Find the international words in the text
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

E. g.: design – дизайн , graphic – графический , etc.

Are the sentences True or False?

1) Graphic design is a form of audio communication used to convey a message or information to an audience;

2) Advertising involves the complete strategic planning and designing of the form, structure, and appearance of a product’s package, which functions as casing, promotes a brand, presents information, and becomes a brand experience.

3) Publication design involves the design of editorial content for print or screen; it is also called editorial design and book design.

4) The goals of promotional design and advertising applications can’t overlap.

5) Typographic design is the same thing as lettering.

Fill in the table.

Design Involves Its applications include
1 Advertising generating and creating specific visual and verbal messages print, television commercials, radio, advertising banner ads, mobile advertising, web commercials, e-marketing etc.
2 Branding
3 Identity design
4 Corporate communication design
5 Environmental design
6 Information design
7 Interactive or experience design
8 Motion graphics
9 Package design
10 Promotional design
11 Publication design
12 Typographic design

11.  A) Discuss in pairs the following questions.

Is there any new type of graphic design in the text?

What type of graphic design are you interested in most of all? Why?

What type of graphic design is the easiest and the hardest in your opinion? Why?

What type of graphic design are you good at?

B) Share with the group.

Choose any type of graphic design and make a presentation of its most popular and effective projects. Explain why are these projects so popular.

Find some extra information on the topic in the appendix № 1, 2.


1. Read, translate, transcribe and learn active vocabulary:

· a phase

· orientation

· an assignment

· the client’s needs and requirements

· audience

· the current graphic design applications

· concisely

· conclusion

· to analyze

· the brand essence

· to review

· to approve

· a design concept

· color palette selection

· thumbnail sketches

· implementation

· a mock-up

· to go wrong

· to go right

List the words into 4 groups:





Give the synonyms and the antonyms for the words

Synonyms Antonyms
thumbnail sketches
the brand essence
to approve
to analyze
to go right

A) Use the possessive case for the word combinations.

E. g.: the needs of a customer – the customer’s needs

The solutions of a designer, the solutions of designers, the requirements of the clients, the needs of the audience, the assignment of the art director, the budget of a customer.

B) Make your own sentences using these word combinations.

A) Make general and disjunctive questions for the sentences:

E. g.: Phase 1 of the design process involves orientation.

(G) Does phase 1 of the design process involve orientation?

(D) Phase 1 of the design process involves orientation, doesn’t it?

1) Orientation involves reviewing and evaluating the current graphic design applications, branding.

2) When you analyze, you examine each part of the problem.

3) Advertising ______ generating and creating specific visual and verbal messages constructed to inform, persuade, promote, provoke, or motivate people on behalf of a brand or group. (to involve)

The strategy helps define the brand’s or group’s personality and promise.

It sets the framework for all your design decisions.

Many designers create thumbnail sketches throughout the process to develop concepts, to visualize, and to compose.

B) Make special and subject questions for the sentences. Mind the difference.

E. g.: Phase 1 of the design process involves orientation.

(Sp) What does phase 1 of the design process involve?

(Sub) What involves orientation?

Read and translate the text.

The graphic design process

There are five phases of the design process: orientation, analysis, concepts, design, implementation

Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 373.