Which title is the best to the whole text? Why?
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

a) Imaginary robots in film and fiction.

b) Robots: fantasy and reality.

4.3.6. Read the text again and say whether these statements are true(v) or false(x)

1) The word “robot” was first used in the drama written by Asimov.

2) Robots are also used as characters in films.

3) Robots can replace people in dangerous jobs.

4) Robots have personalities and they think like people.

5) A simple robot is made only of a mechanical device.

6) Robots are ideal in performing routine and boring work.

4.3.7. Match the words (A) with their corresponding definitions (B)

A                        B

1) device          a) attractive, clever

2) to react         b) a machine that can do human tasks automatically

3) cute              c) to make a plan of smth., to create

4) robot            d) likely to lead to physical harm and danger

5) to design      e) a piece of equipment

6) dangerous    f) to behave differently as a result of smth.

4.3.8. Complete the sentences with the suitable words from the text

1) _______ is the science that is concerned with creating, designing and developing robots.

2) Robots can react to its _______ with the help of sensors.

3) If robots have _______ they can replace people in future.

4) A special computer program gives the device ______ what to do.

5) ______ means to behave in a different way under certain circumstances.

6) Of course, most robots are safe but they can be ______ machines like Terminator.

4.3.9. Replace the underlined words with the words used in the text

1) In factories robots save people from boring work.

2) In reality robots can’t have a character of a human being..

3) This type of robot was created by the scientists and engineers of our factory.

4) These devices help robots to see the environment.

5) They gave us directions how to use that machine.

4.3.10. Complete the sentences with the verb from the box. Sometimes you need a verb (Present, Past, Future Simple) and sometimes you need –ing form (working/going etc.)

              wait/waiting                      react/reacting      design/designing              move/moving      work/working                   give/giving  


1) The group of scientists … a new type of robot once a year.

2) The designers are … in the laboratory at the present moment.

3) Look over there! That robot is … like human beings.

4) If there are any changes in the environment the device will … to them.

5) My colleagues were … for me when I arrived.

6) Our teacher … us instructions before each experiment.

4.3.11. Put the verb in brackets into the right form, the Infinitive or –ing form

1) Have you finished … (conduct) this research?

2) I suggest … (do) the experiment in our well-equipped laboratory.

3) They don’t mind … (design) a new machine.

4) That robot stopped … (react) to any changes. It was broken.

5) Somebody forgot … (switch) off that machine.

6) The designers promise … (finish) this project in time.

4.3.12. In pairs, design a robot to do a dangerous or boring job. Describe its structure and functions

For example:

Structure(description) Work to do
A mechanical arm Pack boxes, load goods etc.

4.3.13. Think about the examples of robots used in films and real life. Tell the class about them

Which one is the most interesting or technologically advanced?

Text B

4.3.14. Read and study the given words and phrases

pose danger to sb.= create danger создавать опасность

a printed circuit board              печатная схема

require great strength/efforts    требовать огромных усилий

deal with= be concerned with  иметь дело, заниматься чем-то

affect                                       воздействовать

install                                       устанавливать

assume                                     брать, допускать, выполнять

assembly                                  сборка

4.3.15. answer the following questions

1) How are robots used in industry?

2) What operations could be done by robots in automobile industry?

3) What are robots used in electronics for?

4) What operations could be done by robots in dangerous and uncomfortable for human workers conditions?

4.3.16. Read the text and complete the table

R obots help people

Many of the robots in use today do jobs that require great strength or pose danger to people working in some environments. For example, robots are particularly useful in the automobile industry where parts of automobiles are about 100 kilos or more and it’s difficult to deal with them. Robots can easily move heavy components between workstations.

Spray painting is another task suited to robots because robots donˈt need to breathe. They are not affected by toxic fumes.

The third in the list of useful jobs for robots is the assembly of electronic parts. Robots are perfect at installing chips in printed circuit boards and never put a chip in the wrong place. Earlier robots could not usually see and hear but newer types of robots are equipped with video cameras and other sensing devices. These robots are used in space projects, nuclear reactor stations and underwater works. Such jobs are especially difficult and dangerous for human workers that is why they are more and more assumed by robots.


Types of Jobs for Robots Reason
Automobile industry
Spray painting
Assembly of electronic parts
Space projects n uclear reactor stations u nderwater works etc.

4.3.17. Find English equivalents in the text and read the sentences with them

1) установка чипов

2) особенно полезны

3) требует больших усилий

4) двигать тяжёлые детали

5) ядовитые испарения, пары

6) иметь дело

7) оборудованы

4.3.18. Complete the sentences. Choose the right word or phrase in brackets

1) Robots move heavy components between (rooms, workstations,

2) Robots are used for spray painting because they don’t need to (eat, move, breathe).

3) Newer types of robots are equipped with (intellect, video cameras, printed circuit boards).

4) Robots are used in electronics for (installing, deleting, replacing) chips.

5) Robots do jobs that are (dangerous, funny, safe) for people.

4.3.19. Skim through the text again and give the end of the sentences

1) robots are particularly useful in … .

2) Spray painting is another task suited to robots because … .

3) Robots are perfect at … .

4) Newer types of robots are equipped with … .

5) Robots are used in … .

6) Such jobs are especially difficult and dangerous for … .

4.3.20. In pairs, discuss advantages and disadvantages of using robots in industry and different spheres of science and life. Discuss the question: “Can robots replace people in future?”

