To begin with I'd like to comment on the metaphor which compares our body to a magnificent temple. In fact, it is a hundred percent true. A human body is a perfectly organized creation with millions of blood vessels. It has an extremely powerful engine that pumps gallons of blood every day. A human brain is a fantastic mind machine. It contains around 100 billion cells, equal to the number of stars in the Milky Way.
Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about the food they eat, about the air they breathe and the way they look and feel. They begin to comprehend that staying active as you get older gives you more energy and helps to stay off illness. Nowadays we are offered a wide range of sport facilities to achieve general fitness.
From my own experience I can say that some of my friends are simply hooked on aerobics, shaping, stretching and bodybuilding. I must admit that a professional sportsman is always a pleasure to look at: he doesn't smoke or drink alcohol; he keeps to a healthy diet avoiding junk food and always takes regular hours.
Absolute beginners should start with some basic mobility exercises to get them moving. All sports should be made a part of a weekly routine. Regularity and moderation are two basic rules. However, we shouldn't forget that it might be appropriate to get the doctor's approval before. In fact everybody chooses an activity that appeals more to him.
From my point of view, swimming is an excellent exercise. It doesn't strain the muscles as the water supports the body weight. It also helps flexibility, stamina, and heart and lung capability. Cycling is wonderful for balance. In fact you can practice it both indoors and outdoors on a stationary bike.
Yoga is also an ideal option. It's mostly due to the fact that both your body and your mind benefit from yoga classes, as it tones the muscles and relieves tension.
I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that recent research shows that just an hour's brisk walk every day maintains perfect fitness and wards off such diseases as asthma, arthritis, back aches and insomnia.
As a teenager I'd say that the greatest way to combine pleasure and fitness is dancing. Pretty much like jogging it is one of the best ways to boost heart, muscles and lungs. It improves self-control and coordination. Doctors say that a twenty minutes session will give the heart a safe level of protection.
So all these exercises combined with healthy will inevitably provide a person with a healthy body and a peace of mind.
Exercise 1
Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and word combinations:
человеческое тело, миллионы кровеносных сосудов, быть помешанным на аэробике, придерживаться здоровой диеты, оставаться активным, ослаблять давление, качать кровь.
Exercise 2
Complete the sentences:
1. A human body is …
2. Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about …
3. Nowadays we are offered …
4. Absolute beginners should…
5. The greatest way to combine pleasure and fitness is …
Exercise 3
Answer the questions:
1. What can we compare our body with? Why?
2. What is a human body?
3. What things are people getting more and more concerned nowadays?
4. Why is a professional sportsman a pleasure to look at?
5. Why is swimming an excellent exercise?
6. Why is yoga an ideal option?
7. Why is dancing the greatest way to combine pleasure and fitness
How to Improve Your Mental Health
Enjoying oneself is not the goal of mental health. It is a by-product of mental health. Gaining mental health does not mean complete freedom from everyday problems. This is not realistic, not possible. What mental health involves is the ability to cope with problems while keeping a good psychological balance.
How can you go about improving your mental health? There is no single easy answer. Still, there are some things you can do to promote your mental health. A number of important ones are listed below.
Set realistic goals for yourself, then achieve them.
Practice being alone without outside distractions. Learn to be comfortable with yourself.
Identify your good qualities. Be proud of them and of yourself.
Make the most of your physical appearance.
Be yourself. Express yourself openly and honestly.
Recognize and face your fears, guilts and hostilities. Accept these as part of being human.
Try to see the value in both good and bad emotional experiences.
Practice sharing your feelings with others.
Build friendships by giving and accepting affection.
Join in family, club, or other group activities. Share goals and values.
Maintain your physical health.
Accept responsibility for what and who you are and for what you do.
Develop worthwhile skills.
Take advantage of opportunities for new experiences. Learn to enjoy good experiences.
Learn from both successes and failures. Make full use of all your experiences.
When someone upsets or annoys you, try to put yourself in that person's place.
Allow yourself to be pleased with what you are and excited about what you are becoming.
Ask for help when you feel you could use it. Understand that accepting help may be good for the person who helps you as well.
Recognize that nobody's perfect, including yourself.
Exercise 1
Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and word combinations:
ставить перед собой реалистичные цели, гордиться собой, признавать свои страхи, разделять ценности, брать на себя ответственность, ставить себя на место другого человека.
Exercise 2
Complete the sentences:
1. Gaining mental health does not mean …
2. What mental health involves is …
3. Accept responsibility for …
4. Recognize and face …
5. Learn from both …
6. When someone upsets or annoys you…
Exercise 3
Answer the questions:
1.Is mental health important for us?
2. What does it mean to gain mental health?
3. How can we improve our mental health?
Do yon agree or not? Comment on the following statements.
1. Health is the first and greatest of all blessings.
2. Having good health is very different from only being not sick.
3. Walking is the best possible exercise.
Role play
Keep Fit!
Setting: At the fitness centre.
Situation: A group of young people comes to the fitness centre and share their ideas how to keep fit.
Card I — Tom, a professional sportsman. He is in a good physical form and tries to persuade his friends to visit fitness centre regularly.
Card II—III — Linda and Sally, the students. They prefer being on a diet rather than doing sport.
Card IV— Den, a student of the medical university. He knows a lot about the human body and the processes which occur in it.
