(5 types of questions exercises)
Упражнение 17. Образуйте вопросительные предложения, используя вспомогательные глаголы: did, are, do, have, was, haven' t, is, isn' t
1. What types of books ______ you like to read?
2. _____ she reading love story or an adventure story?
3. ______ you seen «Titanic»?
4. Who _____ watching TV at eight o'clock last night?
5. It's an exciting book, ________ it?
6. _____ you going to watch a romantic film or a musical?
7. You have seen this film, _______ you.
8. _____ you go to the cinema last night?
Сгруппируйте вопросы в соответствии с их типами:
Yes / No Questions: ______________.
Alternative Questions: ______________.
Special Questions: ______________.
Tag Questions: ______________.
Упражнение 18. Оразуйте вопросы.
Упражнение 19. Напишите вопросы к предложениям, начиная со слова в скобках.
1. My sister eats sweets every day. (Who)
2. He won't go to the country this summer (Will)
3. We were advised to come. (What?)
4. I haven't seen Peter since Saturday. (Since when?)
5. They are planning to have a holiday soon. (They)
6. She made a beautiful dress for herself last week. (What?)
7. Everybody was waiting at the door to the museum. (Was)
8. By the end of the year, he had read about twenty books. (How many)
9. He is followed by his friend everywhere. (By whom?)
10. He didn't know how he could help his friend. (Why?)
Упражнение 20. Напишите вопросы к подчеркнутым частям текста.
John is my cousin (1). He is only 18, but he is already a student (2). John is very intelligent (3) and he is a good-looking boy too. Many girls (4) admire his dark brown (5) eyes and curly hair. The only problem is that John hasn't got enough money (6). He likes books (7) but he often has no money to buy them.
Упражнение 21. Write special and alternative questions to the answers.
Образец :
He is from England.
What country is he from?
Is he from England or Scotland?
1. We went to the library.
2. He is a driver.
3. We were playing a game.
4. They came to this place a long time ago.
Упражнение 22. Напишите вопросы к ответам.
1. ____________________________?
A computer. (The Adams bought a computer.)
2. ____________________________?
They have. They have already met Mr Smith.)
3. ____________________________?
They met Mr Smith when they were in London.
4. ____________________________?
They are. (They are going to there again).
5. ____________________________?
English. She teaches English.
6. ____________________________?
Travelling. (He was interested in travelling.)
7. ____________________________?
They do. (They have to get up early.)
8. ____________________________?
At the airport. (He had to meet them at the airport.)
9. ____________________________?
The baby's room. (Mary has to clean the baby's room every morning.)
10. ____________________________?
Boots. (They have to wear boots.)
Упражнение 23. Напишите вопросы о вождении в Англии. Используйте подсказки.
Упражнение 24. Read the text. Write down the questions for the underlined words to get more information.
1. Somebody wrote this book. It is about somebody and his friends.
2. One day he put on something white.
3. He looked like somebody.
4. The old Frekken Bokk was cooking something.
5. Something opened and he appeared somewhere.
6. She did something in horror.
7. She phoned somebody.
8. And at that time somebody and his friend were eating something.
Упражнение 25. Закончите разделительные вопросы .
1. The books about animals are real fun, …
2. You really like reading magazines, …
3. You can go to the library tomorrow, …
4. Your mum thinks adventure stories are exciting, …
5. You haven't seen «Harry Potter» yet, …
Упражнение 26. Прочтите эти факты. Спросите и ответьте на вопросы о фактах. Используйте: Who? When? What?
1. Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein in 1818.
2. Guglielmo Marconi invented the radio in 1894.
3. Hubert Booth invented the vacuum cleaner in 1901
4. King Camp Gillette invented the razor in 1901
5. Henry Ford produced the first cheap car in 1908.
6. Peter Chilvers built the first windsurfer in 1958.
Упражнение 27. Задайте вопросы с who или what.
1. Jack is waiting for someone.
2. Someone is waiting for Jack.
3. Something is happening.
4. Someone has got the money.
5. Carmen wants to see someone.
6. Someone wants to see Carmen.
7. Carmen wants to see something.
8. Steven smiled at someone.
9. Someone smiled at Steven.
10. Steven smiled at something.
11. Something happened.
Упражнение 28. Исправь ошибки.
Части речи
Parts of speech
Unit 3
Дата: 2019-02-24, просмотров: 355.