Task 3. Choose the main idea of the text «What is Physics?»
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой


Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для обучения иностранному языку в профессиональной сфере студентов 2-го курса физических направлений бакалавриата.

Основной целью пособия является подготовка студентов к практическому использованию английского языка в профессиональной деятельности, что предполагает формирование коммуникативной компетенции, необходимой для профессионального общения. Задачами пособия являются совершенствование навыков чтения литературы профессионального характера, развитие навыков устной и письменной речи. В пособии используется аутентичный материал научной проблематики в области физики, развивающий и совершенствующий уровень сформированности коммуникативной компетенции базового курса и формирующий иноязычную профессиональную коммуникативную компетенцию на втором образовательном уровне.

Пособие составлено в соответствии с содержанием рабочих программ «Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере (английский)» для студентов направлений 011800.62 «Радиофизика», 011200.62 «Физика», 222900.62 «Нанотехнологии и микросистемная техника», 223200.62 «Техническая физика». Пособие построено с учетом требований Федерального интернет-экзамена по английскому языку для подготовки к аспектам «Чтение» и «Лексика». Пособие состоит из пяти разделов, приложения и библиографии. Разделы представлены текстами для чтения и рядом заданий, направленных на расширение запаса активной профессиональной лексики, на развитие умений поиска главной информации, анализа, составления краткого изложения (summary), умений обсуждать, высказывать свою точку зрения по темам, связанным с профессиональной деятельностью. В приложении даны советы по составлению краткого изложения и дополнительные тексты.   


Unit 1. What is Physics?..................................................................................5

Unit 2. A Glimpse of Classical Physics…………………………………………11

Unit 3. A Glimpse of Modern Physics…………………………………………..31

Unit 4. Nanotechnology Around Us……………………………………………..56

Unit 5. Careers in Physics ……….………………………………………………64

Appendix 1. Summary…………………………………………………………….73

Appendix 2. Extra Texts ………………..………………………………………..75





«We live, I think, in the century of science and,

perhaps, even in the century  of physics».

Polykarp Kusch[1]


accept ( V ) – признавать, принимать accurate ( Adj ) – точный, тщательный alternate ( Adj ) – чередующийся, запасной attempt ( N ) – попытка behaviour ( N ) – образ действия, поведение branch (N) – отрасль branch off (V) – отделяться capacity (N) – способность comprehensive (Adj) – всесторонний, полный concept (N) – понятие, идея conservation ( N ) – сохранение deal with ( V ) – иметь дело determine ( V ) – определять, устанавливать discovery ( N ) – открытие, обнаружение electromagnetic ( Adj ) – электромагнитный energy (N) – энергия exist ( V ) – существовать extensively ( Adv ) – в значительной степени, широко gravitation ( N ) – гравитация, сила тяжести   include (V) –  включать interchangeable (Adj) – взаимозаменяемый, равнозначный law (N) – научный закон, закономерность matter (N ) – вещество motion (N) – движение occupy ( V ) – занимать originate ( V ) – происходить, возникать particle ( N ) – частица physicist ( N ) – физик quantum ( Adj ) – квантовый radiation ( N ) – радиация relate ( V ) – относиться, иметь отношение relationship ( N ) – взаимосвязь, взаимоотношение relativity ( N ) – относительность science ( N ) – наука separate ( Adj ) – отдельный technique (N) – метод, методика, способ

Isaac Newton ['aızək  'nju:t(ə)n] – Исаак Ньютон

Albert Einstein ['albət 'aınstaın] – Альберт Эйнштейн

Task 1. Discuss with a partner.

1. Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above?

2. What does physics study?

Task 2. Read the text «What is Physics?» and entitle each paragraph of it.

What is Physics?

