- Let’s discuss the problem of the courts in the USA. I know the courts are the overseers of the law. No matter who the man is, everybody should know something about the court.
- I quite agree with you. They administer the law, they resolve disputes under it.
- It each state served by the separate court system.
- Yes, that is so. State and federal system are organized into three basic levels of courts i.e. trial courts intermediate courts of appeal and a high court, or Supreme Court.
- And what are, the state courts concerned with?
- They are concerned essentially with cases arising under state law.
- And what about federal ones?
- Oh, they are concerned with cases arising under federal law.
- No matter how difficult it is to remember, but I want to know about trial courts more detailed.
- Will these courts include common pleas courts, municipal courts, county courts and mayors’ courts?
- Which of them is the most important?
- Of course the common pleas court is the most important. It is the court of general jurisdiction.
- Any civil on criminal cases may be brought here, may not they.
- Yes, of course.
- How, I see and what about probate and domestic division.
- Well, in short the probate division deals with wills and the administration of estates etc. and the domestic division deals with divorce, alimony, child custody.
- This division deserves nothing but great attention and what about the juvenile division?
- This division has jurisdiction over delinquent, unruly or neglected children and over adults.
- How do you think what is the main job of courts.
- No doubt it is to review cases appealed from trial courts to determine if the law was correctly interpreted and applied.
- The Supreme Court of each state is primarily a court of appeal and the court of last resort, isn’t it?
- Sure, it is.
- What is the federal court structure like?
- It is similar to the structure of the state court system. The trail courts in the federal system are the U.S. district courts.
- What is the highest court in the nation?
- The Supreme Court is the highest court in the nation. It consists of a chief justice and eight associate justices.
- Whom are they appointed by?
- They are appointed for life by the President with the advice and Consent of the Senate.
- What is its duty?
- Its duty is to decide whether laws passed by the Constitution.
- I am very pleased to know all this. And I hope it will help me in my future work as a lawyer.
Difficult children
- This year I’ll graduate from the university. And I am going to work at school. But children are in the first place at school. Though they sat I am meant to be a teacher. Sometimes I am afraid of so called “difficult” children.
- You see, “difficult” children are not a problem in comparison with many other problems.
- Nevertheless the problem deserves much attention of necessary. But one must concentrate all the efforts to understand the children, who to some extend are unhappy, who are inclined to use for example, drugs, to destroy order, and waste the greater part of the day.
- I am glad you to have a shift in your opinion, calling “difficult” children – unhappy. You may absorb much information about youth problems from magazines and newspapers, which confirm the fact, that working with children 1st of all you are to love them in spite of the fact they are children of awful habits.
- Well, I understood that to have success in future work with children. I love a way with these children. I’d like to talk with some experienced teaches who will be able to describe their long – termed work with much detail. No doubt, it will be of great importance for me.
- You must not only to learn the children themselves, but their families as well, who are in a light corner. You must be very convincible working with such families.
- Of course, I want to work at school though I am not so elated but I hope to find good relations with the children, and may be they won’t be “difficult” no longer.
- Good luck. Really. You are must be a teacher, no difficult frighten you.
Customs and holidays
- Many people like to celebrate different holidays now days. As you know the holidays are different: they may be – international, national, local, family, political, and cultural and others. Which of them do you prefer?
- There is a proverb: My home is my fortress. That is why I like family holidays ordinary though they are.
- By the way I quite agree with you on account of that fact that all the people love their families. First of all we like birthday parties. We prepare for them carefully.
- Certainly birthday parties – are the purest ones we put a fortune tree in the living room and decorate it with lanterns, crackers, with birthday wishes.
- Don’t make haste. Tell about the fortune tree in details.
- It is not so extraordinary we put a branch of a tree in a bowl. Then hang paper toys, sweets, crakes with wishes in it. And everyone is pleased to receive any prize.
- Great. I see you at your best. And what other family holidays do you celebrate except birthday?
- Well they are different family anniversaries: entering school, finishing it, entering the university and graduation from it, the anniversary of wedding party and so on.
- Well I see. It is so pleasant to be together with your relatives to make head or tall the sorrows, the troubles, the happiness of each other. By the way tomorrow is my birthday and I invite you.
- Certainly I’ll come and I want to suggest you to make place markers for your guests, decorating them with colored paper balloons with the name of your guests. I am sure they will know your party will be more joyful and interesting.
- Thanks a lot of. Doesn’t forget: tomorrow at 5 o’clock in the evening. My address is Flat 1. 54 Forest Street.
- Don’t worry. I‘ll be in time and by the way I want to clear up know are you about folklore?
- I like folk dances and songs and I want to show you my folk Russian dress.
- Oh, you have made it yourself!
- With a help of my relatives. I want you to hear Russian folk songs tomorrow. I know many of them. By the way my relatives can play folk instruments and we have a good time, resting together.
- It is curious. I hope I’ll like it too. I like Russian songs too.
A problem child
- All I can think is the problem of problem children and problem parents?
- It makes me angry to hear this why? This theme seems simple if important.
- You set much store by this problem.
But you see if people i.e. parents bring up their children there are no problem children.
- I don’t agree. I think the parents should have a very with their children. And it isn’t easy. I can tell you.
- How is that you can’t understand that there is nothing to worry about. Children must obey their parents. Parent must look after their children. And that is all.
- I wanted to finish the discussion but I decided not to do, because some pupils are in very different conditions. E.g. their parents are drugs – addicted or have other harmful habits. They got their children rattled.
- I wouldn’t go so far as to take it5 seriously. Because there are not so many people with harmful habits.
- Look here unfortunately there are many problem children and problem parents, because of unpleasant condition in the society: e.g. unemployment, shortage of money, a high level of divorces and of course the school is involved in all these processes.
- It’s your look out. No doubt there should be two sided. Promotion concerning parents and children.
Дата: 2019-05-28, просмотров: 252.