Card V — Mary, a vegetarian.
Write an essay on one of the following topics:
1. Sports provide a person with a healthy body and a sound mind.
2. You should walk every day to keep fit.
3. Most sports help flexibility and stamina.
4. Absolute beginners should start with risky sports.
5. Swimming is undoubtedly an excellent exercise.
Unit 7
Health and Diseases
Topical Vocabulary
disease, illness, sickness
chronic disease
infectious disease
to suffer from
to fall ill, to be ill, to be sick
to have a cold, to catch cold
to faint
to treat, to cure, to heal
to recover (from an illness)
to take a temperature
to take a blood test
to take an X-ray
to be examined by a doctor
to measure blood pressure
to give an injection / to give a shot
pill, tablet
to prescribe medicines
to take medicines
хроническое заболевание
инфекционное заболевание
страдать от ч-л
потерять сознание
измерять температуру
делать анализ крови
делать рентген
быть осмотренным врачом
измерять кровяное давление
давать укол
прописывать лекарство
принимать лекарство
Consult the dictionary and translate the following words and word combinations:
Internal organs
circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, nervous system, urinary tract
heart, lung, trachea, bronchi, esophagus, stomach, gall bladder / gallbladder, liver, small intestine, large intestine, kidney, bladder, spleen
aorta, artery, vein, capillary, blood, lymph, blood vessel, blood circulation
endocrine glands, thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, pancreas, lymph glands
reproductive organs, conception, pregnancy, embryo, fetus, childbirth
to be pregnant, to have a baby, to give birth to a male child / female child
body fluids / bodily fluids, blood (red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma), lymph, gastric juice, bile, mucus, tears, saliva, sweat, urine
Blood groups / blood types
blood group A, blood group B, blood group AB, blood group O / blood type O, blood type A, blood type B, blood type AB
Rh factor, Rh-positive, Rh-negative
Diseases and disorders
malady, ailment, disorder, health problem
acute disease, serious disease, heart disease, common diseases
contagious disease, communicable diseases, noncommunicable diseases
to have a heart disease, to suffer from asthma, to catch an infectious disease
to have a headache, to have a toothache, to have earache, to have a pain in the stomach, to have chest pains, my left foot hurts, my wrist hurts
to have an allergy to medication / to drugs
to lose consciousness, to be unconscious
Skin: skin irritation, skin inflammation, redness, tenderness, swelling, rash, dermatitis, itchy skin / itching, acne, pimple, boil, blister, burn, scar, scratch, corn, callus, wart, eczema, psoriasis
Hair: dandruff, split ends, thinning hair, hair loss, baldness
Eye: nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, crossed eyes, conjunctivitis, sty, retinal detachment, cataract, glaucoma, blindness, color-blindness
Ear: wax blockage, hearing loss, earache, ruptured eardrum, otitis / infection of the middle ear
Nose, throat, lungs: nosebleed, runny nose, stuffy nose, rhinitis, allergic rhinitis / hay fever, sinusitis, a cold, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma
Heart and circulation: atherosclerosis, hypertension / high blood pressure, heart disease, coronary heart disease, coronary thrombosis, heart failure, heart attack, cardiac arrest, congenital heart disease, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis
Blood: anemia, bleeding, internal bleeding, hemorrhage, hemophilia, leukemia
Brain and nervous system: headache, migraine, dizziness / giddiness / vertigo, fainting spell, neuralgia, meningitis, epilepsy, convulsions, seizure, stroke, paralysis, cerebral palsy, dementia
Nutrition: vitamin deficiency, mineral deficiency, obesity, to be overweight, weight loss, anorexia, bulimia
Stomach, intestines: heartburn, indigestion, dyspepsia, upset stomach, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, gastritis, ulcer, gastroenteritis, colitis, constipation, appendicitis, hemorrhoids, dysentery, cholera
Liver: hepatitis, jaundice, cirrhosis. Gall bladder: gallstones, cholecystitis
Kidneys, bladder: pyelonephritis, kidney stones, cystitis
Bones, joints: backache / back pain, scoliosis, osteoporosis, arthritis.
Muscles: muscle spasm, muscle cramp, muscular dystrophy, hernia
Injuries: injury, wound, trauma, hand injury, knee injury, foot injury, head injury, concussion, contusion, fracture, fractured bone, slipped disc / prolapsed disc, dislocation, sprain, sprained ankle, pulled muscle, bruise, to break one's arm, to have a broken arm
General infections / systemic infections: the flu / influenza, tuberculosis, tetanus, rabies, yellow fever, typhoid, smallpox, anthrax, leprosy
Infectious diseases (especially in childhood): measles, rubella / German measles, mumps, whooping cough / pertussis, diphtheria, polio, chicken pox, scarlet fever
Infestations, parasytes: helminthic invasion, tapeworm, pinworm, hookworm, roundworm, scabies, malaria, lice, fleas, ticks
Hormonal disorders: diabetes, disorders of the pituitary gland, disorders of the thyroid gland.
Oncology: benign tumor, malignant tumor, cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer, skin cancer
Mental disorders: depression, phobia, schizophrenia
Addictions: alcohol abuse, drug abuse
Дата: 2019-02-24, просмотров: 274.