1) Perceptions that public organizations are wasteful and private ones are efficient do not withstand … . (scrutinize)
2) Bureaucracies are generally defined as organizations that provide each … with a clearly defined role. (employ)
3) They … employees on the bases of their skills and training. (promotion)
4) The dilemma both public and private organizations have is the need for … and change. (stable)
5) Future …, food, shelter, etc. are fundamental needs individuals bring to organizations. (secure)
6) Bureaucracy, whether in business or government organization is thought to be a … form of organization. (dominate)
7) Most work in organizations is a mix of … and … . (collaborate, depend)
8) Common interests have a profound … on people’s work and are as important as formal assignments. (effective)
9) Public administration has a number of …, such as the …, the … , the courts, and organized groups. (participate, execute, legislative)
10) In case a public administrator … any of his or her numerous duties that leads to the … of the entire program. (neglect, jeopardize)
Ex. 2. What is the English for:
1) участник 2) зависимость (от кого-либо) 3) оказывать сопротивление 4) сотрудничество 5) стабильность 6) законодательная власть 7) исполнительная власть 8) служащий | 9) выпускать, производить 10) не принимать во внимание 11) работодатель, наниматель 12) безработный 13) злоупотребление властью 14) размеры, величина 15) должностное лицо, администратор, руководитель |
Ex.3. Translate the following words and word combinations:
A 1) to employ 2) to hire 3) to promote 4) a formal/informal group 5) collaboration 6) to depend 7) to neglect | В 1) stability (of an organization) 2) effectiveness 3) production 4) abuse (of power) 5) to resist 6) the executive 7) the legislature |
B. Pre-reading Exercises
Ex. 1. Guess the meaning of the following words and word combinations:
politics/policy, public/private organization, formal/informal group, spiritual/ material/ individual needs, need of self-actualization, corruption, area or responsibility, task orientation, faceless bureaucrats.
C. Reading
Ex. 1. Read the text for general information to complete the following statements:
1) The text discusses … (the main issues and aspects of …)
2) The text considers organization theory which involves …
3) The text tells us about public administration and its main participants … (such as … who …)
Though there are different approaches to the field of public administration, this interdisciplinary subject nowadays has quite a strong theory that tries to take into account not only management subjects, but also the mix of administration, policy making, and politics.
The basic aspects of organization theory
The terms public and private convey very different connotations to the general public. Public organizations are commonly pictured as large mazes that employ bureaucrats to create red tape. Private organizations, on the other hand, are viewed to be run by hard-nosed managers who worry about profit and consumers. Public organizations are pictured as wasteful; private organizations are often presented as efficient. Yet, these perceptions of their differences do not withstand careful scrutiny. Both types of organizations have much in common.
Organization as bureaucracy
Whether in business or government organizations, a dominant form of any administration is bureaucracy.
· Bureaucracies are large organizations.
· They are hierarchical in structure, with each employee accountable to the top executive through a chain of command.
· They provide each employee with a clearly defined role and area of responsibility.
· They base their decisions on impersonal rules.
· They hire and promote employees taking into account their skills and training related to specific jobs.
Bureaucracy has promise but it may also create problems and abuses of power, especially in the absence of effective coordination.
Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 390.