Unit 1  Jobs and responsibilities
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1.1   Your job is the particular work you do to earn money.You have a job title (such as Sales Consultant). The words 'post' and 'position' are more formal, and often used in job advertisements. The word 'occupation' is used on official forms.

Your job can be ... badly-paid, boring, challenging, depressing, hard, interesting, rewarding, secure, stressful,varied, well-paid.


a job title
название должности, занимаемая должность  


occupation занятие, род или вид деятельности
badly-paid плохо оплачиваемая работа
boring скучная работа
challenging работа, требующая отдачи всех сил
depressing наводящая уныние,  удручающая работа
 hard тяжелая работа
 interesting интересная работа
 rewarding дающая результат; приносящая внутреннее удовлетворение
 secure надежное рабочее место
 stressful напряженная работа
 varied разнообразная работа
 well-paid хорошо оплачиваемая работа


Match the adjectives describing jobs with the most appropriate comment below.


Boring              challenging                    hard                

Rewarding       secure                              stressful           varied


1  'The job I'm doing at the moment is not easy. I haven't done anything like this before.' hard

2  'I feel worried all the time - I just can't relax. Even when I come home I think about work. _____

3  'Every day the same old thing. Nothing interesting ever happens in this office.' _____

4  'Yes, it's true that my job can be difficult at times - but I enjoy finding solutions to new problems. It makes things interesting.' _____

5  'In my job no two days are the same - different people to meet, new projects, different things to do. I never get bored.' _____

6  'I come home at the end of the day and I feel happy and satisfied. I know that I have really helped people in their lives.'_____

7  'I'm not worried about losing my job - even in a recession they will always need people like me. _____


Describing your job

To work internationally, you must be able to ask and answer basic business questions.


1 What do you do? What’s your job? What kind of work do you do? What do you do for a living? I’m an __________. (job) I’m an accountant \ an economist. I’m in __________. (field) I’m in banking/ advertising. I work for __________. (employer) I work for BMW. I work as a ____________. (job) I work as a legal secretary.
2 What’s your position? Which department do you work in? Which division do you head up? I’m __________. (position, area) I’m Head of the marketing department. I’m the __________. (position, area) I’m the supervisor of the production department.
3 What line of business are you in?   I’m in the __________ business. I’m in the fashion business/ interior design business.
4 Which sector are you in?   I’m in the __________ sector. I’m in the public sector /the manufacturing sector.
5 What industry are you in?   I’m in the __________ industry. I’m in the pharmaceutical industry/ the automotive industry.
6 Where do you work? Who do you work for?   I work for __________. (emphasizes the company as employer) I work for Microsoft.
7 Where do you work? Which branch? Which campus? Which location? I work at __________. (emphasizes the physical location of employment) I work at the downtown branch of Royal Bank. I work at the Intel headquarters.
8 Where do you work? Which city? Which country? I work in __________. (city, country or continent) I work in Brazil/ Africa.
9 Where do you work?   I work in __________. (building) I work in a research lab/ a restaurant.
10 Where do you work? Which floor? I work on __________. (outdoor or specific locations) I work on an oil rig/ a construction site/ the 16th floor.
11 When do you work? I work from 9 to 5/ on the weekends/ the night shift.
12 What are your working hours? I work from 12 to 8. I work 10 hours a day.
13 When do you start work? I start work at 8am.
14 When do you finish work? When do you get off work? (informal) I usually finish work at 10pm. I usually go home at 6pm.  
15 How long have you worked / have you been working here? I have worked here for 12 years. I have been working here since 2005.  
16 Who do you work with?   I work with the head of Marketing. I coordinate with the art department.
17 Who do you report to? I report to Mr. Teodori.
18 Who do you manage? I manage a team of eight architects.
19 What are your main responsibilities? What are your duties?   I am in touch with our clients weekly. I assist callers with their complaints. I counsel students regarding their scholarships. I negotiate with our suppliers. I’m responsible for PR. I’m in charge of the annual budget.


Now, fill in your own information below. Then, read the sentences aloud until you can say them confidently.


What do you do?

1. I’m a/an ___________________. (job)

2. I’m in _____________________.(field)

3. I’m in the __________________ business. (business)

4. I’m in the __________________ sector. (sector)

5. I’m in the __________________ industry.(industry)

Where do you work?

