1) What is a cadastre?
2) What is Blondheim?
3) Who established elaborate land-record systems?
4) When was the actual collection of data carried out?
5) Cadastre mapping program generated a series of estate maps at a scale of 1:2000, didn’t it?
Find the English equivalent s of the following Russian phrases in the text.
1) Юридическое право, дающее право собственности;
2) реестр территориальных единиц, облагаемых налогом;
3) измеряли землю и устанавливали границы;
4) проводился фактический сбор данных;
5) земля – основа всех богатств.
3. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. Each word can be used only once.
expanded right parcels Pharaohs entire made classify narrowly collection taxes |
1) An interest in land (or property right) may be __________ construed as a legal __________ capable of ownership.
2) In the pristine Egyptian state, revenues for the __________ and the priesthood were met principally by __________ on the land.
3) The Domesday Book was primarily a __________ of facts about the land and its improvements __________ for fiscal purposes.
4) The program was __________ when Emperor Joseph II ordered a cadastral survey for the __________ territory encompassed by the Austro-Hungarian monarchy.
5) “To survey … more than 100 million parcels‚ to __________ these __________by the fertility of the soil…”
Circle the Odd Word Out.
1) Concept, bring, property;
2) has, revenues, taxes;
3) according, adjudicating, mapping;
4) Euphrates, Nile, Physiocrats;
5) narrowly, precursory, probably.
Translate sentences from Russian into English
using a‚ an or the where it is necessary.
1) Земля – это богатство, которое мы должны сохранить.
2) Кадастр означает список, реестр чего-либо или кого-либо.
3) Кадастр связан с понятиями учёта, оценки состояния и использованием естественных ресурсов.
4) В Древнем Египте тщательно велись оценочные списки земель, подлежащих налогообложению.
5) В 1801 году Наполеон составил комиссию для изучения справедливого распределения налога на недвижимое имущество.
Urban Cadastre
The urban cadastre is an inventory of the real properties with juridical purposes, fiscal and of planning, which should be used as support to decisions making that redound to advantages for the community of the municipality. The real estate information contemplates four fundamental aspects: physics, related with the position, dimension, form and general characteristics of the real states; juridical, referred to the legal situation of property; fiscal, concerning to the taxing in function of the real state value; and social-economical, associated to the occupants of the real estates. The cadastre should support the tasks of planning and decisions making in the public and private sector, besides serving like mean to capture economical resources for the benefit of the community.
The cadastral information includes spatial data like the location, area, perimeter, vicinity, form, orientation, etc. of the lots of land. The basic concept in the urban cadastre is the real estate, which could give up of diverse forms: a lot of land simply, or a lot with one or several edifications, or also an apartment type condominium (it share the same land with others). In the case of the apartments, the planimetric location of each one of the real estates within the lot is the same for all those located in a same edification.
The requirements of the urban cadastre:
1. Hierarchical coding: Support the identification of the real estates following a hierarchical, such as the code includes information
on the edification, the lot of land, the block and the sector where it is located.
2. Information and of the real estates: Permit the storage and processing of information related to the spatial characteristics of the lots and edifications like dimension, form, area, and no-spatial like the attributes of the owner and the occupants, use, value, public services, construction characteristic of the real estates, among others.
3. Information and of the sectors of the city: Including information on the public services, nets of streets, unit values of the land. The public services and the unit values of the land meet to street level, of such form that they associate to the real estates located in a determined street, allowing to know the services that they have and their unit values.
4. Tradition of the real estates: The historic information such as use, value, social-economical data of the people occupants, area, limits, co-ordinates of vertexes, etc., is important for legal and of planning ends.
5. Permissions of construction: Support the relative to the permissions of construction, modification or demolish of real estates in order to control this activity and make to complete the established urban norms. This will allow detecting the change on the characteristics of edification, which will serve for the updating of the real estate value.
6. Data input flexibility. The data could be obtained from several sources like air photographs, air-photogrammetric and topographical surveying, existent plans, census.
7. Robustness.
8. Extensibility.
9. Security and privacy.
Дата: 2019-02-24, просмотров: 282.