4.3.21. Answer the following questions

1) Can you give any example of a robot used for entertainment?

2) Have you heard about such robots as AIBO and ASIMO?

4.3.22. Work in two groups, read the information about Robot (A)/(B). Tell the students of another group about Robot (A)/(B)

R obot A

AIBO (Artificial Intelligence roBot) is a robot dog, developed by Sony. He is 27,4 cm long, 26,6 cm high and weighs 1,5 kilos. You can control him with a computer, a remote control or with voice instructions. He needs a battery and can operate for about 1,5 hours. The price is about 1300 $. AIBO is not just a joy. Sony developed and tested him as an electronic friend for old people.

Here some things AIBO can do:

· walk and run backwards and forwards

· stand on his back legs and lower his front legs

· see and remember things

· understand the name you give him

· dance

· understand 75 different voices ( Sit! Come ! No !, etc.)

· take photographs

· make robotic dog sounds

· learn new actions

R obot B

ASIMO (Advanced Step in Innovative MObility) is a humanoid robot, developed by the Honda Motor Co. He is 120 cms tall and he weighs 43 kgs. You can control him with a computer or give him voice instructions.

ASIMO is a service robot. He is designed to help people. He can walk and climb stairs, so he can carry food upstairs to a sick person and do other jobs around the home.

Here are some things ASIMO can do:

· walk forwards and backwards

· bend1 and straighten his joints2

· adjust3 the size of the steps he takes

· climb up and down stairs

· turn left, right and around

· raise and lower his arms 105 degrees

· operate light switches

· open and close doors

· carry loads

· push cars

Notes :

1 to bend – сгибать

2 joints – суставы

3 to adjust- to regulate

4.3.23. Try to guess whether the following sentences are true or false. If the sentence is false make it true


1) AIBO is a toy for children.

2) He can remember his name.

3) He can bend his legs.

4) He can stand on his front legs.

5) He can raise and lower his front legs.

6) he can turn on a light.

7) He can speak 75 words of English.

8) He can learn to do new things.

9) He can move his ears and tail.

10) He can bend his back.


1) ASIMO is developed by Sony.

2) He can’t raise his arm more than 110 degrees.

3) He can use a telephone.

4) He can walk forwards and backwards.

5) He can dance.

6) He can run.

7) He can understand voice instructions.

8) He can take small and large steps.

9) He can’t carry loads.

10) He can’t help people.

4.3.24. Answer the following questions

1) What is ASIMO?

2) Which company developed ASIMO?

3) How can we control ASIMO?

4) Why is ASIMO called a service robot?

5) By means of what can AIBO operate?

6) What actions of AIBO are similar to those of a real dog?

7) Why is AIBO considered to be an electronic friend for old people?

4.3.25. Speak on the topic Robots and Robotics. Make use of the following plan (150–200 words)

I. Introduction

The History


II. Main Body

1. Spheres of Usage: a) industry

                                    b) science

                                    c) entertainment

2. Functions and Reasons


III. Conclusion

“ Can robots replace people?”


4.4.1. Read and study the new words and phrases

artificial intellect [ˌɑːtı'fı∫əl 'ıntəlekt ] искусственный интеллект
function properly ['fʌŋk∫ən 'prɒpəlı] функционировать правильно
missing parts ['mısıŋ 'pɑːts] отсутствующие части
bioengineering [ˌbaıəʊˌendʒə'nıərıŋ] биотехнология
agricultural engineering ['ægrıˌkʌlt∫ərəl ˌendʒə'nıərıŋ] сельскохоз. техника
bionics (n) [baıˈɒnıks] бионика
biochemical engineering [ˌbaıəʊˈkemıkəl ˌendʒə'nıərıŋ ] биохимическая инженерия
human-factors engineering [ˈhju:mən ˈfæktəz ˌendʒə'nıərıŋ] разработка техники с учетом психофизиологических факторов
bioenvironmental engineering [ˈbaıəʊınˌvaırənˈmentl ˌendʒə'nıərıŋ] биоэкология, относящаяся к биосфере
biological control system [ˌbaıə'lɒdʒıkəl kən'trəʊl 'sıst(ə)m] система биологического регулирования
system of health care ['sıst(ə)m əv 'helθ 'keə] система здравоохранения
life-support field ['laıf sə'pɔːt 'fi:ld] сфера жизнеобеспечения
microscopic system [ˌmaıkrəʊ'skɒpık 'sıst(ə)m] микросистема
living system ['lıvıŋ 'sıst(ə)m] биологическая система
human medicine ['hju:mən  'medsən] лекарственные препараты для людей
bypass the heart ['baıpɑːs] шунтировать сердце
damaged organ ['dæmıdʒd 'ɔːgən] поврежденный орган
instrumentation (n) [ˌınstrumen'teı∫(ə)n] контрольно-измерительные приборы
fermentation (n) [ˌfɜːmen'teı∫(ə)n] культивирование (микроорганизмов)
design criteria [dı'zaın kraı'tıəriə] критерии проектирования
physician (n) [fı'zı∫ən ] врач, терапевт
regulate (v) ['regjuleıt] регулировать
interact (v) [ˌıntər'ækt] взаимодействовать
recognize (v) ['rekəgnaız] признавать
surgery (n) ['sɜːdʒərı] хирургия
surgeon (n) ['sɜːdʒən] хирург
safe (adj) [seıf] безопасный
safety(n) ['seıftı] безопасность

4.4.2. Read the text and choose a heading to each paragraph

Branches History Introduction



I. Walking and talking, seeing and hearing and many other common actions are a part of everyday life. However, scientists who work in the field of bioengineering - ____________________ -study in great detail the biological control systems that regulate these everyday actions. Some of these scientists help to build artificial limbs and organs for people whose natural body parts are missing or not functioning properly. _____________________ . Bioengineers may also use engineering methods to achieve biosynthesis of animal or plant products - such as for fermentation processes.

