Unit 1. Engineering: What is All About?
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой


Read and remember the following words and word combinations

apply (v)                [əˈpla]               применять, употреблять

be concerned with                                   заниматься чем-либо

branch (n)              [brα:nt∫]               отрасль, подразделение

civil (adj)                [ˈsvl]                 (здесь) гражданский

civil engineer                                          инженер-строитель

communication (n) [kəˌmju:nˈke∫n] коммуникация, связь

communications (pl)                               средства связи

construct (v)           [kənˈstrΛkt]         строить, воздвигать,


construction (n)      [kənˈstrΛk∫n]       здание, строение,


deal with (v)           [di:l]                    работать с, иметь дело с,

design (n)               [dˈzan]           план, чертеж

design (v)               [dˈzan]           проектировать,


device (n)               [dˈvas]           прибор, устройство

electrical installation [ˌnstəˈle∫nz]    электрооборудование,


engine (n)               [ˈendჳn]            двигатель, мотор,

engineering (n)       [ˌendჳˈnərŋ] инженерное искусство,

evaluate (v)            [ˈvæljuet]       оценивать,

exist (v)                  [ցˈzi:st]             существовать

field (n)                  [fi:ld]                   область деятельности

fluid mechanics      [flud]                гидромеханика

generation (n)         [ˌdჳenəˈre∫n]     выработка, производство

improve (v)            [mˈpru:v]          улучшать

investigate (v)         [nˈvestցet] изучать, исследовать,

maintain (v)            [menˈten]       обслуживать,

                                                               содержать в исправности

manufacture (n)     [ˌmænjuˈfækt∫ə]   производство, изготовление

mining (n)              [ˈmanŋ]          горнодобывающая 


                                                               горное дело

nevertheless (adv)                                 тем не менее, однако

occupation (n)        [ˌכkjuˈpe∫n]       занятие, профессия

operate (v)             [ˈכ pəret]           работать, управлять

operation (n)          [ˈכ pəre∫n]         деятельность, работа,


prevent an accident [prˈvent]           предотвратить несчастный


safety engineering                                   техника безопасности

Answer the following questions

1) What is the name of the faculty you study at?

2) What other engineering faculties are there at our university?

3) How many years do students study for Engineer’s Degree?

4) Where do NSTU graduates usually work?

5) What is engineering?

1.3. Read the following word combinations and translate them into Russian

electrical engineering        safety engineering                              

mechanical engineering     electronic engineering    

automobile engineering     medical engineering

aeronautical engineering   hydraulic engineering

marine engineering            civil engineering

1.4. Tick the fields of engineering NSTU students are trained in. Make up sentences with them using the following phrases from ex. 1.3

As far as I know…

I believe…

I am not sure but I think…

I’m afraid I don’t know exactly but…

I suppose…

1.5. Read the text

What is Engineering?

Almost everything we use in modern life is made by engineers. In general, engineering is a science that deals with the design, construction and operation of structures, machines, engines and other devices. Engineers use theory for producing practical answers. We can say that engineering puts ideas into action. The term “engineering” is difficult to translate into Russian because it has a lot of meanings. It can be translated as “инженерное дело”,”разработка”, “строительство”. There are a lot of different types of engineering, which are called branches. So the whole science of engineering can be divided into the following main branches: electrical, mechanical, civil, electronic. There also exist several specialized areas which may be characterized as subfields of the major branches. Now let’s say a few words about each branch.

Electrical engineering, for example, is one of the widest fields of engineering. It deals with systems and devices that use electric power and signals. The subfields of this branch are lighting, electricity generation, electrical installations, etc.

Mechanical engineering is concerned with design, testing, building and operation of machinery of all types. A mechanical engineer must be trained in mechanics, hydraulics, and metallurgy and machine design. The subfields of mechanical engineering are heating and ventilation, marine engineering, automobile engineering, aeronautical engineering.

Civil engineering deals with the design of large buildings, roads, bridges, railway lines, airports and other constructions. A civil engineer must know the properties of materials, hydraulics and fluid mechanics. The main subfields of this branch are construction engineering and hydraulic engineering.

Also we should mention such branches as mining and medical engineering, which belong partly to mechanical and partly to electrical. Medical engineers, for example, create and deal with high-tech equipment, body scanners, X-ray machines, life-support systems.

Electronic engineering is concerned with the development of components and equipment for communication, computing, and so on.

One more branch of engineering which should be singled out because it can exist in any area is safety engineering. Its object is to prevent accidents, developing methods and procedures to safeguard workers. 

To sum it up we can say that all the branches of engineering have a lot in common they use science to develop industry, manufacture and to improve our life.

1.6. Find in the text the equivalents of the following Russian phrases

1) наука, которая занимается…

2) …внедряет идеи в жизнь

3) …делится на следующие основные отрасли

4) производство электроэнергии

5) заниматься конструированием всех видов оборудования

6) отопление и вентиляция

7) проектирование больших сооружений

8) гидравлика и гидромеханика

9) разработка оборудования и его компонентов

10) системы жизнеобеспечения

11) обеспечение безопасности рабочих

12) иметь много общего

13) делать жизнь людей лучше.