6. I work for ___________________. (name of employer)

7. I work at ____________________. (location of employment)

8. I work in ____________________. (city)

9. I work in ____________________. (type of business or building)

10. I work on ____________________. (outdoor location)

11. What are your working hours?   I work from _____ to ______.

12. What are your main responsibilities? I am responsible for _______ .


1.3  Use these phrases to describe your responsibilities.


to be in charge of быть во главе
to involve включать
to deal with иметь дело с
enquiries запросы
to support поддерживать
to report to smb подчиняться кому-либо
responsible ответственный
temporary временный
permanent постоянный
self-employed частный предприниматель

1. I'm in charge of ... / I’m responsible for strategy.  

2. I look after / take care of .. .

3. My job involves (= includes as a necessary part) visiting customers

and discussing their needs.

4. I spend most of my time helping customers who need assistance.

5. I deal with / handle customer enquiries.

6. My role is to support the Sales Director.

7. I report (directly) to .. . I report to the Head of Customer Services

8. I don't have much to do with the financial side.

9. I'm working on the design of ... (a project)
10. I’m working part-time at the moment.
11. It's a full-time job - I work nine to five.
12. I’m on a short-term / temporary / permanent contract.
13. I’m self-employed. I work as a freelance consultant.
14. I’m unemployed right now, but I’m looking for a job as a ...
15. I’m a student at the moment - I  graduate next year.

1.4 In the dialogues below there is one word missing in each question and each answer. Find the words and write them in the correct place.


1  A: What you do?

 B: I'm lawyer specializing in mergers and acquisitions.

2  A: What kind work do you do?

 B: I work a scientist in the pharmaceutical industry.

3  A: What do you do a living?

 B: I work advertising.

4  A: What you doing at the moment?

 B: I'm working a project to improve the design and functionality of

   our website.

5  A: Is it a 9-to-5 full job?

 B: Yes, it is, but I'm a short-term contract - just for one year.

6  A: How do you deal a customer who has a serious complaint?

 B: If it's an important customer, I prefer to go to their office and talk

   to them to-face.

7  A: Who's charge of security in the building?

 B: We don't really have one person responsible that. but the reception 

   staff check everyone who comes in.

8  A: Who do you report?

 B: My line is Mr Robert Louis-Dreyfus.


1.5 Underline the correct word in italics.


1 Your job is the work you do to earn / gain money.

2 What's your new job name / title?

3 What do you do for your life / for a living?

4 I'm working on/with an exciting new project.

5 I work as / like a financial analyst.

6 I'm looking for a new job/work.

7 I'm on a short-term / short-time contract.

8 I'm autonomous / a freelancer.

9 I  pass / spend a lot of my time in meetings.

10  My role is support / to support the legal department.

11 I'm responsible/ the responsible for maintaining the company website.

12 I take care for / of all the travel arrangements.

Tasks and responsibilities

To give a detailed description of your day-to-day work, you might use phrases like those below.

answer hundreds of e-mails each day отвечать на сотни электронных писем каждый день
develop the business развивать бизнес
do market research проводить исследование рынка
give presentations делать презентации
implement the decisions of more senior managers выполнять решения более старших менеджеров
interview job applicants проводить собеседование с кандидатами на должность
keep computer files up to date обновлять компьютерные файлы
keep on top of the paperwork быть осведомлённым, в курсе дела документов
liaise with my counterparts in other countries  поддерживать связи с коллегами в других странах
make decisions about budgets принимать решения о бюджетах
make sure that the IT network is working properly убедиться, что ИТ-сеть работает правильно
maintain all the equipment and machinery поддерживать в исправности все оборудование и механизмы
manage the production schedule управлять производственным графиком
monitor the production process контролировать процесс производства
negotiate with suppliers проводить переговоры с поставщиками
organize special promotions организовывать специальные акции
prepare the accounts готовить счета
process customer orders обрабатывать заказы клиентов
recruit new staff нанимать новых сотрудников
set sales targets and make sure they are met устанавливать планы продаж и обеспечить их выполнение
solve problems решать проблемы
supervise the day-to-day work of my team контролировать изо дня в день работу своей команды
support (or assist) the Marketing Director оказывать поддержку (помогать) директору по маркетингу
write quarterly reports писать квартальные отчеты


1.7 Complete the sentences below using the words in the box.


care                   charge            deals            handles            looks

takes                 with                   after                  for                     in

of                      of                      responsible




 the sales side of    

 the  business


1.8 Study the list of tasks and responsibilities at work a-o. Write each letter next to the name of the most appropriate department below. Find a solution that uses each item once.


