Unit 1 Jobs and responsibilities
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой


1 A What do you do 1 B a lawyer 2A kind of work 2B as a scientist 

3A for a living 3B in advertising 4A are you doing 4B on a project 5A full-time

5B on a short-term 6A deal with 6B face-to-f ace 7 A in charge 7B responsible for 

8A report to 9B line manager


1 earn 2 title 3 for a living 4 on 5 as 6 job 7 short-term

8 a freelancer 9 spend 10 to support 11 responsible 12 of


1 in charge of 2 responsible for 3 deals with 4 looks after 5 takes care of 6 handles


Sales and Marketing: a, i, m

Production and Operations: d, e, h

Finance: f, k, n

Human Resources: j, I. o

Administration: b, c, g

1.15     1B 2A 3A 4C 5B 6B 7A 8A 9C 10C

1.18 IQ test  (Accept other answers if they can be justified!)

1 26 (Each number is made from the previous two numbers added together)

2 c. Snake, because it is not four-legged (although students could argue that the answer is e – elephant because of its size)

3 b. LEG (At the end of the arm is the hand; at the end of the leg is the foot)

4 12.5

5 ?2.95

6 b. NEW YORK because it is not a capital city

7 The missing letter is L (The odd letters follow the alphabet in order – A-B-C-D; the even letters are doing this in reverse)


9 23451 (The first letter or number is placed at the end)

10 c. After an hour (200 km minus Charlie’s 80 km and Rob’s 120 km)

Unit 2 Internships abroad help to gain experience.


Suggested answers

1 That it only involves getting your point across

2 Because they do not agree / When they have to reach a decision even though they don’t agree

3 It doesn’t involve doing something together, but being told what to do


Answers: 1 d; 2 f; 3 h; 4 a; 5 b; 6 c; 7 g; 8 e


1 recognise        2 feel  3 see   4 mean 5 right 6 sound

Unit 3 Company types and structures


1 self-employed 2 associates 3 shares 4 listed 5 state -owned enterprise 6 buying parts and raw materials 7 Customer Services 8 Human Resources 9 Research and Development 10 lawyers 11 run 12 responsible for 13 more senior people

14 a higher level 15 line manager 16 liaise 17 is part of 18 report directly


1 checks 2 arranges 3 answers 4 collects 5 deals 6 maintains


1 meet their needs 2 makes a profit 3 day-to-day basis

4 back - office functions 5 liaise closely 6 recruit 7 behind the scenes 8 step on someone's t oes


1 estate - owned state-owned 2 cultural culture 3 bureaucracy bureaucratic 

4 responsible responsibility 5 relegates delegates

6 bottom down bottom-up  7 top up top-down 8 innovation innovative

3.6 1. Receptionist 2. Human Resources Manager 3. Secretary 4. Trainer 5. Technical Support Consultant 6. Company Director 7. Managing Director 8. Chief Executive Officer 9. Personal Assistant 10. Company Secretary 11. Chairman 12. Non-executive Director 13. Production Manager 14. Assistant Manager

Unit 4 Revision


The Podcast – Jemma

1 her daily routine, lunchtimes, the atmosphere at work, what she wanted to be when she was a child


I work for an __internet__ company and I work in ___online___ marketing. I look at___web___ statistics, monitoring visits and ____traffic___ to the site. I update the__websites___ for my company and look at the ___content__ and the customer__experience__ on the site as well. The main website is ___aimed___ at a multitude of different people.


1 has a strong cup of coffee

2 they have an hour for lunch, they have an area where they can go and eat and bring their own food or there are loads of places locally, such as cafés, where they can go and eat

3 really friendly and everybody buys into the company values, there a good ethos and everybody works closely together, relaxed atmosphere

4 nurse

5 she couldn’t stand the sight of blood

6 an international publishing house


Before you start, ask students to make a note of what Jemma says about what her company does for its workers. You may need to listen to the recording for a third time for this exercise. Then ask students to list other things that a company may do for its employees. Discuss your ideas about a company’s duty to its workers and their health and wellbeing.



Suggested answers

1. People who share similar views, interests, etc.

2. (Information/Advice about) job opportunities

3. People can now do it online, rather than attending social events.

4. in person


► It can help you find a better job.

► It can increase your self-esteem and confidence.

► Learning from others’ experience and practice saves time, energy and resources.

► It allows you to meet new people and gain experience of dealing with people from different backgrounds.

► It is a source of free information.


► It requires mixing business with pleasure.

► It can feel as though you are bothering people when they might be busy.

► It can be embarrassing to ask for help or advice.

► It is not easy to talk to strangers.



1. succeed 2. exploit 3. achieve

4. connect 5. manage 6. contact



1. Andrew

2. Danny

3. Andrew

4. Andrew

5. Danny

6. Danny


Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 1245.