What do you think is this a famous person?
What is he famous for? What is his name?
Decision advantages disadvantages freedom all over the world
Решение преимущества недостатки мир во всем мире
Текстовый этап или Стадия осмысления содержания
Группа делится на 3 команды по четыре ученика в каждой команде
Read the text and say what Andrei Sakharov is famous for.
Andrei Sakharov was born in 21 May, 1921 in Moscow in Russia. After graduating from Moscow State University in 1942 he started his work in physics. By the age of 32 he was one of the world's most famous scientists who lived in 1953. A. Sakharov became the youngest аacademician in Russia. Unlike many scientists A. Sakharov realized advantages and disadvantages of technical progress in modern world. And at the end of the 50s he decided to devote himself to fighting against future atomic wars. He was also one of those who founded the Moscow Committee on Human Rights. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1975.In December 1987 Sakharov participated in the International Conference against atomic wars. The Conference took place in Moscow. A. Sakharov started his official career as a member of Russian Parliament in 1987.A. Sakharov is the author of several books on progress and freedom all over the world.
He died on the 14 of December, 1989. Now, many years after A. Sakharov's death people still remember him and share his ideas.
Каждый учащийся получает текст и вопросы по содержанию текста.
Вопросы записаны на карточке определенного цвета (по 3 вопроса каждому).
Учащиеся читают текст биографии в «родной» группе, с целью найти ответы на свои вопросы, подчеркивают ответы, затем собираются при помощи цветовых карточек в экспертные группы, обсуждают, приходят к общему мнению.
1. When was Andrei Sakharov born?
2. Where was he born?
3. What university was he study?
4. What did he do after graduating from Moscow State University?
5. When did he become an academician?
6. What did he decided to do at the end of 50s?
7. He was one of those who founded the Moscow Committee on Human Rights, wasn’t he?
8. What prize did he win in 1975?
9. When did Andrei Sakharov participate in the International Conference against atomic wars?
10. Where did the Conference take place?
11. Did he start his official career as a member of Russian Parliament in 1989?
12. Why do the people still remember him?
Послетекстовый этап или стадия рефлексии
Идет работа в экспертных группах, а затем вновь в «родных». Вернувшись в родную группу, эксперты в порядке следования цветов знакомят товарищей с ответами на вопросы. После такой работы любой ученик из команды может дать ответ на любой вопрос по тексту. Идет озвучивание: вопрос – ответ
Стадию рефлексии можно усилить творческим заданием:
( Decision, technical progress, atomic wars, the Nobel Peace Prize, freedom)
Andrei Sakharov was famous for his decision to devote himself to fighting against future atomic wars. He realized advantages and disadvantages of technical progress in modern world. He won the Nobel Peace Prize. Sakharov is the author of several books on progress and freedom all over the world.
1921 – He was born
1942 – He started his work in physics
1953 – Andrei Sakharov became the youngest academician in Russia
1975 - He won the Nobel Peace Prize
1987 – Sakharov participated in the International conference against atomic war.
1989 – He died on the 14 of December 1989.
По этим шпаргалкам нужно воспроизвести прочитанный текст.
Дата: 2019-07-24, просмотров: 282.