a      attend trade fairs

b      handle telephone enquiries

c       keep on top of the paperwork

d      make sure the whole supply chain is running smoothly

e       maintain all the equipment and machinery

f       manage cashflow

g       meet and greet visitors to the company

h       monitor quality

i         organize special promotions

j       organize training

k       prepare the accounts

l       recruit new staff

m       run focus groups to test new products

n       set budgets for different departments

o       talk to the unions about pay and conditions


Sales and Marketing: _____ _____ _____

Production and Operations: _____ _____ _____

Finance: _____ _____ _____

Human Resources: _____ _____ _____

Administration: _____ _____ _____


1.9 Listening exercise (tracks 1–5). Listen to these five short extracts and write down exactly what you hear. You will hear each extract twice.


primary первичный
secondary вторичный
tertiary третичный


1 So, we can divide all business activities into ……. sectors.

2 Speaker 1. Hi, I’m Michael. …………..

3 Speaker 2. Hellow, my name is Jessy. My job is ……….

4  Speaker 3. ___________________________________

5 Speaker 4.____________________________


1.10 The reading below describes interviews and research into people’s working lives. Sentences 1–6 are what some of the people who were interviewed said. Match the sentences with paragraphs A, B, C or D from the reading.

1  ‘I’m not as busy as I was when I first started.’ ___

2  ‘I like it when colleagues call me at work –sometimes it’s about work but sometimes it’s just to chat.’ ___

3  ‘I wish I could see my family more.’ ___

4  ‘My phone seems to ring every five minutes. I constantly have to stop   what I’m doing.’ ___

5  ‘I work much harder now than I did when I first started thirty years ago.’ ___

6  ‘It’s because I travel for my job. Sometimes I Ieave the house at four in the morning.’ ___


A  When Dr Rosemary Stewart asked 160 British managers to keep a diary of their activities for a month, she discovered the average manager had only nine 30-minute periods without interruption. Those she interviewed complained that ‘there is just no time to think’ and that ‘it’s one damn thing after another’.

B   Canadian professor Dr Henry Mintzberg found that half the tasks managers perform take only nine minutes or less. Only 10% last more than an hour. Typically, executives work very fast on several things at once, and welcome any interruption to their schedule to stop and take a break.


C    According to a survey published in Wired magazine, US executives work 25% longer hours than they did in the 1970s. Market researchers at Kellogg’s discovered that 13% of them eat breakfast in the car. The most shocking study shows that the average American father spends just six minutes a day talking to his kids.


D   In a recent interview for a profile of global business leaders, famous workaholic Bill Gates revealed that he can at last afford to slow down. ‘There are days that I work 14 hours,’ he admits, ‘but most days I don’t work more than 12 hours. On weekends I rarely work more than 8 hours.’

1.11   Socializing.  Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.


1  been it’s to nice you talking        __________________________

2    you would excuse moment me a       _________________________?

3 have having whatever you’re I’ll __________________________

4 this on your what’s position        __________________________?

5 get you drink what I can to          __________________________?

6 me take your coat let                   __________________________

7 you can I how help                       __________________________?


1.12   Match sentences 1–5  to what was said next (a–e).


1        If you’ll excuse me.      ___

2        Let me freshen your glass.           ___

3        Do you still play?           ___

4        Is that the time? ___

5        Ricardo and I go back a long way. ___


a        Oh really? How do you know each other?

b        Thank you but I’m fine.

c         Not any more.

d        Yes. I have to be going too.

e         Certainly. Maybe I’ll see you again at the dinner tonight.


1.13 Read the article below about teleworking.

Choose the best word to fill each gap from A, B or C.

Working (1)_________ have changed throughout history, and the organization of work worldwide (2)_________ through a major change nowadays, mainly due to the rise of information and communication technologies. More and more people (3)_________ from ‘virtual offices’ – at home, in cafés or other locations. The term ‘teleworking’ was invented to describe this (4) _________ of working in 1973, but it is only more recently that teleworking has become common.

Teleworking requires a new management style. In the traditional workplace employees can be monitored (5)_________ to check on their performance. This cannot be done with workers at a greater distance from management, so these days managers (6)_________ more emphasis on the successful achievement of objectives instead.