1) Physics is the science that deals with matter and energy and the relationships that exist between them. Physics is the most comprehensive of the natural sciences because it includes the behaviour of all kinds of matter – from the smallest particles to the largest galaxies. The word «physics» originates from a Greek word meaning natural things. Physics was originally called natural philosophy and included all natural science. As a large amount of knowledge was collected on a particular subject within natural philosophy, that subject branched off and developed into a separate science.

2) The various laws of physics are attempts by physicists to explain the behaviour of nature in a simple and general way. Even the most accepted laws of physics, however, are subject to change. Nature's behaviour does not change, but techniques for determining its behaviour do change and become more accurate. At the beginning of the 20th century, the laws of physics were tested extensively and were found to be too narrow to explain many of the new discoveries. A new body of theories was started. The older body of laws is called classical physics; the new is called modern physics.

3) Classical physics is based primarily on the laws of motion and gravitation of Sir Isaac Newton and the theory of electromagnetic radiation of James Clerk Maxwell. In classical physics matter and energy are two separate concepts. Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass. It exists in three basic forms. Plasma – highly ionized gas – has been called a fourth form. Energy is the capacity to move matter; as more commonly stated, it is the capacity to do work. Energy exists as mechanical energy, chemical energy, radiant energy, and nuclear energy. Some of the most important laws in classical physics are the conservation laws. Classical physics is usually divided into several branches, each of which deals with a group of related phenomena (mechanics, dynamics, hydromechanics, statics, optics, thermodynamics, acoustics, the study of electricity and magnetism).

4) Modern physics is based on the theory of relativity of Albert Einstein and the quantum theory of Max Planck and others. Matter and energy are not separate concepts, but are alternate forms of each other. The theory of relativity states that matter and energy are interchangeable and that mass and time can vary. Quantum theory states that light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation behave as though they have a double nature. Sometimes they behave as waves; at other times they behave as particles. Small particles of matter also have a double, or wave-particle, nature. Modern physics is broken up into various fields of study (atomic physics, nuclear physics, high-energy physics, or particle physics, ultrasonics, solid-state physics, plasma physics).

(From www.science.howstuffworks.com)


«To cross the seas, to traverse the roads, and to work machinery by galvanism, or rather electro-magnetism, will certainly, if executed, be the most noble achievement ever performed by man».

Alfred Smee[2]


accelerate (V) – ускорять attract (to) (V) – притягивать aurora (N) – полярное сияние charge (N) – заряд circuit (N) – цепь, круг, цикл, контур collide ( V ) – сталкиваться compose of ( V ) – составлять constituent ( N ) – составная часть continuum ( N ) – сплошная среда convert ( V ) – трансформировать, преобразовывать current ( N ) – ток, поток, течение due to – благодаря, в результате, из-за emit ( V ) – испускать, выделять excess ( Adj ) – избыточный field (N) – поле hemisphere (N) – полушарие influence (N) – влияние infrared (Adj) – инфракрасный interaction (N) – взаимодействие lodestone (N) – магнит magnetic (Adj) – магнитный magnetosphere (N) – магнитосфера molecule (N) – молекула needle (N) – стрелка (компаса) permanent ( Adj ) – постоянный pole (N) – полюс property (N) – свойство radio wave (N) – радиоволна repel (V) – отталкивать reverse ( V ) – менять resultant ( Adj ) – равнодействующий, получающийся в результате span ( V ) – охватывать spectrum ( N ) – спектр, диапазон ultraviolet ( Adj ) –ультрафиолетовый vice versa – наоборот, обратно, противоположно wander ( V ) – колебаться, отклоняться X - rays ( N ) – рентгеновские лучи

Task 1. Discuss with a partner.

1. Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above?

2. What is electricity? What is magnetism? Is there any connection between them? Are there examples of electricity, magnetism, electromagnetism around us?

