I . Прочитайте и переведите текст
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Another Day In the Life of the Queen


Here you can read about one usual day of the Queen in Great Britain. It’s up to you to decide whether her daily routine is easy and pleasant or full of important and sometimes dull duties.

It was just a usual day; one among many other similar days in Her Majesty’s long reigning. Queen Elizabeth II woke up at 7 o’clock, had a cup of tea and read The Times. Then she had a bath and got dressed. At 8 o’clock she was listening to BBC news and then she had breakfast with Prince Philip. After breakfast she rang up Prince Charles. Then she read personal letters and had an important business consultation with Private Secretary and then worked at government documents.     

At 1 o’clock she had a quick lunch in her private apartment in Buckingham Palace and at 2 o’clock left the Palace to open a new hospital. There she made speeches; shook hands and had a cup of tea. At 4.45 she was back at the Palace and worked in her office. At 5.30 she received foreign visitors and then had the final meeting with her Private Secretary. In the evening she went to St. James’s Palace where she had a reception party and talked with 70 people. Then she went to the Palace and at 8.30 had dinner with Prince Philip and a group of some businessmen. At 10 she watched television news and then read some official papers and phoned some members of the Royal Family – just to see if all was well. At about 11 she went to bed. She did a lot and she was very tired.

It is really a very hard job to be responsible for the whole country.


II . Ответьте письменно на вопросы к тексту:

Whose usual day did you read about?

When did Her Majesty wake up?

What did she do at 8 o’clock?

What did the Queen do in the evening?

Is it easy or hard to be responsible for the whole country?


III . Найдите а) русские эквиваленты и б) английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

а) to decide, private apartment, watched television news, official papers, went to bed, got dressed, shook hands, received, final meeting, an important business consultation, daily routine

б) личный секретарь, смотреть телевизор, прием, правительственные документы, открывать новую больницу, личные письма, выпить чашку чая, группа бизнесменов, отвечать за, легкий и приятный, иногда скучный


IV . Напишите три формы неправильных глаголов:

Read, be, wake, give, have, ring, leave, make, shake, see, do, say, fly, feel, speak


V . Вставьте нужные предлоги:

The Queen is responsible … the whole country.

She had dinner … a group … businessmen.

Her Majesty was listening … BBC news at 8a.m.

At 4.45 she was back … the Palace.

At about 11 p.m. she went … bed.


VI . Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужном времени и правильной форме:


They (to go) to the party yesterday in the evening.

The visitors (to discuss) the Queen’s speech for half an hour.

Her Majesty (to watch) news on TV at 9 p.m.

The Queen (to receive) some personal letters yesterday.

She (to have) the final meeting with her secretary at 6 o’clock in the evening.

She (to phone) the members of the Royal Family just to know that all was well.


VII . Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский, используя изученные грамматические структуры:

Ее Величество читала почту с 9 до 10 утра.

Ее личный секретарь рассказал ей о распорядке дня.

Королева разговаривала по телефону с принцем Филиппом в 8 часов вечера.

Ее Величество произнесла речь на встрече с бизнесменами.

Вечером королева поехала на прием.


VIII . Напишите данные предложения в страдательном залоге:

1. The Queen opened a new hospital yesterday. 1. A new hospital …
2. She was reading some official papers at 10 o’clock. 2. Some official papers …
3. Her majesty phoned the members of the Royal Family in the evening. 3. …
4. She was receiving the foreign visitors at 5.30 yesterday. 4. …



IX .Переведите текст, пользуясь словарем, письменно с английского языка на русский язык.



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Дата: 2018-12-28, просмотров: 294.