1) What is one of the natural resources?
2) When have urban expansion and the development of settlement areas been the driving forces of enormous land consumption?
3) What is MCA?
4) Do technical influences essentially determine the choice and applicability of the indicators?
5) Within the planning process a sustainable regional development can be partially controlled using appropriate indicators‚ can’t it?
2. Find the English equivalent s of the following Russian
Phrases in the text .
1) Развитие городских и сельских районов;
2) применяемость показателей;
3) процесс текущего планирования;
4) совокупность данных;
5) сравнение плановой производительности.
Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
Each word can be used only once.
MCA sustainable increasing efficiency important structural evaluated assessment framework settlement |
1) The __________ of land use is already very low and furthermore decreasing and so the deficit concerning __________ land use will be also declining.
2) The current trends of outbounded __________ development and an __________ urban sprawl have to be stopped for the sake of a sustainable settlement development.
3) The elaboration of __________ for suitable housing land potentials under the premise of sustainability shows are many technical and __________ requirements on indicators and criteria.
4) A comprehensible MCA-scheme is an __________ step towards a transfer and communication of scientific knowledge into local __________ and land management approaches.
5) Planning alternatives can be __________ based on an assessment __________ using MCA.
Circle the Odd Word Out.
1) Agricultural‚ land, urban;
2) planners, resources‚ services;
3) MCA‚ MCA-design‚ MCA-scheme;
4) an‚ the‚ these;
5) decision, controlling‚ monitoring.
Translate the sentences into Russian
using ordinal numerals.
1) This plan is the eights one you are trying to show me!
2) It is the first good recordkeeping program for last 5 years.
3) Is that program seventeenth in the list?
4) He is the fourth chief for last 2 terms.
5) It is the twenty-second area where we are trying to build.
Project Management (Part I)
Project management is the application of relevant logic and tools to planning, directing, and controlling a temporary endeavor. Almost all companies encounter the need for project management at some point. The need may arise for a new physical plant, an expansion of
office space, or a move to a new location. Reengineering may suggest a change in processes, with an accompanying equipment rearrangement and retraining to ensure the effectiveness of the change. The present-day speed of technology change often forces companies to adopt new hardware and software to stay current. Softer issues, such as the implementation of quality programs, also are within the project management purview. While some organizations specialize in projects, others may require project management skills only occasionally to effect a change, either physical or sociological in nature, from the norm.
Defining a Project. A project is typically defined as a set of interrelated activities having a specific beginning and ending, and leading to a specific objective. Probably the most important concept in this definition is that a project is intended as a temporary endeavor, unlike ongoing, steady state operations. Secondary is the uniqueness of the output.
To ensure that a project is temporary, it is necessary to define the ending explicitly. The outputs of the project, or deliverables, may be tangible (a new heating system) or intangible (a retrained workgroup), but in either case should be defined in measurable terms (completed installation or documented level of expertise).
Each project requires specific definition of its goals. In a training project example, the project manager may be given responsibility for identifying and implementing a training system that will enhance productivity by 15 percent; in this case, the project is not complete until the 15 percent goal is reached. If instead the project is to implement a previously identified training program, known to achieve excellent results, then the project is finished when the trainees achieve the test scores known to correlate with a specified level of improvement in productivity. At this point, the project manager has achieved the deliverable, as measured in specific terms; the project is a success. Whether or not the desired improvement in productivity follows is outside the scope of the project.
Obviously, it behooves the project manager to have a well-defined scope for the project. The more nebulous the assignment, the more the project is subject to “scope-creep,” or the tendency for the project to acquire additional duties. A “statement of work” document
or charter, outlining the relevant specifications of deliverables, helps to keep a project clearly defined. Once the work is completely specified, the requisite activities can be identified and assigned.
The work breakdown structure (WBS) is one of the tools used by project managers to ensure that all activities have been included in planning. By numbering the project “1.0.” the implication is that this is the first project for the company; subsequent projects would be numbered sequentially.
In the marketing field, subsequent product rollouts can learn from the initial product introduction. To the extent that the project is repetitive, the planning process, WBS, and cost estimates can provide a valuable template for future projects.
Дата: 2019-02-24, просмотров: 247.