Task 2. Scan the text «Magnetism in Nature» and match the information below with the numbers.

a) Ancient people were familiar with magnetite 800
b)The North Magnetic Pole doesn’t correspond with the North Pole 2,000
c)The magnetic poles tend to vary daily 50
d)The South Magnetic Pole doesn’t correspond with the South Pole 500,000
e)The magnetic poles sometimes reverse themselves 1,600

Magnetism in Nature

Most modern applications of magnetism use electromagnetism, which is created using electricity. However, there are several natural occurrences of magnetism.

Lodestone, or magnetite, was the first naturally occurring magnetic material to be discovered by man. Over 2,000 years ago, the Greeks, Romans, and Chinese all knew of lodestones and their magnetically attractive properties. Lodestones are composed of iron (chemical symbol Fe) and Oxygen (O) and have the composition Fe3O4. Lodestones are commonly found in nature, and have been found in large quantities in Scandinavia, South Africa, and the United States, as well as other places. Lodestones are among the strongest natural magnets, but they are relatively weak as compared to the synthetic magnets used in everyday life.

The strongest magnet on the Earth is actually the Earth itself! Although scientists are not absolutely certain of what causes the Earth’s magnetic field, they think it is caused by the liquid outer core of the Earth. This is mostly iron, and scientists believe it flows in currents; the motion of the molecules in these currents is theorized to create the Earth’s magnetic field. The Earth’s magnetic poles are not at the same places as the geographic poles. The North Magnetic Pole is actually in far northern Canada, about 800 miles from the North Pole, and the South Magnetic Pole is off the coast of Antarctica, about 1,600 miles from the geographic South Pole. The magnetic poles tend to wander a bit, sometimes as much as 50 miles in a day. This is due to the interaction of the Earth and the solar wind. In addition to the daily variations, the Earth’s magnetic poles sometimes reverse themselves, with the North Magnetic Pole becomes south and vice versa.  When this happens, the Earth’s magnetic field changes direction (and the sale of compasses increases dramatically). This happens about every 500,000 years.

Speaking of compasses, why do compasses point north? The needle of a compass is actually a small permanent magnet. The «north» tip of the compass needle is the north pole of its magnet, and is attracted to the North Magnetic Pole. The north pole of the magnet should not be attracted to the North Magnetic Pole if both are north poles. Similar poles should repel each other, yet the north pole of the compass magnet does indeed point «north». In reality, what we call the North Magnetic Pole is actually the South Pole of the Earth’s magnetic field! Similarly, the so-called South Magnetic Pole is actually the North Pole.

The Earth’s magnetosphere is a region above the Earth’s surface containing charged particles that are affected by the Earth’s magnetic field. It plays an important role in one of nature’s most picturesque magnetic phenomena, the auroras. Sunspots emit a large number of high-energy charged particles, some of which make their way through the Earth’s magnetosphere. These articles create an overload of charged particles in the lower Van Allen belt, which is basically a belt of radiation trapped around the earth. These excess charged particles enter the atmosphere near the Earth’s magnetic poles and collide with gas molecules in the atmosphere. These collisions make the molecules emit energy in the form of visible light. This happens for many molecules; their resulting light display is an aurora. In the northern hemisphere this display is called the Aurora Borealis, or northern lights. The equivalent southern lights are called the Aurora Australis.

Naturally occurring magnets are not used much these days.

(From Electricity and magnetism by John D. Carpinelli)

Electricity and Magnetism

1) Electricity and magnetism are two closely related and very important topics within the science of physics. We use electricity to power computers and to make motors go. Magnetism makes a compass point north and keeps notes stuck onto our refrigerators. Without electromagnetic radiation we would all be in the dark, for light is one of its many forms!

2) Electricity can exist as stationary charges, which we call static electricity, or it can be moving and flowing, in which case we refer to it as an electrical current. Subatomic particles, such as protons and electrons, possess minute electrical charges. In relatively recent times, humans have learned to harness the power of electricity. That power, and the many types of electrical circuits and devices we have invented, has radically transformed our world. Electricity plays many important roles in the natural world as well, where it generates powerful flashes of lightning and produces the signals that zip along our nerves.

