Task 1. Read the text again and find the English equivalents for the words and phrases below:
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

• стать юристом

• получить университетскую степень

• недостаточный

• сдавать экзамены

• пройти подготовительный курс

• основное требование

• выпускные экзамены в области юриспруденции

• пять процентов кандидатов

• за его работой наблюдают

• средняя заработная плата

• опережать рост населения

• усилить

• клерк-стажер

Task 2. Match the words with their definitions:

1) insufficient a) make or become stronger
2) supervise b) not enough
3) strengthen c) walk, move very quickly
4) outpace d) watch and direct work
5) requirement e) payment for regular employment on a yearly basis
6) salary f) to reach a high enough standard to succeed in an examination or test
7) pass g) something which is needed or obligatory, necessary

Task 3. Translate the text, which tells how difficult is to become a lawyer, into English. Use the essential vocabulary of the lesson .

Если вы решили стать юристом, то вам необходимо быть терпе­ливым и трудолюбивым. Одной университетской степени недоста­точно. Вы должны сдать множество профессиональных экзаменов и приобрести опыт. Очень важно решить, в какой области права вы хотите специализироваться. Кого-то интересует адвокатская практи­ка. Это дает право представлять интересы клиентов в суде. Солиситер обычно имеет дело с менее серьезными преступлениями, дела­ми о разводе, дает советы по составлению завещания и возвращению долгов. Но никакие экзамены не помогут вам стать прокурором ок­руга в США. Эти юристы обладают достаточной свободой действий и решают вопросы о преследовании того или иного правонарушения судебным порядком.

Требования к будущим юристам довольно высоки. Тем не менее, в будущем веке рост числа юристов, возможно, превысит темпы ро­ста населения.

Task  4 . 1) Discuss the question with your partner: “If you were to decide on your future law career, would you like to become a barrister or a solicitor?”

Give reasons.

2) Speak on the topic: “I've chosen law as a career because ...”
Highlight at least 5 points which make your profession so attractive.


Vocabular y


advantageous — благоприятный, выгодный

advise — советовать

advocacy — 1. защита; 2. адвокатура, деятельность адвоката

aim — стремиться

articled clerk — клерк-статер (без жалования)

audience  — публика, зрители, слушатели, аудитория

discretion  — свобода действий

divorce — развод

draft — составлять (документ; проект)

evidence — доказательство

execution  — 1. выполнение; 2. приведение в исполнение (решения суда); 3. оформление формальностей/документов

finals — выпускные экзамены

gain — получать, приобретать

insufficient — недостаточный

investigation — расследование, следствие

litigate — 1. судиться; быть тяжущейся стороной; 2. оспаривать (на суде)

litigation — тяжба, судебный процесс

matrimonial — супружеский

mediate  — посредничать

negotiate  — вести переговоры, дело; обсуждать условия

negotiation  — переговоры; обсуждение условий

outpace— опережать, превышать

petty — мелкий, незначительный

prosecute — 1. преследовать судебным порядком; 2. выступать в качестве обвинителя

recover debts — возвращать долги/возмещать убытки

representation — представление (чьих-либо интересов, прав)

requirement — требование

salary — заработная плата, получаемая ежемесячно

specialize— специализироваться

strengthen — усиливать, укреплять

supervise — наблюдать (за кем-то), руководить (кем-то)

take a course — пройти учебный курс

to give advice ( to ) — давать совет кому-либо

to make a will — составить завещание

venture — 1. рисковать; 2. отважиться, решиться




Read the text and answer the following questions:

1. Are laws for ordinary people or for lawyers?

2. Do you always observe the law?

3. Do you think laws change in the course of time?


The English word “law” refers to limits upon various forms of behaviour. Some laws are descriptive: they simply describe how people or even natural phenomena usually behave. An example is the rather consistent law of gravity; another is the less consistent laws of economics.

Other laws are prescriptive – they prescribe how people ought to behave. For example, the speed limits imposed upon drivers that prescribe how fast we should drive. In all societies relations between people are regulated by prescriptive laws. Some of them are customs – that’s informal rules of social and moral behaviour. And some are precise laws made by nations and enforced against all citizens within their power. Thus we may say that the law is the body of rules with authority (power) to govern the actions and relations of people in an organized political community or among states. Laws reflect the values and beliefs of people. Laws organize society and guarantee peace and good order.

