Unit 4. Technological Innovations
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

The Nanotechnology

4.1.1. Read and study the new words on the topic

affect (v) [əˈfekt] воздействовать, влиять
amplify (v) [æmplˈfaɪ]  
= reinforce (v) [ˌri: ınˈfɔːs] усиливать
artificial (adj) [ˌɑːtıfɪ∫ıəl] искусственный
destroy (v) [dıˈstrɔɪ] уничтожать, разрушать
disperse (v) [dıˈspɜːs] рассеивать
manufacture (v) [ˌmænjʊˈfækt∫ə] производить
perform (v) [pəˈfɔːm] выполнять
replace (v) [rıˈpleıs] заменять, вытеснять
remove (v) [rıˈmu:v] удалять
resist (v) [rıˈzıst] противостоять, сопротивляться
surgery (n) [ˈsɜːdʒəri] хирургия
supply (v) [səˈplaı] поставлять, обеспечивать
supply (n)   запас, поставка
spill (v) [spıl] разлить
store (v) [stɔː] хранить
shape (v) [∫eɪp] формировать
target (n) [ˈtɑːgıt] цель
target (v)   нацеливать



4.1.2. Read these international words and guess their meanings

aerosols [ˈeərəsɒl]
bio-active [ˌbaıəˈæktıv]
ceramics [sıˈræmɪks]
hierarchy    [ˈhaıərɑːkı]
hierarchical      [ˌhaıəˈrɑːkık(ə)l]
polymers [ˈpɒlımə]
product [ˈprɒdʌkt]

4.1.3. Answer the questions

1) What do you know about nanotechnology?

2) What can we build with nanotechnology today and what will we be able to build in future?

4.1.4. Read the text and explain what nanotechnology is


Nanotechnology is the engineering of functional systems at the molecular scale. Thus it’s the science of building tiny things. Today we usually make things by shaping materials – cutting, grinding1, milling2, etc. However, in the future, we’ll be able to work on a smaller scale and build things atom by atom.

Today scientists can build nanowires – extremely strong tubes that are just four atoms wide. Moreover, when they have the manufacturing systems, they’ll be able to build anything we want – diamonds, water, food, robots, etc. We’ll be able to make all kinds of things smaller, lighter, cheaper, stronger, and smarter.

We are at the start of a technological revolution and nanotechnology will affect every part of our lives – cars, computers, medicine, energy supplies, food, clothes. It will offer better built, longer lasting, cleaner, safer products for home, for communications, for transportation, for agriculture, and for industry in general. In addition, it will happen sooner than most people think. By 2010 you won’t be able to count the number of businesses using nanotechnology.

Notes :

1 шлифовка

2 размол

4.1.5. Mark the sentences True (T)/ False (F). Correct the wrong statements

1) Nanotechnology is the science of making large things.

2) Nowadays scientists can’t build nanowires.

3) In the nearest future we’ll be able to make smaller, cheaper and safer products for all needs.

4) Technological revolution won’t influence any sphere of our life.

5) Nanostructures will be true only in 40-50 years.

4.1.6. Read the information about 4 generations of nanotechnologies given in the table. Give the examples of Participle II

1st Passive nanostructures  ( 1st generation products) Materials designed to perform 1 task   ~ 2000                                       а) Dispersed and contact nanostructures, e.g.: aerosols b) Products incorporating nanostructures, e.g.: coatings, nanoparticle reinforced composites, nanostructured metals, polymers, ceramics
2nd Active nanostructures For multitasking ~ 2005 a) Bio-active, health effects, e.g.: targeted drugs, biodevices b) Physico-chemical active, e.g.: 3D-tran- sistors, amplifiers, adaptive structures    
3rd Integrated nanosystems  (with thousands of interacting components) ~ 2010                           E.g.: guided assembling, 3D networking and new hierarchical architectures, robotics     
 4th Molecular nanosystems   (molecular manufacturing)   ~ 2015–2020   E.g.: molecular devices “by design”, atomic design, emerging functions


4.1.7. Make Participle I and participle II of the following verbs. Translate them

E.g.: incorporate- incorporating (P1)- включающий , включая

                      incorporated (P2)- включенный

describe, develop, design, perform, introduce, integrate, include, build, connect, limit, improve, formulate.

4.1.8. Make up 5 sentences with the participles from ex. 4.1.7

4.1.9. Match the verbs in A with their synonyms in B

A                B

affect                take away

perform            pour out

resist                 form

shape                carry out    

remove             oppose

spill                  influence

4.1.10. Use the verbs from 4.1.9 in the sentences below. Change the form where necessary

1) He has been ……surgery for 10 years.

2) I accidentally…… my drink all over him.

3) These stains will be difficult to……

4) This metal is able to……corrosion.

5) You can buy specially……bricks for an arch.

6) Nanotechnology in its advanced form will…… almost all industries and all areas of society.

