idea, part, lack, exploration, means | of | A computerised clinical decision support system as a means of implementing depression guidelines |
need, reason, basis, case, preference | for | Assessing organisational culture: the case for multiple methods |
relation, approach, response, attention | to | Communicating with strangers: an approach to intercultural communication |
attitude, tendency, move, progress | to/towards | Progress towards sustainable regional development |
principle, rationale, assumptions, logic | behind | Questioning the assumptions behind art criticism |
relationship, difference, distinction | between | The relationship between educational technology and student achievement in mathematics |
1. Her dissertation produced some interesting insights to into how young children develop a visual sense of the world and the age in at which development is most noticeable.
2. The reason of for the unwillingness of the people involved in the demonstration to be interviewed was fear of being arrested later.
3. Hierstat's approach at to the analysis of solar phenomena is different from that of Donewski. He questioned the assumptions under behind much of the previous research.
4. Changes of in the rate of growth of the cells were observed over time.
5. A lack in of funding led to the cancellation of the project, and social scientists blamed the negative attitude of the government on to social science research.
6. Jawil's article puts great emphasis into on the need of more research and argues the case of for greater attention on to the causes of poverty rather than the symptoms.
Exercise 3. Match each noun with the preposition that usually follows it.
Behind - principle, rationale.
Between - difference, relationship.
For - preference, reason.
Into - insight.
On - effect, emphasis.
to/towards - attitude, tendency.
Exercise 4. Underline typical academic noun + preposition combinations
The possible ecological effects of climate change are often in the news, as is the matter of whether the potential impact can be predicted. New work on a migratory bird, the pied flycatcher, takes things a stage further by showing how a climate-related population decline was actually caused. Timing is key. Over the past 17 years flycatchers declined strongly in areas where caterpillar numbers peak early, but in areas with a late food peak there was no decline. The young birds arrive too late in places where caterpillars have already responded to early warmth. Mistiming like this is probably a common consequence of climate change, and may be a major factor in the decline of many long-distance migratory bird species.
Key verbs
Exercise 1. Read the examples of tasks which students have been given and note key verbs for structuring academic assignments. How the underlined words can be reworded by the following ones:
1) which are part of/included in
2) organise and do
3) draw something in order to explain something
4) accepting something to be true
5) discover by calculating
6) judge the number or amount of something and adding, multiplying, subtracting or dividing numbers
7) recognise someone or something and say or prove who or what they are
8) show, make clear
9) give
10) questions whether it is true
11) look at or consider carefully and in detail
a) Discuss some of the problems involved(which are part of/included in) in investigating attitudes to diet and health. Write a critical review of an investigation you have read about, or describe an investigation you yourself could conduct (organise and do). Consider the advantages and disadvantages of different methods.
b) Starting from rest, an aircraft accelerates to its take-off speed of 60 m s~' in a distance of 900 metres. Illustrate (draw something in order to explain something) this with a velocity-time graph. Assuming (accepting something to be true) constant acceleration, find (discover by calculating) how long the take-off run lasts. Hence calculate (judge the number or amount of something and adding, multiplying, subtracting or dividing numbers) the acceleration.
c) The fact that nations agree to follow international law demonstrates (show, make clear) that we can identify (recognise someone or something and say or prove who or what they are) ideals that are trans-national and trans-cultural.' How far is this statement true? Critically analyse any recent event which supports or challenges (questions whether it is true) the statement.
d) Examine (look at or consider carefully and in detail) how industrial growth has affected any two developing countries. Provide (give) statistical evidence where necessary and include a discussion of likely future trends.
Кафедра «Философия»
Домашнее задание
по дисциплине
Английский язык
студент 1-АИТ-1М
Серый С.О.
Доброва В.В.
Самара 2017
Preparing for an interview
Exercise 1. Read the extract of an email to Lisa from Dr Caroline Hansford of SARF and then answer the following questions.
1. How will Lisa be interviewed?( By conference call)
2. What does she have to do before the interview? (Confirm her availability for the date and time, upload a video of her presenting her research proposal )
3. Why might this interview be particularly difficult? (She cannot see the interviewers, there might be a time delay between UK/Australia, it might be difficult to hear what is said)
...and we plan to hold interviews in the final week of July. Your interview has been scheduled for Thursday 28 July at 0900GMT. As you are currently based in the UK, we will be interviewing you by conference call. Please write back to us to confirm your availability for this date and time.
We will be asking all interviewees to deliver a short presentation of their research proposal at interview. In your case, we would like to ask you to upload a video of yourself giving such a presentation no later than Wednesday 20 July.
Exercise 2. Lisa has decided to write her presentation and then to memorise it. In pairs, make a note of the advantages and disadvantages of:
● reading your presentation from a script. The answer will be complete, but the listener will doubt that you know what you are talking about.
● memorising the script of your presentation. The listener will understand that you know your topic well, but there is a chance to forget the script.
● not using a script (using notes only). The answer is complete, but there is a chance to forget the text.
Дата: 2019-07-24, просмотров: 913.