1) What is one of highly valued environmental assets?
2) The protection of the watersheds designated for municipal water supply is a matter of regional importance‚ isn’t it?
3) What are vital components of the hydrological cycle?
4) Do wetlands also provide habitat for fish and wildlife?
5) What has pressure problems?
2. Find the English equivalent s of the following Russian
phrases in the text.
1) Местообитание диких животных;
2) эстетическая ценность;
3) охранная зона;
4) дренажная вода;
5) пожарный гидрант.
Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
Each word can be used only once.
minimums structures adverse flooding hazard conservation water watersheds quality pressure |
1) The protection __________ is going through land use control and retention of those features that regulate water flow, mitigate __________, reduce water pollution and protect ecological functions.
2) The land uses permitted within these __________ should not threaten water __________.
3) Low-density residential, __________ related uses and resource activities may be undertaken in some of these watersheds without having __________ effects on water quality.
4) Wetlands are unsuitable for development as they pose a __________ for the stability of __________, but they do enhance the overall aesthetics of a community.
5) The water distribution system also has __________ problems, ranging from excessive pressure in some sections of the municipality, to below the required __________ in others.
Circle the Odd Word Out.
1) Flooding‚ risk‚ water;
2) ecological‚ precious‚ resource;
3) filters‚ has‚ sections;
4) lost‚ meet‚ threaten;
5) permit‚ pollution‚ protect.
Translate the sentences into English
using combination «as + adjective + as».
1) Вода в нашем городе так же чистая, как и воздух.
2) Заболоченные земли в этом районе такие же обширные, как и в соседнем.
3) Защита окружающей среды является такой же важной, как и другие мероприятия в городской среде.
4) Водные ресурсы отдалённого района так же являются пригодными для жизни, как и водные ресурсы центра этого города.
5) Спрос на земельные участки сейчас такой же высокий, как и в прошлом году.
Residential communities will be serviced by communal on-site sewage disposal systems which are not serviced with municipal wastewater and water distribution systems. Provincial regulations allow for communal on-site sewage disposal systems, subject to approval of a management plan. It must contain measures to ensure land owners are responsible for the maintenance of these systems.
Malfunctioning on-site sewage disposal systems cause bacteria
and other contaminants to enter groundwater and surface water which may pose health risks and cause environmental degradation. Contamination has resulted in closures to swimming and has increased
the eutrophication process of lakes and estuaries. People must protect
the environment by undertaking an on-site sewage disposal system inspection program and to require homeowners to install devices which can extend the life of, or improve the performance of on-site systems.
The risk of inadequate performance of on-site sewage disposal systems in areas which are serviced with a central water supply is of grave concern to the society. There is a higher degree of risk of on-site sewage disposal system failure in areas serviced with central water because the unlimited source of water can cause hydraulic overloading.
Regular maintenance would reduce the risk of failure. This might be achieved by adopting a by-law that requires regular system maintenance of private on-site sewage disposal systems or by establishing Wastewater Management Districts in which funds are collected from owners within the district for system maintenance. Financing for system maintenance might also be included in the cost of providing central water.
Дата: 2019-02-24, просмотров: 256.