____ | 1 | When learning I watch the teacher’s face a lot. |
____ | 2 | I use colours when I take down notes or read. |
____ | 3 | I get good ideas while I am doing some physical activity. |
____ | 4 | It helps me a lot if I discuss things with other people. |
____ | 5 | I prefer spoken to written instruction. |
____ | 6 | I prefer looking at a map to listen to the directions in the city. |
____ | 7 | I don’t like studying at a desk, but on the floor, on the bed. |
____ | 8 | I take notes but they are in a mess. |
____ | 9 | I can easily understand charts, maps, diagrams. |
____ | 10 | I can’t sit still for very long time. |
____ | 11 | I like making things with my hands. |
____ | 12 | I like to take a lot of breaks when I study. |
____ | 13 | I use a lot of body language. |
____ | 14 | I can’t picture things in my head very well. |
____ | 15 | I like telling jokes and can remember them well. |
____ | 16 | I take lots of notes when I read or listen to a lecture. |
____ | 17 | I like to talk when I write. |
____ | 18 | I prefer reading but not to be read to. |
____ | 19 | I can see pictures in my head. |
____ | 20 | If I study aloud, I can remember better. |
____ | 21 | If I write something down, I remember it better. |
____ | 22 | I remember what people say better than they look like. |
____ | 23 | I like creating models of what I am learning. |
____ | 24 | If I don’t look at a speaker, I can still follow what he is saying. |
Transfer your score and add them up:
1 | __________ | 3 | _________ | 4 | _______ | |
2 | _________ | 7 | _________ | 5 | _______ | |
6 | _________ | 8 | _________ | 14 | ______ | |
9 | __________ | 10 | _________ | 15 | ______ | |
16 | ________ | 11 | ________ | 17 | ______ | |
18 | _________ | 12 | _________ | 20 | ______ | |
19 | _________ | 13 | _________ | 22 | ______ | |
21 | _________ | 23 | _________ | 24 | _______ | |
________ | __________ | ________ | ||||
Visual learner
Ex. 4 Read and complete the sentences with a new word from the word on the right:
1) University students do a lot of_______which make their life more interesting. | ACTIVE |
2) She finds it difficult to remember ______when somebody explains her in the city. | DIRECT |
3) This company looks for responsible and _______ staff. | CREATE |
4) She is definitely a ______ learner, she takes a lot of notes during the lectures. | VISION |
5) Some teachers don’t know how to motivate kinaesthetic _______ . 6) I can __________read and understand simple texts in English. 7) My main_______ in learning English is grammar. 8) It’s easy for me to understand ________ instructions. 9) It helps me a lot, if I see the face of a ________. 10) Our University invites foreign________every year. | LEARN EASY PREFER WRITE SPEAK LECTURE |
Ex.5 Match the following words from the text:
1 | to take down | A | jokes |
2 | to understand | B | aloud |
3 | to tell | C | body language |
4 | to get | D | notes |
5 | to study | E | things |
6 | to picture | F | diagrams |
7 | to use | G | ideas |
Speaking |
Ex. 6 Put a tick (۷) what you like doing in class and put a cross (x) what annoys you. Start with:
- I like+…. /I enjoy+… /I prefer+…
- I dislike+… /I hate+… /I can’t stand+…
Reading texts in English | |
Making up dialogues | |
Listening to CDs | |
Doing translation from Russian into English | |
Writing letters or essays | |
Speaking to the group mates in English | |
Watching English movies | |
Doing grammar exercises | |
Making presentations | |
Doing research in English |
Reading |
Ex. 7 Read the short texts and say which student (Jack, Susan or Mark) is the most successful in your opinion:
Text A
Jack takes learning English very seriously. He is mainly keen on English grammar- he spends many hours at home studying grammar books and doing exercises. In class, he always has a lot of questions to the teacher- in fact, he knows so much about grammar that sometimes his teacher finds it hard to answer. Jack learns vocabulary. He enjoys working with his bilingual dictionary and looking up any new word. His pronunciation is quite good too. He quite enjoys his English classes but he thinks his teacher wastes too much time on group work. He doesn’t like speaking to other students. He doesn’t like to make mistakes.
Text B
Susan really enjoys her foreign classes, though she is very busy in her job. She likes her teacher and her group mates, she enjoys speaking English both with the teacher and with other students. She always tries to say as much as she can, even if the topic is not something that really interests her- it’ s still good practice. She tries to correct herself and use the new words. Susan is rather good at grammar. When she meets new grammar she tries to work out the rules herself. She sometimes gets the chance to practise English at work, when she meets English speaking colleagues.
Text C
Mark doesn’t really know why he is learning English, but maybe it’ll be useful some day. Anyway, his parents are paying a lot of money for his lessons. He attends most of these classes but he’s generally late. His teacher always explains new vocabulary and grammar in English, but Mark doesn’t usually listen very hard to the parts of the lesson- his friend John speaks much better English than he does, so he asks him to translate the teacher’s words. The teacher sometimes asks him questions. He usually answers in one word. The topics don’t interest him much.
Ex.8 Write J for Jack, S for Susan and M for Mark. Say who….
1) likes English classes very much. ______
2) answers the teacher’s questions in one word.______
3) enjoys learning grammar.______
4) learns vocabulary.______
5) doesn’t like group work._______
6) doesn’t know the reason of learning English.______
7) practices English apart from the work in class.______
8) doesn’t usually listen very hard._______
Дата: 2019-07-24, просмотров: 337.