II. Before World War II the field of bioengineering was unknown. Little communication or interaction existed between the engineer and the life scientist. __________________. The agricultural engineer and the chemical engineer, involved in fermentation processes, have always been bioengineers since they deal with biological system and work with biologists. Mechanical engineers have worked with the medical profession for many years in the development of artificial limbs. Another area of mechanical engineering that falls in the field of bioengineering is the air-conditioning. Since the early 1920s engineers and physiologists were employed by the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers to study the effects of temperature on humans and to provide design criteria for heating and air-conditioning systems. Today there are many more examples of interaction between biology and engineering, particularly in the medical and life-support fields. There is an increasing recognition of the role the engineer can play in several of the biological fields, including human medicine. Bioengineering is developed out of specific desires or needs: the desire of surgeons to bypass the heart, the need for replacing organs, the requirement for life-support in space and many more. In most cases the early interaction and education were a result of personal contacts between a physician or a physiologist and an engineer. Engineers began to study also the methods and techniques __________________.

III. Bioengineering consists of the following branches:

1) ____________. It is concerned with medical problems, including the replacement of damaged organs, instrumentation, and the systems of health care.

2) Agricultural engineering. This branch deals with the problems of biological production and environment that influence this production.

3) Bionics. Bionics is the study of living systems so that the knowledge gained can be applied to the design of physical system.

4) Biochemical engineering. It includes fermentation engineering, application of engineering principles to microscopic biological systems that are used to create new products by synthesis.

5) Human-factors engineering. It concerns the application of engineering, physiology, and psychology to the optimization of the human-machine relationship.

6) Environmental health engineering. Also called bioenvironmental engineering, this field concerns the application of engineering principles to the control of the environment for the health, comfort and safety of human beings.

4.4.3. Read the text again and fill in the gaps with the following sentences

1) Medical engineering.

2) A few exceptions, however, should be noted.

3) This aspect of bioengineering work is called biomedical engineering.

4) including biologists, physicists, engineers and physicians.

5) in medicine, physiology, psychology and biology.

4.4.4. Find the sentences in the text with the following phrases. Read and translate them

1) in great detail

2) was unknown

3) an increasing recognition

4) the system of health care

5) fermentation engineering

4.4.5. Match the words (A) with the definitions (B)

A                       B

1) artificial       a) to work in the correct way

2) interact         b) especially

3) recognize     c) act of putting smth. to a practical use

4) function       d) communicate and work together

5) application   e) to admit that smth. exists or is true

6) particularly f) opposite to natural.

4.4.6. Fill in the gaps with the words from ex. 4.4.5

1) He was performed a serious operation, he was put in an ________ kidney.

2) The experiment showed that all the devices _______ in the proper way.

3) This substance can change its properties, ________ under environmental circumstances.

4) The scientists from most universities ________ with each other in order to develop and discover more new innovations in chemistry.

5) At the lesson we study engineering materials and many their ________ .

4.4.7. Match the pairs of antonyms

1) proper          a) natural

2) gain              b) dangerous

3) artificial       c) wrong

4) safe              d) give

4.4.8. Match the questions with the answers

1. When did the field of bioengineering become known?      2. What is bioengineering developed out? 3. What branch of bioengineering is concerned with building artificial limbs and organs for people?  4. What specialists work in the field of bioengineering? 5. How many branches does bioengineering consist of?                                                                  a) It is biomedical engineering.   b) There are 6 branches of bioengineering. c) They are biologists, physicists, engineers and physicians.   d) It became known after World War II. e) It is developed out of specific needs and desires.   

4.4.9. Complete the table. Then fill in the gaps in the sentences below with the words from the table according to the context

verb noun Participle I
function … … regulate … … develop … interaction … … application … … … … communicating … … replacing …


1) Biomedical engineering is the ______ of physical principles, materials and devices to the understanding and treatment of living organisms.

2) Scientists continue ______ many new techniques for the treatment or correction of disease.

3) This new device can ______ blood pressure.

4) The body needs a ______ control system for thermal ______.

5) We can ______ with people in most parts of the world by telephone.

4.4.10. Rewrite the following sentences putting the verbs in the Passive Voice

1) Students can replace the ingredients in order to get a new substance.

2) That device regulated the speed of the machine.

3) The designers will develop a new kind of robot next year.

4) We apply all our skills and knowledge in the research.

5) After conducting this experiment we received good results.

4.4.11. In pairs, complete the following diagram



4.4.12. Discuss the following questions

1) What is bioengineering?

2) Why is bioengineering important for people?

3) How old is bioengineering?

4) What engineering fields are connected with bioengineering? Why?   

5) Do you know any examples from everyday life or different spheres of science how bioengineering has changed people’s life for the better?


