Ex 6. Read the text about Southern Federal University to learn more information about it.
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

          Southern Federal University is one of the large centers of education in the south of Russia.

There are12 institutes, 5 academies and 6 departments in its structure: University of Architecture and Arts, Physics faculty, Biology academy, Chemistry faculty, the Institute of Earth sciences, and other educational units.

Also there are 11 research institutes, 150 centers and 220 laboratories at the University.

It’s a non-campus University because several buildings for study and 8 Halls of Residence are around the city. There are currently about 45.000 students, 500 international students and competent teaching staff, including: professors, candidates of science, associate professors, assistants, and teachers.

The course of studies at the University is split into 4-6 academic years if one works for a Bachelor’s degree, and 6 years for a Master’s degree. There are full-time, part-time students and students of distant learning who are trained in 212 educational programmes.

    The academic year is divided into 2 semesters. At the end of each semester students take tests, semester or final exams. The students have to submit their graduation thesis paper at the end of the course of studies. In addition to this some faculties require students to write term papers in the course of the academic year.

After graduating from the University, students receive Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees, those who took a five-year course receive Diplomas of higher education. If students want to continue their research they take post-graduate course and get a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy degree). Students don’t need to pay tuition fees, but they have to buy some text-books and food.

The University gives students a lot of opportunities while studying and doing social activities. There are some facilities for doing academic and sports activities in Botanic gardens, in summer camp on the Black sea coast and in centers for practical training. Students take part in different music and sports competitions. Discussions, meetings, master-classes, festivals are very popular during the semester. 

Comprehension check

Ex. 5 Answer the questions:

1) Is SFU a large university? Why?

2) How many research institutes are there?

3) Is it a campus or non-campus University? Why? Why not?

4) What workers do the University staff consist of?

5) How long is the course of studies at SFU?

6) How many semesters is academic year divided into?

7) What degrees do students get at the end of the study?

8) What are the facilities for doing academic and sports activities?


Ex. 6 Match the following synonymous expressions:

1 faculty members A payment for education
2 Halls of Residence B to demand
3 graduates C teachers and students
4 post-graduate students D to divide into
5 to require E to present
6 to split into F alumni
7 to submit G hostels
8 tuition fees H PhD students

Ex.7 Read and complete the sentences with a new word from the word on the right:


There are several institutes, academies, departments and other _______units in the structure of SFU.


The ______ staff include a great number of competent or skilled professors and assistants.


There are 212 educational programmes for _______and ________students.


After ______ from the University, students receive their qualification due to the programme they have chosen.


In summer students are trained in 2 centers for _____ training.


University students are members of sports, dancing and musical______.


The curriculum requires _____ exams in some courses.


The _____ is not very complex, but the competition is severe.




Ex. 8 Study the grammar box to revise comparatives and superlatives in the English language:


Large + er= larger

Lively+ er = livelier

Beautiful - more  beautiful Crowded - more crowded


Large + est = the largest Lively+ est = the liveliest

Дата: 2019-07-24, просмотров: 710.