Character (from the ancient Greek. Χαρακτήρ "sign, distinctive feature, sign") is the structure of persistent, relatively permanent mental properties that determine the characteristics of relationships and personality behavior. When people talk about character, they usually mean by that just such an aggregate of personal qualities and qualities that impose a certain stamp on all its manifestations and acts. Character traits are those essential properties of a person, which determine a particular mode of behavior, lifestyle. The science of characterology is concerned with the study of characters. The section of psychology that studies the differences between characters is called differential psychology.
The central, or pivotal, relationship of the individual is the relationship of the individual to others (the team) and the attitude of the individual to work and his work. The existence of central, core relations and the properties they determine in the structure of character is of practical importance in the education of man.
It is impossible to overcome certain shortcomings of character (for example, rudeness and deceit) and bring up certain positive features (for example, politeness and truthfulness), ignoring the central, core relations of the individual, namely, attitudes towards people. In other words, it is impossible to form only a certain property, it is possible to bring up only a whole system of interrelated properties, while paying primary attention to the formation of central, core relations, personality, namely attitudes towards people (team) and work.
Integrity of character, however, is not absolute. This is due to the fact that central, pivotal relations do not always fully determine the rest. There are people with a holistic or controversial character. At the same time, it should be noted that when the quantitative manifestation of a particular character trait reaches its limiting values and ends at the border of norms, the so-called character accentuation occurs.
Ernst Krechmer distinguished cyclothymic and schizotymic nature, which have similarities with the nature of the mentally ill, but do not go beyond the limits of the norm. In cyclothymics, mood swings are observed, like people with affective disorders, and schizotymics are similar in nature to people with schizophrenia. The author associated these features with the structure of the body (cyclothymia is more common in individuals with pyknic type of body build, schizo-chemistry - with athletic, asthenic or dysplastic type).
Character accentuation
Character accentuation is an extreme version of the norm as a result of the strengthening of individual traits. Accentuation of character under very unfavorable circumstances can turn into a personality disorder, but it would be wrong to attribute it to mental disorders.
Anomalies character
Pathological character occurs in personality disorders. Dysthymic character - timopathic abnormality of character, in which negative background emotions prevail (as in dysthymia). Also highlighted
Temperament also does not predetermine character traits, but there is a close relationship between temperament and character properties.
The dynamic characteristics of the manifestation of character depend on temperament. For example, the sanguine and phlegmatic sociability will manifest itself in different ways.
Temperament affects the development of individual character traits. Some properties of temperament contribute to the formation of certain character traits, others oppose.
Depending on the type of temperament of the child, it is necessary to use individual methods of influencing him in order to bring up the necessary traits of character.
There is also an inverse dependence of the manifestations of temperament on his character. Due to certain character traits a person can restrain undesirable manifestations of temperament under the circumstances.
Дата: 2019-05-29, просмотров: 231.