Key Vocabulary

Module II

(Fundamentals of Engineering)


apply (v)                                      automation(n)

astute (adj)                                   assume(v)

affect (v)                                      be concerned with

amplify (v) = reinforce (v)         biological control system

branch (n)                                    bioengineering(n)

breakthrough (n)                          bionics(n)

consume (v)                                 bioenvironmental engineering

consumption (n)                           construct(v)

conserve energy                           civil engineer

demand (for) (n)                          communication(n)

destroy (v)                                    damage(v)

design criteria                               design(v)

emerge (v)                                    deal with (v)

electrical power                            engine(n)

electrical appliance                       electrical installation

enable (v)                                     fermentation(n)

field (n)                                        fluid mechanics

human-factors engineering           generation (n)

force (n)                                       instrumentation(n)

fossil fuel                                     biochemical engineering

generate electricity                       install (v)

handle (v)                                     improve (v)

innovate (v)                                  investigate (v)

insulate (v)                                   life-support field

manufacture (v)                           maintain (v)

non-renewable (adj)                     manufacture (v)

perform (v)                                  microscopic system

power(v)                                      occupation (v)

plug ( into) (v)                              operate (v)

replace (v)                                    prevent accident(v)

remove (v)                                   personality (n)

renewable (adj)                            pose danger

resist (v)                                       robotics (n)

surgery (n)                                    safety engineering

supply (v, n)                                 sensor(n)

store (v)                                        system of health care

shape (v)                                      subfield (n)

wall socket

Appendix 1

Tapescript (to ex. 1.18)

(From “Oxford English for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering”,  Answer Book)


1) I work in a power station. I’m responsible for turbine maintenance. I work shift: midnight to eight o’clock this month.

2) I design body scanners. They give doctors far more information than X-rays and there’s no risk to the patient.

3) I work on jet engines. Onboard computers record readings every five hours and every twenty-five take-off. This information allows us to carry out servicing before defects or reduction in performance occurs.

4) The best thing about my job is that I get to go on sea trials after the refit is finished.

5) I’m working with the architects of a new hospital. Getting the heating and ventilation right is important. I have to make sure that the working environment will be comfortable for the patients and staff.

6) Safety is very important in my job. Everything must be earthed to make sure that no one gets a shock.

7) My main areas of expertise are fuel consumption and engine emission. International pressures are really making things difficult for us.


Appendix 2

Supplementary texts

Text 1

You study at the technical university. You future job may be concerned with engineering. Read the text and think of the job that would suit your abilities and intentions.

Jobs in Engineering

Professional engineers may work as

Design engineers (инженеры-конструкторы): They work as part of a team to create new products and extend the life of old products by updating them and finding new applications for them. Their aim is to ensure quality and reliability of the design and to introduce new components and materials to make the product cheaper, lighter, or stronger.

Installation engineers (инженеры по монтажу): They work on the customer’s orders to install equipment produced by their companies.

Production engineers (инженеры по производству): They ensure that the production process is efficient, that materials are handled safely and correctly, that possible faults are corrected.

Just below the professional engineers are the technical engineers (инженеры-технологи). They require a detailed knowledge of a particular technology – electrical, mechanical electronic, etc. They may lead teams of engineering technicians (техников). Technical engineers and engineering technicians may work as:

Test/Laboratory technicians (техники по произведению лабораторных испытаний): They test samples of the materials and of the product to ensure quality is maintained.

Installation and service technicians (техники по монтажу и эксплуатации оборудования): They ensure that equipment sold by the company is installed correctly and carry out preventative maintenance and essential repairs.

Production planning and control technicians (техники по планированию и управлению производством): They produce the manufacturing instructions and organize the work of production so that it can be done as quickly, cheaply, and efficiently as possible.

Inspection technicians (техники по контролю за качеством): They check and ensure that incoming and outgoing components and products meet specifications (отвечают техническим условиям).

Debug technicians (техники по устранению технических дефектов): They fault find (определяют неисправности при помощи дефектоскопа), repair and test equipment and products down to component level.

Draughtsmen/women (чертёжники): They produce the drawings and design documents from which the product is manufactured.

Look through the text again. Who would be employed to

1) test completed motors from a production line?

2) find out why a new electronics assembly does not work?

3) see that the correct test equipment is installed on a production line?

4) find a cheaper way of manufacturing a product?

5) see that a new product is safe to use?


Using the knowledge you have gained from the text Jobs in engineering try to identify the jobs of these workers from their statements

1) We perform standard chemical and physical tests on samples, usually as a result of a complaint from inspectors on the production line. We are an important part of production. We have the authority to stop the line if we find something seriously wrong. It’s interesting work, and we’re able to move around from test to test and chat. Sometimes the work gets a bit repetitive.

2) We measure up the components to see that they are the right size and shape, and we make any minor adjustments ourselves. All along, parts will need adjusting slightly and you have to check things at each stage with measuring instruments.

3) I find my job a very satisfying one. It’s never easy to say exactly why one likes a job. I think the basic thing I get out of my profession at the moment is the creativity that is involved in design work. You start from square one with a plain sheet of paper. You draw a component. You design something and perhaps a few months later you can see the end product. And you get told whether or not your design works! I think it’s that aspect that I find most satisfying.

