Answer the following questions
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

  1) What was adopted by all four municipal units?  

  2) What is the Strategy comprised of?

  3) Have guidelines been adopted for establishing and operating commercial, municipal, and industrial composting facilities?

  4) Are composting operations permitted in a number of zones or not?

  5) What are the objectives of the Integrated Resource Management Strategy?

 2. Find the English equivalent s of the following Russian

 phrases in the text.

  1)  Mуниципальное образование;  

  2) строительный мусор; 

  3) базовые критерии;   

   4) утилизация мусора;   

 5) операции по сбросу.


Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.

Each word can be used only once.

commercial personal amalgamation Resource compost municipal operations value obtain zones


1) Prior to __________, an Integrated Resource Management Strategy was adopted by all four __________ units.

2) To facilitate the safe production, distribution and use of __________ material, guidelines have been adopted for establishing and operating __________, municipal, and industrial composting facilities.


3) All composting facilities, except for __________ composting operations, are required to __________ a composting permit from the Province.

4) Composting __________ are permitted in a number of __________.

5) The following objectives of the Integrated __________ Management Strategy: to maximize recycling of waste, increase economic activity and __________ added processing.


Circle the Odd Word Out.

1) Be‚ in‚ is;

2) testing, the‚ transfer;

3) and‚ obtain‚ use;

4) a‚ the‚ under;

5) operations‚ strategy‚ zones.


Translate the sentences into English

using adverbs.

1) Без сомнения, в этом регионе отходы всегда перерабатывают.

2) Подобные цели едва ли можно достичь.

3) Мы уже провели этот эксперимент.

4) Эти зоны являются большой проблемой для нашей компании.

5) Вскоре будет проведено внедрение новых мер по интересующему нас вопросу.


Section 5



Urban Management

The targets of the urban management can be summarized as follows:

a) to define major gaps and weaknesses in the management procedures of urban systems,  with  focus on environmental and health


protection; b) to propose tools and strategies for an improved sustainable management of European urban areas.

 Key to the work is the definition of “urban system” based on the concept of cities operating as complex ‘systems’. These “urban systems” support an ensemble of functions which interact with each other and influence the physical development of the city and its surrounding area.

  What is Urban Management:

• It is a process through which the sustainable development of urban areas, their immediate environs and the regions within which they are located may be secured.

• It will improve ecological conditions in order to promote a healthy urban environment.

• It will minimize the negative impacts of urban areas on ecological cycles at all levels.

• It focuses upon the preservation of the natural environment within its social and economic context, recognizing the interrelated nature of the social, economic and environmental.

• It requires the development of the organizational structures and arrangements which enable integrated policy approaches to urban problems.

• It is founded on an integrated view of the state of the urban environment by using the best possible available information.

• It uses the best available technologies and the most suitable approaches and tools which meet the specific needs of urban areas.

• It is based on an open and inclusionary decision-making process which involves the participation of stakeholders, including citizens and other interest groups.

• It builds on former knowledge which should therefore be specified as a “state of the art” to ensure that new policy approaches learn from past performance.

• It develops a culture of learning, understanding and respect within organizations and amongst individuals involved in the processes of sustainable development policy making.

• It recognizes the need for long term vision in policy making and for the need to secure equitable and just policy outcomes.

• It is  based  on the precautionary  principle and on the integration


of environment into the other policies.

• It is based on a continuing cycle of problem analysis, planning and programming, implementation and evaluation (monitoring).



Дата: 2019-02-24, просмотров: 230.