Teleworking brings many advantages. It (7)_________ the costs of running offices, and employees can enjoy more flexibility in their working schedule. Less work-related travel by commuters results in a (8)_________ in traffic congestion, and videoconferencing limits the need for international travel. Companies can therefore reduce their carbon (9)_________. As more people work from home and fewer people commute to major towns and cities, smaller towns and villages are (10) _________being rejuvenated, and local economies strengthened. There are also some disadvantages to this new working practice. In a traditional workplace much attention is (11)_________ to looking after employees’ health and safety. Stress, injury and other occupational problems are all (12)_________ nowadays because many teleworkers aren’t (13)_________ informed about health and safety regulations. Some teleworkers are also feeling a degree of isolation and loss of social contact.


1 A trends             B percentages                 C performances

2  A goes                     B is going                         C go

3  A works                  B are working            C work

4  A condition            B operation                     C system

5  A closely                B close                             C closer

6  A are put                B is putting                      C are putting

7  A goes down          B reduces                        C increases

8  A rise                       B decrease                      C grow

9  A footstep              B footprint                      C fingerprint

10 A slowly                B slow                              C slower

11 A giving                  B gave                           C given

12 A increasing           B shrinking                      C decreasing

13 A full                       B good                             C well


1. 14    Listening exercise (track 6 ). Listen to the interview with Michael.

A.   Answer the following questions.

1 How long did Michael live and work in China?

2 Where is Michael from?

3 Did he have a positive or negative experience of living and working in China?


B. Listen again and decide if the following are true (T) or false (F).


1 Michael taught secondary school students in China. 

2 Michael needed two qualifications to teach in China. 

3 Michael worked in four different areas of China. 

C.  Tick (V) the differences between China and the West that Michael mentions.

language                                   □               nightlife                            □

fashion                                      □               tipping in restaurants    □

saying ‘no’                               □               music                                □

‘please’ and ‘thank you’       □               the way people drive     □

D. Answer the following questions.


1 What does Michael say is like being a child again?

2 What would Michael do if he didn’t know what a sign on a shop was?

3 What is it polite to do when meeting a businessperson for the first time?

4 How did waiters and waitresses react when Michael left tips?

E.  What advice would you give someone travelling to and working in your country regarding customs and habits? Write a list of five top tips.


F.  Decide if you agree or disagree with the following statement.

‘In ten years’ time we will all have to learn to speak Chinese.’



I decided to go to China because I thought it would be a very interesting place, very different to where I live or where I had lived, you know, the way of life out there would be completely different to, to, what I’m used to. I thought it would really challenge myself as well.

I taught when I lived in China. I, um, I taught at a university. The students I was working with wanted to come and study in the UK and I prepared them for their studies in England. To be a teacher in China you have to, first of all, have a degree which is a requirement of your visa but, um, it’s also useful to have what they call a CELTA qualification which is a four-week intensive teaching qualification which runs you through the basics of how to teach.

I lived there for about three and a half years and in that time I worked in, I lived and worked in three different parts of China. The jobs that I had were in, were in, different parts of the country so I basically just went where an attractive job was. I think perhaps the biggest challenge of going to China was not being able to read or write any script. It was like being, being, a child again because you couldn’t read street signs. You couldn’t read menus in restaurants. You couldn’t read signs on shops so quite a lot of the time you didn’t know what buildings were without going into them and kind of looking around.

But over time you learn the basics and you do, there’s an obvious system to the characters and once you’ve learnt that, it is possible to use, to learn to read and obviously, that’s kind of the biggest challenge but aside from that, but linked to it as well, there are all kinds of communication issues not only with language but the whole issue of face in Chinese culture and the Chinese will go to great lengths to avoid having to say ‘no’ where if you’ve asked them to do something and they can’t, they’ll always find an excuse why they can’t do it instead of telling you ‘no’ straightaway.

Doing business in China is, I think, a very complicated thing as an outsider. There’s obviously the whole issue of face and that kind of thing. But a lot of weight is placed on personal relations and there’s a whole tradition of gift giving. When you’re doing business with someone in China it is the customary thing to take them a gift even when, upon first meeting. You know, typical things would be an expensive bottle of cognac or brandy or something or if it’s male-to-male business dealings, it’s, cigarettes would always be a gift that’s given.

But also, I think, as a Westerner in China, the Chinese are always very grateful, very impressed if you make an effort to at least learn some of their language or if you take the time to, um, to pick up some of their customs and habits then, um, they will be very appreciative and they’ll be very impressed.