4) My company makes desalination equipment. It takes the salt out of sea water so it can be used for drinking and irrigation. A lot of our customers are in the Middle East. I have to go there whenever new equipment is being set up to make sure it’s properly installed and everything is running OK.

Text 2

Modern biomass

Biomass simply means fuel produced from organic sources. Traditional biomass such as wood, charcoal, and other plant matters has been fuel of choice for thousand years, and it remains so in many parts of the world. Modern biomass, however, includes other types of fuel derived from plants, such as the residuals of existing agricultural, lifestock and lumber industry, from forests planted and harvested renewably, and from farms dedicated to this purpose, from the processing of pulpwood residues, cereals and logging operations, which can be processed into gas or burned in bio gas power plants to generate electricity. Methane from urban landfills and from animal and human wastes is another potential type of fuel derived from biomass. Modern biomass may have the greatest potential for growth, especially in transportation and powering vehicles. For example, Brazil has been a leading nation in the use of ethanol (alcohol-based fuel) for automobiles. It is derived from sugar cane and grains grown specially to produce ethanol. Biomass also looks promising as a fuel source for electricity in small, local power stations.

Answer the following questions:

1) What is biomass?

2) What does modern biomass include?

3) Can methane be derived? How?

4) Does biomass have potential for growth?

5) What country has been a leading nation in the use of ethanol (alcohol-based fuel) for automobiles?

Text 3


The use of wind energy is growing faster then any other type of renewable energy because of improvements in the wind turbine technology over the past 30 years. The best locations for wind as an energy source are coasts, mountains, and plains. Like solar rays, wind is also a form of intermittent renewable energy, available only about 30 % of the time. Often when the sun isn’t shining, the wind is blowing; so many users rely on wind turbines to complement solar panels. Most of the world's wind generation capacity is located in the United States, Denmark (the pioneer in wind generation), the Netherlands (famous for its use of windmills), Germany, and India. While wind generation of electricity is clean, some disadvantages include the noise of blades of windmills and the appearance. A large wind farm on a hillside is clearly visible, in the same way that large arrays of solar panels are.

Answer the following questions:

1) Why is the use of wind energy growing faster than any other type of renewable energy?

2) Where can we locate wind turbines?

3) Is wind a form of intermittent renewable energy?

4) Why do many users rely on wind turbines?

5) Where is most of the world's wind generation capacity located?

6) What are the disadvantages of the use of wind energy?

Text 3

Other types of power plants


Steam Turbine Plants

Steam turbine plants can be divided into three general categories: fossil fueled, nuclear, and renewable. Most of electricity produced in the United States, for example, comes from fossil fuel steam turbine plants, about 70%. The dominant fossil fuels are coal, petroleum and natural gas; others include petroleum coke, coke oven gas, and liquefied petroleum gas. Steam turbine plants operate by burning fuel, which heats water in a boiler; the water boils and produce steam, which is channeled to a turbine and turns it. The turbine is connected to a generator shaft which turns and produces power. All steam turbine plants function the same way.

Of the many fuels used in steam turbine plants, coal is the most common. Coal is inexpensive and readily available since the US has large deposits. Annually electric utilities purchase over 900 million short tons (короткая\малая тонна = 907,2 кг) of coal for electric generation.

Answer the following questions:

1) What three categories can steam turbine plants be divided into?

2) What are the dominant fossil fuels?

3) How do steam turbine plants operate?

4) What are the pros and cons of building steam turbine plants?



Fuel Cell Power Plants

Fuel cells1 are electrochemical devices which directly convert hydrogen, or hydrogen-rich fuels into electricity without combustion. This process is much more efficient than traditional thermal power plants, converting up to 80 % of the chemical energy in the fuel (compared to a maximum of 40 % for conventional power plants). Although their structure is somewhat like that of battery, fuel cells never need recharging or replacing and can produce electricity as long as they are supplied with hydrogen and oxygen. Fossil flues (coal, oil and natural gas), biomass (plant material), or pure hydrogen can be used as the source of fuel. If pure hydrogen is used, the emissions from a fuel cell are only electricity and water. Fuel cells are small and modular in nature and therefore fuel cell power plants can be used to provide electricity in many different applications, from electric vehicles to large, grid-connected utility power plants. First used in the U.S. space program, fuel cells are a developing technology with a few commercial uses, but may emerge as a significant source of electricity in the near future.

The fuel cell power section contains "stacks" (хранилища) of one or more fuel cells. Most individual fuel cells are small in size and produce between 0.5 and 0.9 volts of electricity. Therefore, any power plants must have a large number of individual fuel cells. This modular nature of fuel cells is one of their advantages. A fuel cell power plant can be built to a certain size and then have its power output quickly and easily increased by adding more stacks of fuel cells when and if demand for electricity increases. Air, (for its oxygen) and hydrogen rich fuel are added to the stacks of the fuel cells, and the output is water, heat and direct current (DC). The power conditioner section of a fuel cell power plant most often consists of an inverter which converts the electricity to alternating current (AC).

Note :

1 Fuel cells – топливные элементы

Answer the following questions:

1) Is the process of converting hydrogen, or hydrogen-rich fuels into electricity without combustion efficient? Why?

2) What is emitted from a fuel cell if pure hydrogen is used?

3) What field were the first fuel cells used in?

4) How much electricity do fuel cells produce?

5) What advantages do fuel cells have?

6) How do fuel cells operate?