1.7. Match the synonyms

A                                B

сreate                         be concerned with

branch                        equipment

deal with                    develop

construct                    field

manufacture               built

machinery                  produce

1.8. Fill in the gaps in the table, putting the words having the same root with the given one

Adjective Verb Noun (sphere) Noun (profession)

1.9. Match the branch and the things it is concerned with

1) civil engineering           a) body scanners, X-ray machines,

                                         life-support systems

2) mechanical engineering b) electricity, lighting

3) electronic engineering   c) construction of bridges, airports,

                                         railways; hydraulics; fluid mechanics

4) electrical engineering    d) to safeguard workers, to prevent


5) medical engineering      e) cars, ships, heating, planes, operation

                                         of machinery of all types

6) safety engineering         f) computers, communications.

1.10. Complete the sentences; use the ideas from the text

1) Engineering is a science …

2) Branches are called …

3) The specialized areas of engineering are…

4 One of the widest fields of engineering is…

5) Mechanics, hydraulics, machine design are the fields of …

6) A civil engineer deals with …

7) Creation of hi-tech equipment …

8) Safety engineering is…

9) Summing up we can say that…

1.11. Tick the true idea based on the text

1) а) Only few things in modern world are made by engineers.

b) Practically everything in modern world is made by engineers.


2) a) Engineers use practice to produce theories.

b) Engineers use theory to produce practical answers.


3) a) There are several branches of engineering.

b) There are two branches of engineering.


4) a) Electrical engineering is the subfield of mechanical engineering.

b) Electrical engineering deals with electric power.


5) a) Civil engineers design different constructions.

b) Civil engineers design machinery.


6) a) Medical engineering is the same as mining engineering.

b) Medical engineering and mining engineering are connected both with mechanical and electrical engineering.       


7) a) Computing belongs to electronic engineering.

 b) Computing is the subfield of electrical engineering.

1.12. Answer the following questions

1) How can you translate the word “engineering”?

2) What is the general aim of engineers?

3) Name the main branches of engineering.

4) Is electricity generation a subfield of electrical engineering?

5) What is mechanical engineering concerned with?

6) Should mechanical engineer be trained in mechanics and hydraulics?

7) Transport engineering is the subfield of mechanical engineering, isn’t it?

8) What does a civil engineer deal with?

9) What branch of engineering deals with such equipment as communication systems, computers, integrated circuits?

10) What do all the branches of engineering have in common?

1.13. Complete the following scheme about branches of engineering using information from the text. (What branches are left? Where will you put them?) Draw the complete scheme


1.14. Read the text 1.5 again, find the key words to describe the main types of engineering:

                 a) civil,

                 b) mechanical,

                 c) electrical,

                 d) electronic.

Make the list of key words for each type.

1.15. Tell about each type of engineering using the list of words from ex. 1.14 and the scheme from ex. 1.13

1.16. Read and translate the following dialogue

(You are a first year student. You want to learn more about your future job /speciality/. You are introduced to a graduate of your faculty.)

– Hello!

– Hello, my name is Misha.

– Nice to meet you, Misha. My name is Kolya.

– I’d like to know more about my future profession. Could you tell me about it?

– Yes, of course. What are your questions?

– You have graduated from NSTU, haven’t you?

– Yes, I have. I graduated from NSTU last year with Engineer`s Degree.

– Where do you work?

– Now I work at the plant “Electrosignal”.

– What types of engineering is your work concerned with?

– It is concerned mostly with electrical engineering. We produce and maintain electrical installations.

– Do you need to have knowledge in electronics or mechanics for your work?

– It is useful to have knowledge in different branches of engineering, but I can’t say that I deal a lot with electronic engineering.

– Thank you for answering my questions.

– Welcome any time

1.17. Make up the dialogue similar to the previous one

1.18. Listen to the given extracts. Note the key words for the branches described. And say what branches are mentioned (appendix 1 to Module II)

1.19. Fill in the gaps with particle “to” before the Infinitive where necessary

1) Let me… help you with the translation.

2) I’d like … read more about my future profession.

3) What made you … think so?

4) The text was planned …be read at home.

5) They saw him…repair this device.

6) Electronic engineering is known … deal with components of computer systems.

7) I would rather …make a plan to the text.

8) You had better … mention the subfields of mechanical engineering.

9) Future engineers must … study different sciences.

1.20. Replace the group of words in bold type by the Infinitive

1) Engineering includes a lot of areas with which it deals.

2) Engineer has many branches in which he can work.

3) Engineers use theory for producing practical answers.

4) Electric systems were constructed for generating electric signals.

5) All branches of engineering use sciences which can improve our life.

6) We have one more branch about which we want to speak.

7) I was surprised when I heard about the way of translating the word from the exercise.

8) The task of a civil engineer is the design of large buildings.


Unit 2. Engineering Profession
and Course Description

2.1. Study the list of the following activities. Tick the statements which refer to you

1) You enjoy practical projects – creating and investigating things.

2) You like finding out how things work.

3) You are interested in improving the environment.

4) You like helping people.

5) You enjoy solving problems.

6) You enjoy organizing activities.

7) You enjoy science programs on TV or on the radio.

8) You sometimes read articles on scientific or engineering topics.


(The more statements you’ve ticked the more suitable engineering is for you).


2.2. Read the following text and answer the question, using the notes after the text:

What is an engineer?

Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 644.