3) Magnetism is electricity's close cousin. Some materials, such as iron, are attracted to magnets; while others, such as copper, ignore its influence. We describe the motion of objects influenced by magnets in terms of magnetic fields. We know that magnets have north and south poles, and that like poles repel one another while opposite poles attract.

4) Electricity and magnetism are really different faces of a single fundamental force. Accelerate a magnet and you will produce an electrical current; vary the flow of electricity and you will create a magnetic field. Varying electromagnetic fields give rise to electromagnetic radiation. This fast-moving energy comes in a continuum of forms known as the electromagnetic spectrum, which spans radio waves and microwaves to ultraviolet, visible and infrared light and on to powerful X-rays and gamma rays. When broken down into their constituents by spectroscopes, electromagnetic spectra reveal much about distant objects such as stars. We use our knowledge of this radiation to build telescopes for viewing the heavens, radios for communications, and X-ray machines for medical diagnoses.

    5) Modern human society uses electricity and magnetism in innumerable ways. Generators in power plants convert moving steam into a flow of electrical current, which is converted back into mechanical energy when the current reaches a motor. A laser reads the pits on a compact disc, converting microscopic patterns into audible sounds when the resultant electrical signal reaches a speaker. Semiconductors in computers channel the flow of data contained in tiny electrical signals, sending information about electricity and magnetism (and many other topics) across the Internet to your desktop computer!

(From Electricity and Magnetism by Jennifer Bergman)


«Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love».

Albert Einstein[3]


acceleration (N) – ускорение analytic ( al ) ( Adj ) – аналитический calculate ( V ) – вычислять discard ( V ) – отказываться evidence ( N ) – наглядность, доказательство, подтверждение expand ( V ) – расширять find out ( V ) – выяснять, понять force ( N ) – сила formula (N) – формулировка, формула; мн. formulae, formulas gain ( V ) – получать, приобретать gravitational pull – сила притяжения hypothesis (N) – гипотеза impact (N) – удар, толчок intersect (V) – пересекать inversely (Adv) – обратно пропорционально point mass – точечная масса predictive (Adj) – предсказывающий proportional ( Adj ) – пропорциональный rate ( N ) – темп, скорость release ( V ) – отпускать revise ( V ) – проверять, пересматривать square (N) – квадрат statement ( N ) – утверждение support ( V ) – поддерживать the Law of Universal Gravitation – закон всемирного тяготения the Theory of General Relativity – теория относительности thoroughly ( Adv ) – полностью, основательно, тщательно

Task 1. Discuss with a partner.

1. Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above?

2. What is gravitation? Who developed the laws of gravitation? Is gravity a law or a theory?

Task 2. Skim the text « Is Gravity a Theory or a Law? » and find the key sentence in each paragraph. Underline the sentence with the main idea of the text.


«Music is the arithmetic of sounds as optics is the geometry of light».

                                                                           Claude Debussy[4]


aid ( V ) – помогать application ( N ) – применение broaden ( V ) – расширять data processing – обработка данных detector ( N ) – прибор для обнаружения, детектор, индикатор carrier ( N ) – носитель coherent ( Adj ) – связанный, последовательный concern ( V ) – заниматься, интересоваться expound ( V ) – объяснять, разъяснять extend ( V ) – расширять extensively ( Adv ) – в значительной степени, широко genesis (N) – происхождение, возникновение image aberration – погрешность изображения information content – объем информации in relation to – по отношению к involve ( V ) – касаться, затрагивать, включать в себя lens (N) – линза photographic plate – фотопластина procedure ( N ) – процедур, процесс, алгоритм propagation ( N ) – распространение receiver ( N ) – приемник, получатель resurgence ( N ) – возрождение, восстановление vision ( N ) – образ, изображение (на экране) ultimate ( Adj ) – основной, окончательный undergo ( V ) – подвергаться, испытывать, переносить

Task 1. Discuss with a partner.

1. Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above?

2. What does optics study?


Task 2. Skim the text and choose the best title of it.

a) Two branches of optics

b) The history of the development of optics

c) The general considerations of optics


Optics is the science concerned with the genesis and propagation of light, the changes that it undergoes and produces, and other phenomena closely associated with it.

There are two major branches of optics, physical and geometrical. Physical optics deals primarily with the nature and properties of light itself. Geometrical optics has to do with the principles that govern the image-forming properties of lenses, mirrors, and other devices that make use of light. It also includes optical data processing, which involves the manipulation of the information content of an image formed by coherent optical systems.

Originally, the term «optics» was used only in relation to the eye and vision. Later, as lenses and other devices for aiding vision began to be developed, these were naturally called optical instruments, and the meaning of the term «optics» eventually became broadened to cover any application of light, even though the ultimate receiver is not the eye but a physical detector, such as a photographic plate or a television camera.

In the 20th century optical methods came to be applied extensively to regions of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum not visible to the eye, such as X-rays, ultraviolet, infrared, and microwave radio waves, and to this extent these regions are now often included in the general field of optics.

(From Britannica Online Encyclopedia)


The Optical Image

An optical image may be regarded as the apparent reproduction of an object by a lens or mirror system, employing light as a _(1)_. An entire _(2)_ is generally produced simultaneously, as by the lens in a camera, but images may also be generated sequentially _ (3)_, as in a television system or in the radio transmission of pictures across long distances in space. Nevertheless, the final _(4)_ of all images is invariably the human eye, and, whatever means is used to transmit and control the light, the final _(5)_ must either be produced simultaneously or scanned so _(6)_ that the observer’s persistence of vision will give him the mental impression of a complete image covering a finite field of view. For this to be effective the image must be repeated (as in motion pictures) or scanned (as in television) at least 40 times a second to eliminate _(7)_ or any appearance of intermittency.

flicker detector point-point scanning light carrier rapidly image


If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you,

 you haven't understood it yet».

Niels Bohr [5]


accompany ( V ) – сопровождать advanced ( Adj ) – передовой, прогрессивный, продвинутый align ( V ) – выравнивать, выстраивать в линию amplify light – усилить свет angular momentum – кинетический момент, момент количества движения, момент импульса beam (syn. ray) (N) – луч bind (bound) (V) – связывать blade ( N ) – лопасть, крыло branch out (V) – разветвляться collaborator (N) – соавтор defence ( N ) – защита, оборона depart from ( V ) – отклоняться, отходить, отказываться derive ( V ) – выводить, получать discrete ( Adj ) – дискретный display ( N ) – представление, шоу duality ( N ) – двойственность emerge ( V ) – появляться evaluate (V) – оценивать frequency ( N ) – частота identify ( V ) – опознавать, распознавать in a fraction of a second – в доле секунды in terms of – в терминах, на языке, на основе, исходя из liquid ( N ) – жидкость measure (V) – измерять, мерить melt ( V ) – плавить, растапливать, растворять microscopic scale – микроскопический масштаб nuclear missile – ядерная ракета precise ( Adj ) – точный, определённый probability amplitude – амплитуда вероятности quantize ( V ) – квантовать quantum ( N ) – квант, фотон realm (N) – область, сфера (царство науки) semiconductor ( N ) – полупроводник speculation ( N ) – размышление single-spot welding – одноточечная сварка speculative ( Adj ) – теоретический, созерцательный solid (Adj) – твердый steel (N) – сталь the string theory – теория струн surfacing ( N ) – выделка поверхности (чего-л.) target ( N ) – цель, мишень tissue ( N ) – ткань, материя treat (V) – лечить turbine ( N ) – турбина unify ( V ) – унифицировать vaporize ( V ) – испарять, испаряться, распылять

Task 1. Discuss with a partner.

1. Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above?