Module III

Applying for a Job


Unit. Applying for a Job

1.1. Read and study the new words

apply for (v) [ə'plaı] претендовать на ..., подать заявление на ...
applicant (n) [´æplıkənt] кандидат, претендент
application (n) [ֽæplı´keı∫n] заявление, заявка
application form   letter of application (or cover letter)   заявление о приёме на работу сопроводительное письмо (к заявлению о приеме на работу)
assist (v) [ə´sıst] помогать, содействовать
assistance (n) [ə´sıstəns] помощь, содействие
benefits package   льготы
candidate (n) [´kændıdət] кандидат
career (n) [kə´rıə] карьера
career objective   цель карьеры
make a career in   сделать карьеру в ...
Curriculum Vitae CV (resume) [kəֽrıkjələm ´vı:taı] автобиография, резюме
employ (v) [ım´plכı] нанимать
employee (n) [ֽemplכı´ı:] служащий, работающий по найму
employer (n) [ım´plכıə] наниматель, работодатель
employment agency   агенство по трудоустройству
fee (n)   оплата труда профессионалов
fire (v) (dismiss) [faıə] увольнять
hire (v) [haıə] нанимать на работу
human resource department  (personnel department) [´hju:mən rı´sכ:s]   [ֽpə:sə´nel dı´pα:tmənt] отдел кадров
interview (n, v) [´ıntəvju:] 1) интерью, собеседование, беседа 2) проводить беседу, собеседование; интервьюировать
interviewee (n) [ֽıntəvju:´ı:] лицо, с которым проводят собеседование; интервьюируемый
interviewer (n) [´ıntəvju:ə] лицо, проводящее собеседование; интервьюер
job interview   собеседование при трудоустройстве
job (n) [dʒכb] работа (место работы или отдельное задание)
full-time job   работа с полной занятостью
part-time job   работа с частичной занятостью
occupation (n) [ֽכkju´peı∫n] занятие, должность
permanent (adj) [´pə:mənənt] постоянный
qualification (n) [ֽkwכlıfı´keı∫n] квалификация
recruit (v) [rı:´kru:t] набирать кадры, вербовать
recruitment (n)   набор кадров
register (v) [´redʒıstə] регистрировать, заносить в список
registration (n) [ֽredʒıs´trəı∫n] регистрация, внесение в список
reference (n) [´refrəns] рекомендация; лицо, дающее рекомендацию
salary (n) [´sælərı] зарплата служащего
shortlist (v, n) [´∫כ:t ´lıst] 1) включать в окончательный список 2) окончательный список претендентов
skilled (adj)   квалифицированный
temporary (adj) [´temp(ə)rərı] временный
vacancy (n)  (opening position) [´veıkənsı] вакансия
vocation (n) [vou´keı∫n] призвание, профессия
wage (n) [weıdʒ] зарплата рабочих

1.2. Match English words with their Russian equivalents, for example: 1 – d

1) applicant a) собеседование
2) occupation b) квалификация
3) qualification c) помощь
4) application d) претендент
5) registration e) заявление
6) assistance f) зарплата
7) employ g) вакансия
8) salary h) занятие
9) vacancy i) нанимать
10) interview j) регистрация

1.3. Match the words with their synonyms, for example: 1 – h

1) vacancy a) payment
2) assist b) employ
3) job c) testimony
4) reference d) dismiss
5) fire e) work
6) hire f) help
7) post g) position
8) wage h) opening

1.4. Match the words with their antonyms or opposites, for example: 1 – i

1) skilled a) unemployed
2) employed b) temporary
3) permanent c) prevent
4) hire d) lose a job
5) assist e) part-time
6) strength f) applicant
7) find a job g) weakness
8) employer h) fire
9) full-time i) unskilled

1.5. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the words in bold type


1) All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

2) He's been out of work for a month but now he's found a very good job in New York.

3) A doctor, a teacher, a journalist, and an architect are very good professions.

4) He comes from a professional family.

5) He took up journalism as his career.

6) A job is something you do to make money but career comprises your interests, abilities and ambitions.

7) I could never do an ordinary nine-to-five job.

8) It's important to find a job that offers good career prospects.

9) Nursing is hard work and often low paid but for many people it is a vocation.

10) Medicine has always been a male-dominated profession.


1) The car industry is one of the biggest employers.

2) The number of people in employment has fallen.

3) The new contract will enable us to employ about 50 extra people.

4) I wrote five applications for jobs but didn't get a single reply.

5) Anyone under 30 need not apply.

6) Have you got any income apart from your pay?

7) Bob is on a very good salary now.

8) Her teaching experience gave her a big advantage over the other applicants for the job.

9) We will need to have references from your former employers.

10) We still have vacancies for drivers but all the other positions have been filled.

1.6. Choose the necessary word and put it into the gap

1) We are going to interview three ... for the position. 1 advertise
2) If you need applicants for this position, ... in a special section of the local newspaper. 2 curriculum vitae
3) Personnel office will help you to find a new ... . 3 employee
4) All the information about the staff of the firm can be found in ... . 4 applicants
5) She has a good ... for the position: a college degree, good work experience. 5 personnel office
6) I want to find a new secretary, so I'll call an employment ... . 6 qualification
7) If you are an applicant for the position, you have to write your ... . 7 agency
8) Don't ask him ... questions, it will be impolite. 8 personal

1.7. Answer the following questions

a) 1) Have you ever had a full-time or part-time job?

