Daniel Bell (1997) about national government which is too small to respond to the big questions (Global governance)
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There is a short rehearsal of the ungovernability argument that was popular in the 1970s and this links well to other places in the book where bureaucracy and democracy are contrasted. This leads smoothly on to another element in the crisis of national government, namely geographical scope. In short, borrowing from Daniel Bell, the nation-state is at once too small and too large for the problems which most concern people. these areas are as much weaknesses in the nation-state form as they are in the method of its government. The European Union is mentioned as a form of regional politics within an increasingly global form of politics. The European Union has often been seen as a potential model for successful international politics and global governance. However, the continuing Euro crisis has raised serious questions about the success of the EU model.

83. Kazakhstan on the way to market economy. Liberalization of the prices and their repeated increase
Today, Kazakhstan is considered to be the most successful market reformer among the post-Soviet countries. Kazakhstan’s transition has been unique in many respects. First, the economy was in crisis in the early 1990s, inflation reached four-digit figures, unemployment rates were high and future economic prospects were uncertain. However, since 2000, Kazakhstan has achieved high economic growth and the economic well-being of the population has improved. True, the development and export of energy resources helped the country recover from the economic collapse of the 1990s.
The depletion of fertile land and the lack of bio-resources have become a nationwide problem. Irtysh, Syr Darya, Ili and other rivers shoal. There was also a deterioration in the quality of drinking water. That is why the main task in the conditions of the most severe crisis was the gradual construction of effective market mechanisms to stabilize financial and credit systems and reduce the rate of decline in production. The main focus of economic reform was the liberalization of economic relations, the change in the form of ownership through privatization, the development of entrepreneurship, and the broad attraction of foreign investment.
Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 3, 1992 No. 569 "measures price liberalization " 84. Creation of the national cultural centers. World kurultais of Kazakhs. Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan
Formed by the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on March 1, 1995, the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan occupies a central place in the system of state national policy. Integrating over 820 ethnocultural associations, it has become a key element of social harmony combining the capabilities of civil society and the state. Over the years of its work, the Assembly has become the coordinator of the work of central and local executive authorities on issues of inter-ethnic development. This work covers the informational, educational, educational, legal, as well as international aspects of ensuring inter-ethnic harmony.The President of the Assembly is the President himself - the guarantor of the Constitution, and this determines its high socio-political status. Decisions of its highest authority - sessions of the ANC are obligatory for consideration by all government bodies. There are 88 ethnic secondary schools in Kazakhstan where instruction is conducted in Uzbek, Tajik, Uygur and Ukrainian. In 108 schools, languages ​​of 22 ethnic groups are taught as an independent subject. In 190 specialized linguistic centers, languages ​​of 30 ethnic groups are studied. Every year a session of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan is held at the Palace of Peace and Accord. The building has centers of ethno-cultural associations. In 2010, together with the Assembly, the Museum of National Costumes was opened at the Palace of Peace and Accord.85. Message of the President of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan 2030. Prosperity, safety and improvement of welfare all Kazakhstan citizens".
“Kazakhstan-2030” is the development program of Kazakhstan until 2030, first announced in the Message of the President of the country to the people of Kazakhstan in 1997. The adoption of this document was the starting point in the rapid movement of Kazakhstan to build a prosperous state in the coming years.October 11, 2009 - An international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 12th anniversary of the long-term development program "Kazakhstan-2030" was held in Astana.
The appeal was the first to announce a long-term development strategy for Kazakhstan based on a detailed study of world and own experience.

In the Message, in addition to specific tasks for the coming year, the main emphasis was placed on the introduction of a system of strategic planning and control in the country. It should be noted that the strategic planning system introduced in Kazakhstan so far has no analogues in the spaces of the former Soviet Union.

The head of state proposed the main goal of the country's development to consider building an independent, prosperous and politically stable Kazakhstan with its inherent national unity, social justice and economic well-being of the entire population.


86. Multi vector foreign policy of independent Kazakhstan
The foreign policy of Kazakhstan sought to be the reasonable and pragmatic, real independence of the country aimed at providing in relation to fluctuations of the world market both variable global and regional tendencies. Already at a formation stage the foreign policy comprehensively considered geopolitical factors (the neighbourhood with world powers - Russia and China, a global role of the USA), transit situation, lack of direct access to sea communications. Geopolitical features of the country located on a joint of Europe and Asia, promoted multivector foreign policy, establishment of the mutually advantageous relations with the various countries. Kazakhstan is recognized as 120 states. In the country it is registered 68 embassies and representations of the international organizations. Kazakhstan has diplomatic missions more than in 100 countries of the world and is the member of many international organizations. Kazakhstan is the participant more than 70 international organizations. On December 21, 1991 in Almaty Heads of eleven sovereign states (except for Georgia) signed the Protocol in which emphasized that all republics on the equal beginnings form the CIS. On October 5, 1992 during the 47th session of General Assembly of the United Nations the President of RK N.A.Nazarbayev put forward an initiative about SVMDA convocation. On March 2, 1992 at the 46th session of General Assembly of the United Nations the Republic of Kazakhstan was unanimously accepted in members of the UN.

87. The idea of creation of the Euroasian Union.
After the collapse of the USSR, a new political reality appeared under the name of the CIS, in which the former Soviet republics now acted as equal subjects of the world law and order. In 1991-1992 in the CIS, the centrifugal tendency accumulated in the depths of the formerly unified union, centralized state clearly prevailed.

The years 1993-1994 were a time to search for ways to develop the CIS and get out of this crisis. One of the options for optimizing the integration process was the initiative of N. Nazarbayev. on the creation of the Eurasian Union

According to the draft of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev (March 1994), it was assumed that at first the Eurasian Union will include five former Soviet republics: Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan.

88. Ratio of domestic and foreign policy.
In international relations, economic, social, political, and spiritual-cultural aspects are clearly distinguished. International relations, like foreign policy, are a direct continuation of domestic policy. Domestic and foreign policies are closely connected with the economic structure, social and state system of society. The main goals are to ensure favorable international conditions for the realization of the interests of any state, national security; prevention of new war.
Foreign policy differs from domestic primarily because it has a larger territorial scale of action, since the implementation of foreign policy requires the interaction of at least two countries.

Both domestic and foreign policy activities of the state will be effective and fruitful only when it is based on international legal acts with a mandatory accounting of the national, socio-economic, cultural and other characteristics of all peoples of the world community.

89. Main tendencies of modern world politics.
World politics is understood as the cumulative political activity of the main subjects of international law, an integrated interest expressed in the activities of the UN and other legal bodies and institutions of the world community. World policy thus covers the entire spectrum of political relations that have developed between states and within supranational frameworks. Its main priorities are determined by the solution of problems on which the future of all mankind depends. These are primarily problems of war and peace, universal security, environmental protection, overcoming backwardness and poverty.

Consequently, the goal and purpose of world politics is to unite people regardless of their nationality, state or social class. And it is precisely for this purpose that world politics proposes the creation of an international security system that would exclude the occurrence of wars and create favorable conditions for the development of comprehensive cooperation between countries and peoples.

Дата: 2019-02-19, просмотров: 252.