Task 10 . Read the following passage and explain the difference between customs and laws
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Customs need not be made by governments, and they need not be written down. We learn how we are expected to behave in society through the instruction of family and teachers, the advice of friends, and our expe­riences in dealing with strangers. Sometimes, we can break these rules with­out suffering any penalty. But if we continually break the rules, or break a very important one, other members of society may ridicule us, act violently toward us or refuse to have anything to do with us. The ways in which people talk, eat and drink, work, and relax together are usually called cus­toms.

Order is rich with meaning. Let’s start with “law and order”. Maintain­ing order in this sense means establishing the rule of law to preserve life and to protect property. To the seventeenth-century philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588—1679), preserving life was the most important function of law. He described life without law as life in a 'state of nature'. Without rules, people would live like predators, stealing and killing for personal benefit.

Members of every community have made laws for themselves in self-pro­tection. In the absence of law you could not go out in daylight without the fear of being kidnapped, robbed or murdered. There are far more good people in the world than bad, but there are enough of the bad to make law necessary in the interests of everyone.

Every country tries, therefore, to provide laws, which will help its peo­ple to live safely and comfortably. This is not at all an easy thing to do. No country has been successful in producing laws, which are entirely satisfac­tory. But the imperfect laws are better than none.

Task 11. Match each word on the left with the correct definition on the right:

law a) an official rule that all the citizens of the country must obey
benefit b) to take something that doesn't belong to you
protection c) the crime of taking money or other things from a bank, shop, especially by using threats or violence
murderer d) advantage, profit, help
jungle    e) generally accepted behavior in a social group
imperfect f) keeping safe from harm, illness or danger
custom g) land covered thickly with growing underwood, tangled vegetation
robbery h) someone who has deliberately killed another person
steal i) not complete
rely on j) depend on with confidence

Task 12. This is a story told by an American tourist who has recently been to Italy. Fill in the blanks, using the words given below, and translate the sentences into Russian.

Every country has its ... That's perfectly true. When I first came to a tiny Italian village I was shocked: everyone was smiling and waving at me. The ... of hospitality… local people to ... the foreigners from any trouble. In daylight and even at night you can go out without ... of being ... or ... Though the Italian laws are ... like all the laws, in the country you can ... ...open-heartedness and every possible support of the natives. The law of ... is for huge industrial cities.

the jungle, robbed, kidnapped, customs, laws, to protect, rely on, fear, prescribe, imperfect

Task 17 . Express you agreement or disagreement with the following. Use the statements given below.

- That is right / Exactly… / Precisely…/ I hold a similar view about… 

- It doesn’t make sense / It is unbelievable / That’s incredible / I find that very hard to believe / It’s an interesting idea but…


1. These can not be perfect laws.

2. No matter how generous and kind people may be they need laws.

3. In order to understand why a particular country has a particular legal system, it’s necessary to look at its history, political structure and social values.


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