2. What does the quantum mechanics study?

Task 2. Scan the text «Quantum Mechanics» and find the names of the scientists who formulated the quantum theory.

Quantum Mechanics

Quantum mechanics (QM – also known as quantum physics, or quantum theory) is a branch of physics dealing with physical phenomena at microscopic scales, where the action is on the order of the Planck constant. Quantum mechanics departs from classical mechanics primarily at the quantum realm of atomic and subatomic length scales. QM provides a mathematical description of much of the dual particle-like and wave-like behaviour and interactions of energy and matter.

 In advanced topics of quantum mechanics, some of these behaviours are macroscopic and only emerge at extreme (i.e. very low or very high) energies or temperatures. The name quantum mechanics derives from the observation that some physical quantities can change only in discrete amounts (Latin quanta), and not in a continuous way. For example, the angular momentum of an electron bound to an atom or molecule is quantized. In the context of quantum mechanics, the wave–particle duality of energy and matter and the uncertainty principle provide a unified view of the behavior of photons, electrons, and other atomic-scale objects.

The mathematical formulations of quantum mechanics are abstract. A mathematical function called the wave function provides information about the probability amplitude of position, momentum, and other physical properties of a particle.

The earliest versions of quantum mechanics were formulated in the first decade of the 20th century. At around the same time, the atomic theory and the corpuscular theory of light (as updated by Einstein) first came to be widely accepted as the scientific fact; these latter theories can be viewed as quantum theories of matter and electromagnetic radiation, respectively. The early quantum theory was significantly reformulated in the mid-1920s by Werner Heisenberg, Max Born, Wolfgang Pauli and their collaborators, and the Copenhagen interpretation of Niels Bohr became widely accepted. By 1930, quantum mechanics had been further unified and formalized by the work of Paul Dirac and John von Neumann, with a greater emphasis placed on measurement in quantum mechanics, the statistical nature of our knowledge of reality, and philosophical speculation about the role of the observer. Quantum mechanics has since branched out into almost every aspect of  the 20th century physics and other disciplines, such as quantum chemistry, quantum electronics, quantum optics, and quantum information science. Much 19th century physics has been re-evaluated as the «classical limit» of quantum mechanics, and its more advanced developments in terms of the quantum field theory, the string theory, and speculative quantum gravity theories.                                                 (From www.bbc.co.uk )


    Lasers (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) are _(1)_ which amplify light and produce beams of light which are very intense, directional, and pure in colour. Based on the laser medium used, lasers are generally classified as _(2)_ state, gas, semiconductor, or liquid.

    When lasers were invented in 1960, some people thought they could be used as «death rays». In the 1980s, the United States experimented with lasers as a _(3)_ against nuclear missiles. Nowadays, they are used to _(4)_ targets. But apart from military uses, they have many applications in engineering, communications, medicine, and the arts.

    In engineering, powerful laser _(5)_ can be focused on a small area. These beams can heat, melt, or vaporize material in a very precise way. They can be used for drilling diamonds, cutting complex shapes in materials from plastics to steel, for spot welding and for surfacing techniques, such as hardening aircraft engine turbine blades. Laser beams can also be used to _(6)_ and align structures.

    Lasers are ideal for communications in space. Laser light can carry many more information _(7)_ than microwaves because of its high frequency. In addition, it can travel long distances without _(8)_ signal strength. Lasers can also be used for information recording and reading. Compact discs are read by lasers.

    In medicine, laser beams can treat damaged _(9)_ in a fraction of a second without harming healthy tissue. They can be used in very precise eye operations.

