1) What is urban cadastre?
2) What aspects does the real estate information contemplate?
3) Is the basic concept in the urban cadastre the real estate or the land use?
4) The cadastre should support the tasks of planning and decisions making in the public and private sector, shouldn’t it?
5) How many requirements are there in the urban cadastre?
Find the English equivalent s of the following Russian
Phrases in the text .
1) Четыре основные проблемы;
2) кадастр должен поддерживать задачи планирования;
3) коммунальные услуги и единичные цены на землю;
4) реконструкция недвижимости;
5) данные можно получить из нескольких источников.
Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
Each word can be used only once.
support historic cadastre perimeter topographical real planning spatial obtained fiscal |
1) The urban __________ is an inventory of the real properties with juridical purposes, __________ and of planning.
2) The cadastral information includes __________ data like the location, area, __________, vicinity, form, orientation, etc. of the lots of land.
3) __________ the identification of the __________ estates following a hierarchical.
4) The __________ information is important for legal and of
__________ ends.
5) The data could be __________ from several sources like air photographs, air-photogrammetric and __________ surveying, existent plans, census.
Circle the Odd Word Out.
1) City, country, urban;
2) concerning, making, planning;
3) besides, estates, lots;
4) community, security, simply;
5) area, land, tradition.
Mark the suffixes of the following words.
What part of speech does each word belong to?
1) Assistant, engineer, visible;
2) distance, tendency, union;
3) culture, easily, organization;
4) constructor, distant, useless;
5) ability, English, labour.
Section 2
Urban and Regional Planners
Urban and regional planners develop long- and short-term plans for the use of land and the growth and revitalization of urban, suburban, and rural communities and the region in which they are located. They help local officials alleviate social, economic, and environmental problems by recommending locations for roads, schools, and other infrastructure and suggesting zoning regulations for private property – work that requires forecasting the future needs of the population. Because local governments employ the majority of urban and regional planners, they often are referred to as community or city planners.
Planners promote the best use of a community's land and
resources for residential, commercial, institutional, and recreational purposes. They address environmental, economic, and social health issues of a community as it grows and changes. They may formulate plans relating to the construction of new school buildings, public housing, or other kinds of infrastructure. Planners also may help to make decisions about developing resources and protecting ecologically sensitive regions. Some planners are involved in environmental issues including pollution control, wetland preservation, forest conservation, and the location of new landfills. Planners also may help to draft legislation on environmental, social, and economic issues, such as planning a new park, sheltering the homeless, or making the region more attractive to businesses.
Before preparing plans for community development, planners study and report on the current use of land for residential, business, and community purposes. Their reports include information on the location and capacity of streets, highways, airports, water and sewer lines, schools, libraries, and cultural and recreational sites. They also provide data on the types of industries in the community, the characteristics of the population, and employment and economic trends. Using this information, along with input from citizens, planners try to optimize land use for buildings and other public facilities. Planners prepare reports showing how their programs can be carried out and what they will cost.
Planners use computers to record and analyze information and to prepare reports and recommendations for government executives, developers and builders. Computer databases, spreadsheets, and analytical techniques are used to project program costs and forecast future trends in employment, housing, transportation, or population. Widespread use of computerized geographic information systems (GIS) enable planners to map land areas, to overlay maps with geographic variables such as population density, and to combine or manipulate geographic information to produce alternative plans for land use or development.
Urban and regional planners often work with land developers, civic leaders, and public officials and may function as mediators in community disputes, presenting alternatives that are acceptable to opposing parties. Planners may prepare material for community
relations programs, speak at civic meetings, and appear before legislative committees to explain and defend their proposals.
Most urban and regional planners focus on one or more areas of specialization, such as transportation planning, urban design, community development and redevelopment, and land-use or code enforcement. While planners may specialize in these, and other, areas, they are also required to keep the bigger picture in mind and do what's best for the community as a whole.
Дата: 2019-02-24, просмотров: 293.