The World Bank Group (WBG) was established in 1944 to rebuild post-World War II Europe under the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). Today, the World Bank functions as an international organization that fights poverty by offering developmental assistance to middle-income and low-income countries. By giving loans and offering advice and training in both the private and public sectors, the World Bank aims to eliminate poverty by helping people help themselves. Under the World Bank Group, there are complimentary institutions that aid in its goals to provide assistance.
World Bank members contribute to the bank’s capital, which is subsequently used to lend to the developing and poorest countries.
40. High-income, middle-income and low-income countries.
Countries with high incomes - according to the World Bank classification - countries with a GNP per capita equal to or exceeding $ 9386 on the basis of the purchasing power of the dollar that existed in 1995 High-income countries are all industrialized and high-income developing countries. For example: Australia, Norway, Netherlands, Japan, Greece, Israel
Middle-income countries, according to the World Bank’s classification, are countries with a GNP per capita of $ 766 to $ 9385 based on the purchasing power of the dollar that existed in 1995. Middle-income countries are divided into: - For low-income countries: from $ 766 to $ 3,035; and - For countries with high average incomes: from 3036 to 9385 dollars. For example: Albania, Hungary, Poland, Turkey
Low-income countries - according to the World Bank's classification - countries with a GNP per capita not exceeding $ 765 on the basis of the purchasing power of the dollar, which existed in 1995. For example: Sudan, Benin, Ghana, Guinea
41. Theories of development (Market-oriented theories, the Dependency and World systems theories, etc.).
Market oriented theories.Theories about economic development that assume that the best possible economic consequences will result if individuals are free to make their own economic decisions, uninhibited by governmental constraint. Neoliberalism
Dependency theories. Marxist theories of economic development arguing that the poverty of low-income countries stems directly from their exploitation by wealthy countries and by the multinational corporations that are based in wealthy countries.
Emphasize how wealthy nations have exploited poor ones Compliance is enforced through global military and economic power
World system theories.Pioneered by Immanuel Wallerstein, this theory emphasizes the interconnections among countries based on the expansion of a capitalist world economy. This economy is made up of core, semi periphery, and periphery countries
Analyzes the world economy as a whole, looking at the complex global web of political and economic relationships that influence development and inequality in poor and rich nations alike.
Thomas Malthus about the connection between population and food resources.
Known for his work on population growth, ThomasRobert Malthus argued that, left unchecked, a population will outgrow its resources. He discussed two ways to 'check' a population: preventive checks, like the moral restraint of postponing marriage, or positive checks, like famine, disease and warfare.
he argued, a built-in agony to human existence, in that the growth of a population will always outrun its ability to feed itself. If every couple raised four children, the population could easily double in twenty-five years, and from then on, it would keep doubling. It would rise not arithmetically—by factors of three, four, five, and so on—but geometrically—by factors of four, eight, and sixteen. Contraceptives are the best way to control birth rates need to be cheap
Дата: 2019-02-19, просмотров: 275.