Setting: The office of the ”Lonely Hearts Column“ of a popular magazine.
Situation: Different people come to the office and leave their advertisements. The journalists give advice on how to write an advertisement for the acquaintance service.
Card I — Amanda, a 16 year-old girl who wants to get acquainted with a ”blue-eyed prince“ or a pop star.
Card II — Miranda, the girls older female friend who tries to talk her out of writing the advertisement.
Card III — Belinda, a middle-aged woman who is a frequenter of the ”Lonely Hearts Column“ because her expectations of the financial position of her prospective fiance are too high.
Card IV — Donald, a very shy young man.
Card V — Ronald, an old bachelor.
Card VI — Archibald, a divorcee with 3 children.
Card VII—VIII — Millard and Lynda, a couple who are happily married thanks to the ”Lonely Hearts Column“ and who came to thank the journalist for his/her help and to share the news that they are expecting a baby.
Card IX—X — Harold and Brenda, a young man and a young woman who fall in love at first sight and decide to get married. They wish to publish the announcement of their wedding instead of the advertisements which they have brought to the magazine.
Write an essay on one of the following topics:
1. Teenage marriage
2. Leadership in the family.
3. Marriage contracts and romantic love.
4. Divorce and one-parent families.
5. A white wedding or no wedding?
Unit 3
English as a World Language
Topical Vocabulary
an official language
mother tongue/ native language
to be borrowed
standard English
an international language
international communication
English-speaking countries
to speak English fluently
to make up topics and dialogues
aspects of English
to be good at pronunciation
an accent
to make a mistake
to learn (learnt, learnt) a language
a foreigner
to travel abroad
the knowledge of languages
to communicate with people
to occupy a special place
to be used in various spheres of life
to have a command of a foreign language
официальный язык
родной язык
быть заимствованным
литературный английский
словарь, словарный состав
международный язык
международное общение
англо-говорящие страны
говорить по-английски бегло
составлять темы и диалоги
аспекты английского языка
иметь хорошее произношение
сделать ошибку
учить язык
путешествовать за границу
знание языков
общаться с людьми
занимать особое место
использоваться в различных сферах жизни
владеть иностранным языком
Consult the dictionary and translate the following words and word combinations:
the most used language
can't do without
all over the world
the language of progressive science and technology
to address international mail
to store computer texts
to get a good working knowledge of a language
a language teacher
the most widespread language on the earth
second language
native speakers
to learn professional vocabulary
to study English grammar
to take a lot of time and patience
Vocabulary Exercises
Exercise 1
Match the word combinations from two columns and translate them into Russian.
To have a command of
To be good at
To take a lot of
To make up
To be used in
To communicate with
time and patience
a foreign language
topics and dialogues
various spheres of life
Exercise 2
Translate into English:
англо-говорящие страны; родной язык; во всем мире; занимать особое место; быть заимствованным; международный язык; говорить бегло; делать ошибки; составлять темы и диалоги.
Exercise 3
Fill in the missing prepositions.
1. English is the most widespread language … the earth.
2. It is the language … progressive science and technology.
3. English is used … various spheres of life all … the world.
4. If you want to travel abroad and communicate … people, you should be good … pronunciation and speak English fluently.
5. During the English course students make … different topics and dialogues and study English grammar.
Дата: 2019-02-24, просмотров: 273.