What was your job?

How did you get it?

What was your salary (wage)?


2) Is it difficult for a NSTU graduate to find a well-paid job?


b) What qualities best describe people who want to succeed in work or study? Add some more. Use the following words in your answers.

dependable abmitious critical
thruthful accurate responsible
independent decisive quiet
patient broad-minded reserved
indifferent enthusiastic quick-minded
strong-willed reliable  
careful/careless persistent  


c) What qualities do you need to get a good job in future?

patience energy
courage experience
determination talent
goodwill creativity
charm intelligence
reliability training


d) Think of preferences concerning your future job. Put a cross on each line to indicate your opinion.

prefer to work alone prefer to work in a team
like taking risks plan to avoid risks
like variety like routine
like to work in one place like travelling
prefer to talk prefer to listen
prefer to manage prefer to be managed
like pressure dislike pressure
prefer to think prefer to act
take a long-term view take a short-term view


e) Analyse the previous answers (in b, c, d) and assess your qualities and abilities using the scheme.

  Personal strengths Personal weaknesses Suggestions for further development
1 I'm independent I'm not persistent I should work
2 I prefer to work alone I dislike pressure to improve my ...
3     I should be more ...

1.8. Conditional sentences

1.8.1. Lets speak about what your future job might be. Complete conditional sentences (II type) using the items that would interest you. Explain your choice

I would be happy in a job if I could...................................................... .

For example: I would be happy in a job if I could deal with people.

or   I would be happy in a job if I worked in an office.

1) do the same things all time

2) do things my way

3) work with machines or use instruments

4) work flexible hours

5) work on information processing methods

6) work in the field of nanoelectronics technology

7) deal with electronic control system

8) work as a part of a team

9) meet with public

10) have experience in the operation and maintenance of eletromecanical plants (установок)

1.8.2. Say that you would act otherwise (иначе) using conditional sentences (II type)

If I were you I ..................................................... .

For example:

If I were you I wouldn't refuse from a full-time job.

1) I refuse from a full-time job.

2) I don't know how to write a letter of application.

3) I accept this part-time job.

4) I am not at work.

5) I don't apply for this job immediately.

6) I don't include Ann into the shortlist.

7) I don't hire a private detective to find out who is blackmailing you.

1.8.3. Translate the conditional sentences (III type) into Russian paying attention to the past actions

1) If he had been an experienced engineer he would have given us good advice.

2) If Tom hadn't been so busy he could have made a call.

3) If Nancy hadn't been so old she could have found a job.

4) If the price of petrol hadn't risen I wouldn't have sold my car.

5) If he had had a clean current driving licence it would have been very essential for decision making.

6) If he had had some experience in operating hydraulics, pumps, and heat exchangers he would have been hired for the post of a design engineer.

1.9. Looking for a job

When a company intends to recruit or employ new people it may decide to advertise the job or position in the “NEED HELP” section of a newspaper.

Read and analyse the job advertisement. Answer the questions below.



Castleton AAA

Engineering Technicians

c. ₤ 13,000


In this multi-skilled role you will carry out corrective and preventative maintenance on a variety of electrical, electronic, and mechanical plant. You will use computer-based monitoring systems for effective control, fault diagnosis, and operation of plant and equipment.

Applicants should have a recognized HNC or National Certificate in Electrical/Electronic Engineering and have served a recognized apprenticeship. Experience in the operation and maintenance of electro-mechanical plant utilizing electronic system control including experience of HVAC plant and systems, electronic PLC systems, positional and electronic speed control systems including hydraulics, pumps, and heat exchangers would be desirable.

This demanding position requires effective communication skills together with a flexible attitude.

A clean current driving licence is essential.

In return you can expect an attractive salary and benefits package.

Please forward a comprehensive CV to Denise Dickens, Personnel Department, Administrative Block A, Castleton Airport, Castleton CS21 3SL. Closing date for receipt of completed applications is 31 December.

Words :

advertise                       помещать объявление, рекламировать

advertisement               объявление, реклама

c ( from Latin circa )    приблизительно

apprenticeship              обучение, опыт

plant                             установка, оборудование

HVAC plant                 High Voltage Alternative Current plant

HNC                             Higher National Certificate

1) What company is advertising?

2) Where are the jobs based?

3) At what professional level are the jobs available?

4) Applicants from which branch of engineering are preferable?

5) What qualifications are required?

6) In addition to qualifications, what must the applicants have completed?

7) List some of the areas in which experience is necessary.

8) In addition to qualifications and experience, what characteristics should applicants have?

9) Which non-professional qualification is essential?

10) What might a benefits package include?

1.10. Getting a Job

People can apply for the job by sending in a letter of application or a covering letter (US – cover letter) and a curriculum vitae or CV (in US - resume) containing details of their education and experience.

What should a CV be?

The CV (Curriculum Vitae – lit. record of life) is presenting your qualifications, skills and attributes to the employer. CV demonstrates the suitability of an applicant for the job. In compiling CV the applicant has one objective only – to get an interview in order to get a job.

A CV must be accurate, interesting and up-to-date. It must be presentable so that it makes the best impression possible and gets noticed. It should answer the needs of each particular position.

1.11. Study the CV given below. Answer these questions

1) What parts does it consist of?

2) What information is included into each section?

