An ideal family – a myth or reality
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(What is your idea of ideal family?)

- An ideal family is more like a myth than reality in modern life?

- I should never have thought that discussion the problem of the ideal family is such a difficult thing.

- May be it’s really purely a matter of taste!

- Speaking my mind and ideal family is a myth, because an ideal family can’t be in ordinary life.

- It’s precisely what I am going to speak about. Every family has always some problems.

- Unfortunately many members of the family don’t stir a finger to help each other and that is why there are problems. And an ideal family can’t exist in reality.

- Perhaps we shouldn’t judge so bitterly. I know some families where there is love; understanding and respect i.e. there are ideal families. It’s reality.

- An ideal family is a lifetime dream, because a family can’t exist isolated independently from the society. And there is ideal society. So an ideal family is a myth to my mind.

- Don’t be so pessimistic. As far as I am concerned every person creates his own fate. If there is a purpose of creating and ideal family you may have it. Everything depends on us ourselves. If we believe in positive and try to do the best for it, everything will be OK.

- Tastes differ. But I quite agree with you that we ourselves can create and ideal family.


Should drug addiction and prostitution entail legal prosecution?

(What do you think of the causes of these phenomena?)


- No matter how hard the question about drug addiction and prostitution is, we couldn’t ignore it, because at present these processes are more popular than we would like to have.

- Exactly. My personal opinion is that it goes even further than that I can’t agree with those who denies legal prosecution of drug addiction and prostitution.

- But why? If some people want to deal with it perhaps let them do it!

- I’m not sure you are right about it. These things are immoral, they are harmful for people. We can’t forget about it.

- Here I differ with you. As it is known “Forbidden fruit is always sweet” Many people, especially young, try to use something. Extraordinary.

- I am inclined to think that you approve it? I must say I can see no reason to agree. Drug addiction and prostitution demonstrate the lowest qualities of the person. The society must help people to avoid these habits.

- But as far as understand. It is not easy to breakaway drug addiction and prostitution.

- Sure. First of all the person himself must realize the necessity to have a healthy way of life.

- And many people: relatives, friends, doctors are also involved in this difficult situation.

- Therefore in my opinion, there’s no place for prostitution and drug addiction in the society.

Married or single?

- My congratulations, to your recent marriage. I’d like to know whether you make haste or not?

- As far as can realize I didn’t commit an error. I really lost my heart to my husband.

- You want to say that you are meant for each other.

- I want to remind you of the fact that practically we my husband and me were acquainted for many years. And we hadn’t any confusion.

- So you drop a hint, that being married is better than being single?

- I don’t drop a hint. I know exactly, where you have a family with a favorite person you are lucky.

- It seems to me you don’t have the least notion of some disadvantages being married.

- Of course I’m married not so long ago, but I don’t want to think about the disadvantages concerning marriage.

- You are so inspired! But I’m not embarrassed that I’m single.

- Well, Now I understand why you are again marriage because you single.

- Don’t have such a rough tongue. But I want to open your eyes to some couple problems. I don’t want to marry, until I understand that my future spouse is my real second half.

- But according to you people mustn’t marry at all.

- Of course, tastes are differ! Some people fail in marriage, some fail being alone.

- I suggest when you are alone, you are unhappy, and when you have somebody’s love, care’ children you can’t be unhappy 1 that is you must be married.

Дата: 2019-05-28, просмотров: 256.