Denote natural pre-conditions and psychological nature of abilities and gifts formation and development
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Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

As scientists point out, abilities are not acquired by man in the finished form as something given to him by nature, innate, but are formed during his life in activity. Since a person becomes a person, and abilities are a property of a person, it means that they are gradually revealed.

Being a personality trait, abilities have biological, or natural, prerequisites that help them to open up and form. The natural prerequisites of abilities are the makings.

The makings are the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the brain and nervous system, which are an individually-natural prerequisite for the process of formation and development of abilities.

The natural prerequisites of abilities include a whole range of features, among which the increased sensitivity of the analyzers to external stimuli. A. G. Kovalev believes that the makings is the primary natural feature of the organism, which manifests itself as soon as a person begins to engage in some kind of activity. Scientists have discovered that some parts of the brain are directly related to working with symbols, and A. R. Luria established the interaction of brain blocks that are the cause of conscious action. If there are violations in this interaction, then the integrity and generalization of perception suffer (the patient puts the matches instead of the vermicelli). Naturally, with such a violation of perception, even simple mental activity is impossible.

The presence of inclinations is one of the conditions for the disclosure and formation of abilities. But by themselves they definitely do not predetermine their formation. B. M. Teplov advanced the idea of ​​the ambiguity of the makings, that is, on the basis of the makings of one, various abilities can be formed. The ability of empathy to other people is based on intuition, sensitivity, subtlety of experiences, speed of reflection of the experiences of another (lability), etc. Empathy is necessary for the doctor, teacher, social worker, etc., being the basis of their activities.

The teacher, sympathizing with the ill student, goes after lessons with him to study. The sensitivity of the nervous system of people is the basis of abilities in various activities.

The following qualities act as typologies: typological properties of the nervous system - strength or weakness, mobility, balance of the nervous system, work of different analyzers (sensory organs) and different areas of the cerebral cortex, on which the rate of formation of temporary nerve connections, strength of temporal connections, ease of differentiation , interaction of sensations, features of concentration of attention, stability and distribution of attention, mental performance, pace and rhythm of activity, individuals the structure of analyzers and certain areas of the cerebral cortex, the predominance of the first or second signal system, etc.

• General performance affects the quality of performance of activities: a capable person can achieve high results, working a lot, without getting tired.

Congenital features of the brain are manifested in typological features and serve as the primary natural properties. Strength and activity tone, balance, degree of sensitivity and mobility of the nervous processes in general form a living type of the nervous system and underlie volitional traits and communicative properties. The weak nervous system, which, from the point of view of B. M. Teplov and V. D. Nebylitsyn, is highly sensitive, has a positive effect on the manifestation and formation of artistic, artistic and musical abilities.

Thus, with the ambiguity of the makings of people, there are different ways of forming abilities, and the makings themselves influence the level of achievement and the speed of development and formation of abilities. Abilities that a person does not develop gradually fade away.



Дата: 2019-05-29, просмотров: 247.