1) Colour is a design aspect that is easy to get wrong and causes problems when a job prints incorrectly.
2) Colour control isn’t one of the primary tasks that a graphic designer is responsible for in the print production process.
3) Each device responds to and produces colour in the same way.
4) Red, green and blue are used to produce colour images on a computer screen.
5) Computer images in the CYMK colour space are converted to the RGB colour space for printing.
Answer the questions.
1. How can colour be described?
2) What does hue refer to?
3) What does saturation refer to?
4) What does value refer to?
5) What is colour management?
9. A) Watch the video “What do colours mean in logo design?”.
Learn about the meanings of colors and how they play in integral part in the perception of the logo. While discussing color we touch on the differences between eastern and western cultures and how these can affect the colour choices of brands that are meant to be globally marketed. Fill in the gaps in the table.
Colour | What does it mean? |
red | |
purple | |
blue | |
green | |
yellow | |
orange | |
brown | |
black | |
white |
B) Look through the questions, then watch the video again and answer them.
1) What colour is the most popular in logo design?
2) What colour is less used in logo design?
3) What colours have the same connotation in Western and Eastern perceptions?
4) What are white, red and black colours linked with in Western culture?
5) What are white, red and black colours linked with in Eastern culture?
10. Write down three logos and discuss with your partner what colours are used there. What do they mean there?
11 Choose any design, present it for the group and describe what elements, principles and colours are used there. What are they used there for?
12. Find some extra information on the topic in the appendix № 4,5.
1. How many brands did you interact with today? Which brands do you use? Do you make purchases based on a brand’s reputation?
2. Read, translate, transcribe and learn active vocabulary:
· to brand
· to differentiate
· differentiation
· competition
· perception
· logo
· letterhead
· business cards
· signage
· a highly competitive market
· to offer unique benefits
· parity
· brand strategy
· the brand’s personality and promise
· the brand’s positioning
· the tagline
· the brand’s construct
· ownership
· consistency
· relevance
A) Spell the words.
Relevance, business card, parity, perception, unique, highly, construct.
B) Work in pairs, spell 4-5 words from active vocabulary for your partner, write the words spelled by your partner for you, then, check each other.
A) Fill in the gaps in the tables. Pay attention to the suffixes. Translate the words.
Verb | Gerund | Participle 1 | Participle 2 |
to differentiate | |||
to compete | |||
to offer | |||
to own | |||
to brand |
B) What is the difference between gerunds and participles 1?
A) Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb.
E. g.: If I we have branding we will attract more clients in the future.
1) If we ____ with this designer we ____ surely good branding. (to deal, to get)
2) If there ___ a brand strategy there ___ successful branding. (to be, to be)
3) If a company ____ branding its clients ____ easily it among other ones. (to use, to differentiate)
4) If they (not)____ unique benefits they ____ branding. (to offer, need)
B) Make your own sentences using Conditional 1. Exchange with your partner and translate his/her sentences.
A) Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb.
E. g.: If I we had branding we would attract more clients.
1) If we ____ with this designer we ____ surely good branding. (to deal, to get)
2) If there ___ a brand strategy there ___ successful branding. (to be, to be)
3) If a company ____ branding its clients ____ easily it among other ones. (to use, to differentiate)
4) If they (not)____ unique benefits they ____ branding. (to offer, need)
B) Make your own sentences using Conditional 2. Exchange with your partner and translate his/her sentences.
A) Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb.
E. g.: If I we had had branding we would have attracted more clients last year.
1) If we ____ with this designer we ____ surely good branding. (to deal, to get)
2) If there ___ a brand strategy there ___ successful branding. (to be, to be)
3) If a company ____ branding its clients ____ easily it among other ones. (to use, to differentiate)
4) If they (not)____ unique benefits they ____ branding. (to offer, need)
B) Make your own sentences using Conditional 3. Exchange with your partner and translate his/her sentences.
8. Read, translate the text.
What is branding?
Whether people like it or loathe it, almost every product, service, business, and organization has been branded. Many think of a brand as a proprietary name for a product, service, or group; however, on a more multifaceted level, a brand is the sum total of all characteristics and assets of a brand name product, service, or group that differentiates it from the competition, as well as the perception of the brand by the public. Although many people use the terms visual identity, corporate identity, brand identity, and branding interchangeably, branding is a broader marketing effort than visual identity since it often involves naming, advertising, and promotion. A visual identity is the visual and verbal articulation of a brand or group, including pertinent key graphic design applications, such as logo, letterhead, and business cards, and could include package design, uniforms, signage or environmental design, and corporate communications.
Products, services, groups, and individuals (musicians, celebrities, politicians, among others) depend upon branding to differentiate them in the minds of the public in a highly competitive market. Very few products, services, or groups offer unique benefits, usually offering similar or identical functions as their competitors, a characteristic called parity. Therefore, branding helps differentiate products, services, and groups in a crowded brand world.
Two main verbal differentiators are the brand name, a proprietary name, and the tagline—a slogan or short distinctive phrase used to identify and promote. The main visual identifier is a logo, the cornerstone of a visual identity.
Brand strategy is the core tactical underpinning of branding, uniting all planning for every visual and verbal application. The brand strategy defines the brand’s personality and promise, differentiates the brand from the competition by defining the brand’s positioning, and codifies the brand essence; it is a conceptual plan providing guidelines—for both client management and creative professionals—to drive all brand applications from identity and packaging to advertising.
Every brand or group should possess a core value or quality that can become its construct, a quality or position a brand “owns” against them. Owning a quality, even though others in your category have the same quality, establishes a brand in the audience’s mind as the primary possessor of that quality; it is positioning of the brand in the public’s mind against the competition. For example, although many luxury cars are well engineered and perform well in safety and crash tests, one brand established its construct as great engineering and another brand established its construct as safety. (Can you name them?) A construct relies heavily on how a brand casts itself. Can you think of any brand constructs? When you think of Disney, do you think of fun? Would you purchase a Toyota for its reliability? Is there an energy drink you think is cool to carry around? Do you Bing or Google?
Several factors must be considered when formulating branding and a brand construct:
› Differentiation: distinguished by a unique, consistent visual and verbal presence
› Ownership: the brand or group “owns” or claims an identifiable attribute, a quality, personality, or posture preempting the competition from claiming the same
› Consistency: construct used across media, permitting a consistent brand voice and tone in all verbal and visual communication
› Relevance: branding is based on an insight into the audience and an insight into the brand, making the brand relevant
How a construct can be cast:
› A brand or group symbolizes something: honesty, stability, authenticity, style, originality, safety, reliability, good health, luxury, prosperity, down home goodness, et cetera.
› A brand or group embodies something: ethics, humanitarianism, preservation, coolness, fun, family values, respectability, excitement, energy, novelty, inventiveness, cutting-edge research, a lifestyle, et cetera.
› A group is virtuous and works toward solving a social problem or finding a cure for a disease.
Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 295.