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Seasons and Weather in Russia.


In fact every season has its fine days and is pleasant in its own way. And it’s not difficult to see this beauty.

Every new year begins in winter, on the first of January. This day is a holiday in our country and people decorate their flats with New Year trees.

In Russia winter is usually a cold season, much colder than in Europe. It often snows; the rivers and lakes are frozen over. The average temperature is about 5 degrees below zero. The most unpleasant thing about winter is that the sun sets earlier and rises later, especially in December and January. The days are much shorter, the sky is often grey, nature is sleeping and sometimes it gets rather boring.

But in the end of March the weather will get gradually milder. The sun will shine more brightly. The days will become longer, snow will melt quickly. At last spring comes and nature awakens after along sleep of winter. All kinds of plants and flowers will come out. The birds will return from the South and build their nests. Everything around will be full of joy and life.

Spring will be followed by summer. The weather will get still warmer and sometimes even hot. The gardens will be gay with flowers all summer months. In summer people will spend much more time in the open air. They will find time to go to the forest, to swim in the river, to sunbathe.

Autumn comes in September and nature begins slowly prepare to fall asleep for winter


II . Ответьте письменно на вопросы к тексту:

What is the most unpleasant thing about winter?

What holiday do Russian people celebrate in winter?

What season will spring be followed by?

Where will the people go in summer?

What will happen in nature in spring?


III . Найдите а) русские эквиваленты и б) английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

а) to fall asleep, to melt, to awaken, to be full of joy and life, summer months, to swim in the river, to sunbathe, to be frozen over, to rise later, in the open air, pleasant, the average temperature

         б) заходить раньше, постепенно, возвращаться, проводить время, светить, мягкий, ходить в лес, следовать за, просыпаться, скучный, растения и цветы


IV . Раскройте скобки и поставьте прилагательное в нужной степени сравнения:

The nights become (short) in summer than in winter.

What is the (cold) season in Russia?

Snow will melt (quick) when the temperature is (high).

In summer there are (many) flowers than in spring.

In winter there is (little) snow in Europe than in Russia.



V . Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужном времени и правильной форме:

The birds (to return) from the South in few weeks.

If the weather (to get) warmer, all kinds of plants (to come) out in spring.

When the days (to become) longer snow (to melt) quicker.

The people (to decorate) their flats with New Year trees in some months.

We (to sunbathe) from 9 till 11 in the morning tomorrow.

My friends and I (to go) to the forest next Saturday.


VI . Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам:

In the end of March the weather will become gradually warmer.

In Aprilthe birds will be building the nestsin the trees.


VII . Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский, используя изученные грамматические структуры:

Если зима будет очень морозной, лето будет очень жарким.

Природа проснется весной после длинной зимней спячки.

Мы пойдем купаться, когда будет жарко.

Лето – самое лучшее время года, мы будем гулять целыми днями в отпуске.

Солнце будет светить ярче после дождя.


VIII . Напишите данные предложения в страдательном залоге:

1. People will decorate the flats with New Year trees. 1. The flats …
2. We will find the time to go to the forest tomorrow. 2. The time to go to the forest …
3. They must spend more time in the open air. 3. …


IX .Переведите текст, пользуясь словарем, письменно с английского языка на русский язык.



Variant 5


Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Weather and Climate for Your Holiday


Where can you go for a holiday? You have a lot of opportunities. Of course, most people would like to go to the south or to the seaside because it is warmer and more pleasant, but you must consider the weather and the season.

You may want to go to Siberia, for example. The nature is wonderful there. You will never see such a lot of sparkling white snow. You will enjoy frosty fresh air if you go skiing or bear-hunting, but you should remember that it will be very cold there in winter. The temperature may be lower than 40 degrees below zero.

Some people prefer to spend their holidays in warmer places. There is no warmer place in the world than Africa. It’s warm there all the year round. The sun shines every day, but in summer it’s too hot and sometimes it’s humid there. And you won’t be able to go lion-hunting until the sun sets. But when it starts raining, it may rain the whole week. If you want to get sunburnt it’s the best place. You can get as sunburnt as the natives.

If you don’t want too much exotics, spend you holiday in England. There are so many lovely places on the coast of the sea. England enjoys an insular climate. Summers are neither too warm nor too cold. It seldom gets too hot in summer as there is generally cooling breeze from the south-west, but the temperature may rise to ninety degrees in the shade (Fahrenheit, of course).

  Anyway choosing a place for your holiday you must consider the weather forecast.


Ответьте письменно на вопросы к тексту:

What kind of climate does England enjoy?

What is the temperature in Siberia in winter?

Where should you go if you want to be sunburnt?

Why do people prefer to go to the seaside for a holiday?

What must you consider choosing a place for your holiday?


III . Найдите а) русские эквиваленты и б) английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

  а) to consider, cooling breeze, to get sunburnt, to rain, the weather forecast, in the shade, on the coast, to shine, seldom, below zero, too hot, Fahrenheit, to enjoy, an insular climate

  б) загореть, охота на медведя, повышаться, сверкающий снег, экзотика, легкий ветерок, прогноз погоды, островной климат, возможности

IV . Раскройте скобки и поставьте прилагательное в нужной степени сравнения:

1. The climate in England is (changeable) than on the continent.

2. The summer months are the (hot) in Africa.

3. The (fine) way to spend holiday is traveling.

4. My mother thinks that winter is the (bad) time in the year.

5. There is (much) exotics in Africa than in England.

V . Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужном времени и правильной форме:

We (to spend) next summer in England.

My friend (to go) skiing in March in the mountains.

If the temperature (to rise), you (to enjoy) a fine warm weather.

All next month my parents (to travel) around the country.

If you (not to want) too much exotics you (not to go) to Africa.

The people (to lie) in the sun on the coast of the sea the whole day tomorrow.


VI . Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам:

You will enjoy fresh frosty airin winter.

The people will go lion- hunting only in the evening.


VII . Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский, используя изученные грамматические структуры:

Мы будем наслаждаться островным климатом Англии.

Если будет очень холодно, они туда не поедут.

Прогноз погоды говорит, что целый день будет идти дождь.

Мои друзья проведут лето у моря. Если я буду свободен, я присоединюсь к ним.

Самое жаркое место в мире – это Африка.


VIII . Напишите данные предложения в страдательном залоге:

1. He will take an umbrella tomorrow in the morning. 1. An umbrella …
2. We will use a camera during our trip to Africa. 2. A camera …
3. You must consider the weather forecast for your holiday. 3. …



IX .Переведите текст, пользуясь словарем, письменно с английского языка на русский язык.


Для успешного выполнения контрольной работы №2 необходимо изучить параграфы 7.3(2), 7.4(2), 8, 9, 14 раздела «Грамматический материал».




Variant 1


Дата: 2018-12-28, просмотров: 421.