3) What is her highest educational qualification?

4) Why do you think the education and experience sections of her CV start with the most recent events?

5) Why does she give two references?

6) Why has she chosen these people to be her referees?

7) Why does she include interests and activities?




Personal details

Name:           Fiona Weaver

Date of birth: 7 April 1974

Address:        6 Haymarket, Newcastle, NC1 4YU

Marital status: Single


Education and qualifications

1991-1995    Faraday College of Further Education, Newcastle

                        – National Certificate in Electrical and Electronic

                        Engineering (day release from S & T (UK) Ltd)

1985-1990    George Stephenson Secondary School, Newcastle


I hold a clean driving licence. I have been driving for three years.


Work experience

1995              Inspection Technician

to present      Sturner & Thomson (UK) Ltd

                        – Responsible for checking incoming components

       and completed products using a wide range of test

       equipment including computer-based record systems.


1991-1995    Apprentice electrical technician

                        Sturner & Thomson (UK) Ltd


1990-1991    Office junior

                        Brent & Wicker, Solicitors

                        – Basic secretarial duties-filing, word-processing,

                        telephone receptionist, in a busy lawyer’s office


Interests and activities

                        Travel, modern dance, swimming


Reference     College:                           Work:

                        Mr Andrew Wood                          Mrs Joy Milne

                        Head of Department                    Personnel Officer

                        Electrical Engineering                  S & T (UK) Ltd

                        Faraday College            North Street

                        Cornwallis Road            NEWCASTLE NC14 7Tl

                NEWCASTLE NC2 3PL

1.12. Write your own CV in English using qualifications you already have or ones that you think you might get in the future. Use the CV in ex. 1.11 as a model

1.13. Letter of Application

The letter of application, sometimes called cover letter can be as important as the CV because it is the first direct contact between a candidate and an employer. If this letter is not well written and presented, it will make a poor impression. The letter of application nomally contains four parts in which you should:

1) confirm that you wish to apply and say where you learned about the job;

2) say why you are interested in the position and your interests are the same as those of the company;

3) show that you can contribute to the job by describing your most relevant skills and experience;

4) indicate your willingness to attend an interview (and possibly say when you will be free to attend).

1.14. Study this letter of application which accompanied the CV in ex. 1.11. What information does it add to the CV?

1.15. Read and analyze details from the letter of application given below. Look at the outline of the letter on the left and indicate where the information should go

1.16. Write your own letter of application for one of the positions proposed in advertisements in the text 4 (Appendix 1, Module III)

1.17. Interviewing Job Applicants

Interviews are a central part of the recruitment process for most organizations. Usually applicants are interviewed after sending in an application form or CV. The purpose of an interview is to assess the applicant, and for the applicant to demonstrate abilities and personality. It is also an opportunity for the applicants to make sure that the organization and the position are what they want. Here are some useful advice for you to follow in future.

1.17.1. Preparation for the interview

· Learn about the organization

· Have specific job or jobs in mind

· Review your qualifications for the job

· Prepare to answer broad questions about yourself

· Review your resume

· Arrive before the scheduled time of your interview

· Get plenty of sleep the night before the interview

What to Wear

Women    solid dark colored suits or a dress

                Wear hosiery

                If wearing a dress/skirt, make it sure it’s at least knee-length

                Nothing skin-tight

Men         Solid colored button-up shirt, tucked in


                Dark socks

                Nothing too baggy

                If wearing a suit, go with dark colors

                Your shoes and belt should match

1.17.2. During the Interview

· Be confident and make the interviewer think that you are a self-confident person

· If you have any doubts, keep them to yourself

· Know as much as you possibly can about the job you’re applying for before you go for the interview

· Try to relax

· Be yourself

· Be polite

About Questions

· Listen carefully and make sure that you answer the question

· Make eye contact with the interviewer

· Don’t speak negatively about anyone

· Use pauses effectively

· Always tell the truth because the interviewer can check and verify the information

1.17.3. After the Interview

· If you didn’t answer a question well in the interview, don’t be afraid to phone up soon and say something

· If you are successful at the interview stage you will receive an official letter offering you a job

1.17.4. Read the following sentences and mark false/true statements

1) Offer to shake the interviewer's hand when you meet. This demonstrates your self-confidence.

2) You can smoke if you feel nervous.

3) Your dress shouldn't be conservative. Much jewelry and perfume will keep the interviewer's attention.

4) Arrive early. Arriving late makes your first impression a negative one.

5) Smile. This person is giving up his/her time to talk to you.

6) Don't argue, agree with any idea, even if you can't believe in it.

7) Don't bite your lips, don't chew on pen/pencil.

1.18. Match the job interview questions 1–5 with their answers a–e

1) How many jobs have you had since leaving university? 2) Why have you changed jobs so often? 3) What have you done that shows leadership? 4) In what ways has your job changed since you joined the company? 5) Have you ever worked with a difficult person? a) I now have more responsibility and work longer hours. b) Well, I lead the sales team. I'm also chairperson of a local business association. c) I wanted to earn more money. d) Well, the boss in my last company wasn't easy to work with. e) I've worked for six companies.

1.19. Read the dialogue between the interviewer (I) and the applicant (A) and find the answers to the following questions

1) What job is he applying for?

2) What are the applicant's skills.

3) What are his interests?

4) What does the applicant want to know about the opening position?

Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 135.