The Chinese always thought it was very unusual how much we in the West say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ all the time. Interestingly there is a word in Chinese for ‘please’ but in the three and a half years I was there I don’t think I ever heard anyone say it. Not because they’re rude but it’s just not in their, in their culture to say it. In the UK we say ‘thank you’ when the waitress, you know, in a restaurant when the waitress brings us the menu, when she asks us what we want, when she brings us the cutlery. And in China I found myself doing that because that just came naturally to me. But if I was ever out with Chinese friends they would always think it was very, very unusual.

It’s also not the done thing to leave tips in restaurants. The waiters and waitresses, they don’t understand, or they didn’t understand if we left some money on the table. They didn’t know what it was for. So, that’s something to avoid. Yeah, eating out was always quite an experience.


1.15    Read the article on the characteristics of successful business people. Are sentences 1-10 right or wrong? If there is no information in the text to answer ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’, choose ‘Doesn’t say’.


You’ve got the knowledge, a great business idea and financial backing – this should guarantee business success, surely? Perhaps, but your character and personality come into the picture too. A number of particular personal characteristics are found in successful entrepreneurs in all fields and these aspects of their character are closely linked with their success in business. These characteristics are so important that in the long term they can even be more beneficial than considerations such as good contacts and a clear marketing strategy.

Ambition is high on the list of essential characteristics, with successful people being driven by a very strong desire to achieve. Successful people are also self-disciplined and hard-working. Many rich and famous entrepreneurs started out working long hours for little money, maintaining a tough work routine despite hardship. Honesty is another important characteristic. This means openness and integrity towards those you deal with as well as the ability to recognize your own strengths and weaknesses. Self-confidence and a positive attitude are also helpful personality traits, both in terms of the image you project to others and your ability to cope when you encounter problems.

Although you may believe you were born with a particular personality that is fixed, it is possible to make changes to some of your personal characteristics by changing your habits and behaviour. Setting targets and regularly measuring your own performance, for example, is a practical step associated with being ambitious. Making a forward schedule can lead to a more dedicated approach to your business. Putting on paper two positive achievements or experiences at the end of each working day can help build self-confidence and a positive attitude. It’s therefore worth periodically taking a close look at your own business habits and behaviour to see what changes you can make to bring your personal characteristics closer to those commonly found in successful entrepreneurs.


1 Skills, money and knowing the right people are all you need to achieve business success.

A Right                           B Wrong                C Doesn’t say

2 Most successful business people think positively, and are honest as well as ambitious. 

A Right                           B Wrong                C Doesn’t say

3 Many business leaders who are successful today started out working very hard for little money.

A Right                           B Wrong                C Doesn’t say

4 Successful business people never forget the importance of making a profit.

A Right                           B Wrong                C Doesn’t say

5 People who are positive and self-confident find it hard to cope when they meet problems.                     

A Right                           B Wrong                C Doesn’t say

6 Unfortunately, it is impossible to change your behaviour or your character.    

A Right                           B Wrong                C Doesn’t say

7 Reflecting on your past and future achievements can help change the way you think and feel.

A Right                       B Wrong                C Doesn’t say

8 It’s a good idea to write down your past successes and future plans.

A Right                           B Wrong                C Doesn’t say

9 Discussing your past and future achievements with other entrepreneurs is helpful.                    

A Right                           B Wrong                C Doesn’t say

10 You should examine your own business habits and behaviour every six months.

A Right                           B Wrong                C Doesn’t say

1. 16    Complete the biography of fashion designer Calvin Klein by putting the verbs in brackets into the most appropriate tense - past simple or past continuous.

Calvin Klein was born on November 19 1942 in the Bronx, New York. As a teenager he (1) _______ (love) fashion and drawing, and (2) _______ (spend) many hours drawing pictures of women in suits and dresses. After graduating from the High School of Art and Design, he studied at the Fashion Institute of Technology in Manhattan. It was while he (3) (study) _______ there that he met Jayne Centre. They (4) _______ (get) married in 1964.

Klein (5) _______ (launch) his own clothing company in 1968. It was a very small business then, but a buyer from a famous New York department store came to view his designs and was impressed with what he saw. He (6) _______ (buy) $50,000 worth of merchandise and (7) _______ (display) it in his shop windows. Amazingly, at that time just one local seamstress (8) _______ (work) for Klein, but this sale was the starting point of Klein’s success, which (9) _______ (continue) rapidly after he launched his line of designer sportswear.

Klein’s designer jeans became enormously popular in the early 1970s, when shops (10) _______ (sell) over 40,000 pairs a week. From 1981 onwards the Calvin Klein label expanded to include underwear, fragrances and also home decor, and the company now exceeds $6 billion in annual sales.