4.1.11. Complete these predictions about nanotechnology. Use each verb in the list once

construct (1)     perform

replace (with)   store

clean up            take 

remove             stop 

resist                 wear


A Manufacturers will be able to construct……(1) cars from lightweight materials that are 50 times stronger than steel. Today’s two-ton Cadillac could weigh only 50 kg in the future. The materials used to build cars will be able to……(2) scratches, dents, and rust (царапины, вмятины, ржавчина)
B We’ll be to……(3) trillions of bytes of information in a structure the size of sugar cube
C Doctors will be able to……(4) broken human bones (кости) with artificial bones made with nanotechnology. Nanorobots will be able to……(5) surgery. We’ll be able to……(6) pills(пилюли) containing nanorobots
D We’ll be able to……(7) nanorobots up into space to rebuild the ozone layer. Other nanorobots will be able to……(8) pollutants from water and……(9) oil spills
E Everyone will be able to……(10) computers and colour screens because they will be built into their clothes.  We’ll be able to……(11) our clothes from getting dirty by making them with stain repellent fabrics (ткани, устойчивые к пятнам)

4.1.12. Match each of the following headings with one of the abstracts (A–E) above

1) Medicine

2) Clothes

3) Car

4) Environment  

5) Computers

4.1.13. Discuss these questions in groups and make a short report about nanotechnologies

· Can you see any applications for nanotechnology in your job?

· What things would you like to be smaller, stronger, etc?

· Could nanotechnology affect employment in your industry? (How?)

· Do you like the idea of having nanorobots inside your body?

· Some people say we’ll be able to live for ever with nanotechnology. Would you like to?

· Is nanotechnology always going to be a good thing? Can you see any dangers?

New Sources of Energy

4.2.1. Read and study the new words on the topic

fossil fuel [fɒsıl] природное топливо
consume (v) [kənˈsju:m] потреблять
consumption (n) [kənˈsʌmp∫n] потребление
conserve energy [kənˈsɜːv ˈenədʒi] сохранять энергию
demand (for) (n) [dıˈmɑːnd] спрос
deplete (v) [dıˈpli:t] истощать
diminish (v) [dəˈmını∫] уменьшать(ся)
electrical power [ıˈlektrıkəl ˈpaʊə] электроэнергия
electrical appliance [ıˈlektrıkəl əˈplaıəns] эл. прибор
generate electricity [ˈdʒenəreıt ɪˌlekˈtrısti] вырабатывать электричество
insulate ( v ) [ˈınsjuleıt] изолировать
power(v) [paʊə] питать
plug ( into) (v) [plʌg] подключать
photovoltaic (adj) [ˌfəʊtəʊvɒlˈteıık] фотоэлектрический
nuclear power [ˌnju:kliə] ядерная энергия
renewable (adj) [rıˈnju:əbl] возобновляемый
non-renewable (adj) [ˌnɒn rıˈnju:əbl ] невозобновляемый
utility company [ju:ˈtıləti ˈkʌmpənı] компания по оказанию коммунальных услуг
wall socket [ˈwɔːl ˈsɒkıt] эл. розетка

4.2.2. Read these international words and guess their meaning

battery [ˈbætəri] energy [ˈenədʒi]
cycle [saıkl] electricity [ˌelekˈtrısıtı]
chemical reactor [ˈkemɪkəl riˈæktə] radiation [ˌreɪdiˈeı∫n]
gas [gæs] thermal [ˈθɜːməl]
geothermal [ˌdʒi:əʊˈθɜːməl] transformation [ˌtrænsfəˈmeɪ∫ən]
hydraulic [haıˈdrɒlık] volt [vəʊlt]

4.2.3. Add punctuation and capital letters to the text, and then make a list of non-renewable sources of energy

when you plug an electrical appliance into the wall socket do you know where your electricity comes from probably the local public utility company but how does the utility company generate the electricity you use at home if it is like most power companies it produces electrical power by burning fossil fuels coal natural gas or oil it makes steam which turns turbines to generate electricity at the powerplant in the u s 88 per cent of all the electricity comes from coal natural gas and oil they are non-renewable fuels which according to the estimate of scientists will runout during this century

4.2.4. Replace the underlined words in 4.2.3 with their synonyms

come to an end



power station

educated guess

4.2.5. Fill in the gaps with the words from the table

electricity  reduce        power use generation consumers far      users increase     sources      energy light consumption


We hear so much these days of local problems of electricity…….(1). Many……(2) are taking steps to ……(3) their electricity……(4). This is as a result of the recent……(5) in electricity tariffs for……(6). We should all try to……(7) less…..(8), by insulating our houses, turning off the…..(9) when leaving a room and using less hot water.

We must try to develop alternative …….(10) of energy. It is known that nuclear power comes to the consumer as electricity, which is convenient form of ……(11). Although nuclear…….(12) stations are large, they can be built……(13) from places where people live.


4.2.6. Answer the question

What new sources of energy have you heard about? Give examples of their usage.

4.2.7. Match these alternative sources of energy A to the correct definitions B

A                        B

Solar                   energy from plant and animal residues (остатки)

Wind                   energy from heat inside the earth

Geothermal         energy from the sun   

Modern biomass energy from seawater movement and temperature


Ocean                 energy from small dams, such as those filled

                           by melting snow

Small hydroelectric energy from moving air


Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 299.