There are various spheres of law. Administrative law is the area of law which is related to the functions and powers of the government organizations and how they operate in practice to administer government policy. Criminal law is the law relating to crime. It studies illegal conduct for which a person may be prosecuted and punished by the state. Civil law is the law relating to the rights and duties of private persons. It deals with judging private quarrels between people. In many countries civil law is based on Roman Law. Constitutional law is the law relating to the legal structure of government in a state. It defines the principal organs of government and their relation to each other and to the individual. Common law is the body of law based on custom which is administered and developed by the courts in judicial decisions. Company law is the area of law which is related to businesses organized as companies. It regulates the formation, registration, operation and bankruptcy of companies of all kinds. Family law is the area of law which is related to the organization of the family and the legal relations of its members. It also settles problems of divorce. Special courts decide how to divide the couple's property, and who will get custody of children. Land law is the area of law which deals with rights and interests related to owning and using land. Land is the most important form of property, so the name for the law of property in general. Labour law is the area of law relating to the employment of workers. It includes their contracts and conditions of work, trade unions and the legal aspects of industrial relations. Penal law is that part of law which deals with punishment of persons found guilty by the court. It studies different penal systems and defines effective penal policy. International law is the system of law which regulates relations between states. It deals with such subjects as: the freedom of the seas; the rules of war and neutrality, diplomatic law. The United Nations Organizations has the right to force its member countries to obey international law.


Task 1. Read the following words correctly:

to refer, phenomena, to behave, behaviour, custom, consistent, moral, description, value, prescriptive, order, to guarantee, sphere, administrative, conduct, criminal, to punish, constitutional, common, company, duty, to regulate, divorce, bankruptcy, legal, property, to divide, custody, to obey, employment, to impose, to prosecute, penal, society, Roman, contract, to define, labour, civil.


Task 2. Translate the following noun groups into Russian:

speed limits, law enforcement, government policy, government organizations, company law, land law, the couple’s property, labour law, trade unions, family law, member countries (states).


Task 3 . Find the words with the similar meaning among the following:

law, society, govern, power, body, belief, sphere, deal with, punish, principal, relation, couple, behaviour, obey, community, administer, authority, organ, custom, field, penalize, main, connection, pair, conduct, religion, consider, observe.


 Task 5 .  Find the words with the opposite meaning among the following:

descriptive, consistent, social, formal, organize, practice, prosecute, legal, private, quarrel, divorce, divide, land, prescriptive, inconsistent, individual, informal, disorganize, theory, defend, illegal, common, peace, marriage, unite, sea.

Task 6. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian:

forms of behaviour; natural phenomena; to impose limits (punishment, penalty); relations between people; informal rules; to regulate relations; organized political community; to reflect values; to guarantee peace and good order; administrative law; criminal law; penal law; constitutional law; common law; company law; family law; land law; labour law; international law; to obey law; private property; to find quality; effective penal policy; conditions of work; to deal with; freedom of the seas; to force member countries to obey international law; the United Nations Organization.

Task 7 . Translate the words and word combinations from Russian into English:

общественное и моральное поведение, отношения между людьми, неформальные правила, применять законы, система правил, отражать ценности и убеждения, гарантировать мир и порядок, функции и полномочия правительственных организаций, противоправное поведение преступное поведение, осуществлять политику правительства, может быть обвинен и наказан государством, права и обязанности частных лиц, иметь дело с чем-либо (касаться чего-либо), уголовное право, гражданское право, уголовно-исполнительное право, конституционное право, правовые отношения членов семьи, решать проблемы развода, делить имущество, земельное право, владение и пользование землей, наем рабочей силы, условия труда, признать виновным в судебном порядке, эффективная уголовно-исполнительная практика (политика), уголовно-исполнительные системы, определять политику, регулировать отношения между государствами, дипломатическое право.


Task 8 . Answer the following questions and try to reproduce the text with the help of the answers to the questions:

1. What does the English word “law” refer to?

2. What is the difference between descriptive and prescriptive laws?

3. What are some of the laws like?

5. Against whom are laws enforced?

5. What do laws reflect?

6. What do they organize?

     7. What is administrative law related to?

8. What conduct does criminal law study?

9. What is civil law relating to? What does it deal with?

11. What does constitutional law define?

11. What is common law based on?

12. What area is the company law related to?

     13. What area is family law related to?

14. Why is land law very important?

15. What does labour law include?

16. What is penal law?

17. What subjects does international law deal with?

18. What right does the UNO have?

Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 680.