1. 17      Read the texts and answer the questions about each one.


A    As well as the hard skills needed to do a job (like operating a machine or using a particular computer program), what most employers look for in a job candidate is a set of life skills, sometimes called soft skills, that go beyond these. Of course, they vary with the job but some of the skills most in demand are in the areas of communication, leadership, organisation, creativity, critical thinking and time management. Some may say that interpersonal skills are vital, while others would insist that self-awareness is the starting point for everything. Of course, there are other useful life skills too, but it is knowledge of life skills in general that makes the difference between job seekers who do well and those who do not.


B     Experts claim that, while your intelligence quotient (IQ) is important, your emotional quotient (EQ), otherwise called emotional intelligence (EI), is just as important, if not more so. For years, we have measured intelligence by testing IQ. In fact, in 1916 the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales formed the basis of one of the early methods of testing. A version of this test is still used today. Testing IQ involves a series of tasks that usually require a good knowledge of vocabulary and mathematics. A high score in an IQ test means that you’re probably good at problem solving and logical thinking. Emotional intelligence, on the other hand, includes the ability to know yourself, to recognise your own and other people’s emotions, and to change your behaviour to suit them.


C The benefits of emotional intelligence in the workplace are huge. For example, the majority of people would prefer to do business with someone they trust – and preferably with someone they like. So the most successful businesspeople tend to be more self-aware and to have better people skills – in other words, they are more emotionally intelligent. In addition, these people usually have more confidence, are more motivated, and can usually adapt more easily to different situations. They also work better in teams, have better relationships with others and are, for the most part, happier in their jobs.


Text A (answer with a short phrase)

1  What other phrase does the writer use to describe life skills?

2  Which other phrase is used which means ‘job candidate’ (line 2)?

3  What do you think ‘interpersonal’ skills are?


Text B (circle True or False)

4  EQ is different from EI.                                       T / F

5  One IQ test used today is nearly 100 years old.     T / F

6  People with a high IQ can usually think logically. T / F

7  People with a high IQ are probably good at understanding how others feel.

                                                                           T / F

Text C (circle A or B)

8  Emotional intelligence helps in business because

A  other people like you.                           B  you know how to trick people.

9   One characteristic of emotional intelligence is

A  feeling comfortable talking to others.  B  a lack of self-confidence.

10  Emotionally intelligent people

A work better alone.                                B have greater job satisfaction.


1. 18 Most experts now agree that there is a big difference between traditional IQ testing and testing your emotional intelligence (EI).

Try the following examples and test yourself!

Test your IQ

1. Which number should come next?

2 – 4 – 6 – 10 – 16 – ____


2. Which of these animals is least like the other four?

a. cat b. mouse          c. snake                           d. dog               e. elephant


3. ARM is to HAND as _______ is to FOOT

a. FINGER      b. LEG            c. TOE              d. BODY


4. What is ½ of ¼ of 100? _____


5. If you buy 3 cups of coffee at ?2.35 each, how much change should you get from ?10? ____


6. Which city is the odd one out?



7. Find the missing letter.

A – M – B – ____ – C – K – D – J


8. Which of these anagrams forms the name of a job?



9.   SKILL is to KILLS as 12345 is to _______


10.  Charlie and Rob are in different towns, 200 kilometres apart. Charlie leaves home and drives at 80 kilometres per hour. Rob leaves home at the same time but drives at 120 kilometres per hour. When will they meet?

a. after half an hour      b. after 40 minutes

c. after an hour              d. after 80 minutes


Test your EI – Tick the relevant boxes.


  True Partly true Not true
1. I don’t think I could name my top three strengths.      
2. I prefer to see things as challenges, rather than problems.      
3. It takes me a long time to get started on a project.      
4. I am happy to let others make important decisions.      
5. I worry about what other people think of me.      
6. I feel comfortable speaking in front of large groups of people.      
7. I am comfortable talking about how I feel.      
8. I hate big changes in my life, like relationship changes or moving house.      
9. If I am in an argument, I have to win it.      
10. I trust my own judgement.      
11. I am sometimes so keen to give my opinion that I don’t really listen to the other person.      
12. I notice when other people are in a bad mood.      
13. I enjoy helping people with their problems.      
14. If someone is annoying me I tell them straight away.      
15. I usually tell people what I think they want to hear.      

Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 1860.