1. Barristers are paid directly by clients.
2. Solicitors can present cases in lower courts.
3. The number of British solicitors is growing.
4. The Justice Department of the USA is responsible for the effective
work of the police.
5. US attorneys are very influential people.
II. According to the text which of the following points completes the sentence best?
1. In Japan a lawyer must
a) take lots of examinations;
b) take one final examination;
c) choose the examination according to his future law career
2. In England the decision of a law student is between becoming
a) a barrister or a solicitor;
b) a barrister or a judge;
c) a solicitor or a prosecutor
3. The solicitor usually deals with
a) petty crimes and matrimonial matters;
b) arguing cases;
c) presenting cases in any court
4. Barristers specialize in
a) arguing cases in front of a judge and representation in Magistrates'
b) advocacy;
c) employing solicitors
5. US attorneys are
a) the President's assistants;
b) appointed by the President;
c) elected by people or by the members of the Senate
III. Match the following statements with a particular (British or American) law system.
1. Next week Mr. Richardson presents our case in the County Court.
2. Everybody is shocked: the Senate hasn't approved the President's
decision to appoint Mr. John Brian Star the fifteenth federal district's
3. This chamber is situated in 45 Oxford Street.
4. The Inns of Court are as respectable as exclusive clubs.
Task 1. Read the following international words and give their Russian equivalents:
legal, person, officially, to qualify, examination, professional, public, barrister, to specialize, appeal, client, argument, general, office, document, problem, civil, expert, interpretation, figure, organization, club, president, administrator, federal, assistant, political, reputation, individual, authority.
Task 2. Find the words with the similar meaning among the following:
to appoint, consent, litigation, affair, power, legal, certain, matter, to gain, job, judge, to employ, juridical, work, to argue, particular, to get, to hire, justice, to give advice, to prove, to try, authority, crime, to deal with, offence, chamber, to consult, to designate, approval, house, trial.
Task 3. Find the words with the opposite meaning among the following:
lower courts, to increase, petty, civil, legal, difficult, to decrease, illegal, higher courts, serious, criminal, easy, responsible, to prosecute, individual, to divorce, to defend, organization, to marry, irresponsible, different, ordinary, the same, exclusive, expert, ancient, layman, modern.
Task 4. Give the verbs the following words are derived from:
argument, prosecutor, investigation, increasing, interpretation, institution, organization, administrator, enforcement, judicial, assistant, considerable.
Task 5. Translate the following word combinations:
legal affairs; to gain experience; different groups of lawyers; to do particular jobs; public prosecutor; to argue a case; the right of audience; to prepare arguments; to give advice; to make investigations; to deal with problems; petty crimes; matrimonial matters; to prepare evidence; to recover debts; to write legal letters; to carry on legal arguments; to make a will; interpretation of the law; to be an expert on advocacy; to be responsible for the execution of the laws; law enforcement; with the advice and consent of the Senate; the amount of litigation; considerable discretion.
Task 6. Find in the text words & phrases with the following meanings:
1) connected with the law, required by the law;
2) gathering of persons for the purpose of hearing a speaker, etc.;
3) crimes which are not serious;
4) an English lawyer who specializes in arguing cases and representation in any court;
5) legal ending of a marriage;
6) an English lawyer who gives advice to clients, investigates, prepares documents;
7) support of a client in a Court;
8) the carrying out a piece of work;
9) power or right to give orders;
10) US lawyers having the right to prosecute.
Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 525.