    In the arts, lasers can provide fantastic displays of light. Pop concerts are often _(10)_ by laser displays.


devices          measure                 tissue             channels

defence         accompanied         solid               beams

identify           losing


atom (N) – атом bounce off (V) – отскакивать break away ( V ) – отделяться (от чего-либо) claim ( V ) – заявлять, утверждать come up with (V) – предлагать consist of (V) – состоять из define (V) – определять gluon ( N ) – глюон (переносчик взаимодействия между кварками) electron ( N ) – электрон leap ( N ) – прыжок, скачок molecule ( N ) – молекула neutron ( N ) – нейтрон nucleus (N) – ядро атома; pl. nuclei overcome ( V ) – преодолеть, побороть proton ( N ) – протон prove ( V ) – доказывать, подтверждать proven ( Adj ) – доказанный quark ( N ) – кварк (фундаментальная частица) revolve ( V ) – вращаться, вертеться rotate ( V ) – вращаться, чередоваться search for (V) – искать spin (V) – крутиться, вертеться speed up (V) –ускорять substance (N) – вещество sufficient (Adj) – достаточный theory (N) – теория the solar system model – модель солнечной системы the Uncertainty Principle – принцип неопределенности tiny (Adj) – очень маленький

Task 1. Discuss with a partner.

1. Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above?

2. What is matter? What is the structure of it?

Task 2. Read the text « Theories of Matter » and say what t heories explain the structure of matter .

Theories of Matter

Matter is defined as the substance of objects that also takes up space and has mass. But matter also has various characteristics, so ancient scientists searched for a universal explanation for appearance, properties and behaviour of matter. One theory that explained some of the properties of matter is the Molecular Theory of Matter. This was followed by the Atomic Theory of Matter. There are still theories being developed that try to explain the true structure of matter in even more detail.

The original Molecular Theory of Matter stated that all matter consists of tiny particles called molecules. These particles are constantly moving and bouncing off each other like billiard balls. The Molecular Theory of Matter is also called the Kinetic Theory of Matter, because of the constant movement of the molecules. The motion of molecules is responsible for the phenomenon of heat. In other words, the faster the molecules are moving, the higher the temperature. When the molecules speed up or the material is heated sufficiently, the kinetic energy overcome the molecular attraction and the substance changes its state from a solid to a liquid. Likewise, when the kinetic energy of the molecules increases further, the material can change from a liquid to a gaseous state.

Molecules can be broken into smaller particles called atoms. The Atomic Theory of Matter states that all matter consists of extremely small particles called atoms. It was originally thought that atoms were the smallest possible particles, but that has since been proven incorrect. Atoms consist of even smaller particles called electrons, protons, and neutrons. A combination of protons and neutrons combine to form the nucleus of an atom. A popular model or picture of an atom that explains many of its properties and features is the solar system model of the atom. This model is also called the Bohr Model, named after Neils Bohr, who came up with the idea. It states that electrons rotate around the nucleus, similar to the planets revolving around the sun. The Atomic Theory explains electricity. When electrons break away from their nuclei, their motion results in electricity.

Since the Atomic Theory was formulated, many new particles have been discovered. The new theories concerning these particles and predicted particles attempts to explain every phenomena in physics. This is also called the Universal Theory of Matter. Also, there have been discovered that the proton and neutron themselves are made of even smaller particles, called quarks. These particles are then held together by particles called gluons. Finally, there is a theory that these sub-atomic particles are not particles at all, but really vibrating strings. The Quantum Theory of Matter states that at the very small sub-atomic distances, matter does not travel in continuous motion. Instead, it jumps from position to position in discrete or quantum leaps. This theory also states that particles spin in very discrete motion. The Uncertainty Principle states that with small particles, you cannot tell exactly where the particle and how fast it is going at the same time. The newest theory is that matter consists of tiny strings of material, instead of round balls. The String Theory seems to explain many phenomena for both large systems and at the quantum level. But many scientists claim that it is simply a mathematical exercise, since it cannot be proven or disproven.

 (From Theories of Matter by Ron Kurtus)


« When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity».

Albert Einstein


according to – в соответствии с, согласно advance (N) – успех, достижение contradictory (N) – противоречащий contraction ( N ) – сокращение consequence ( N ) – следствие, вывод, заключение curve ( V ) – гнуть, изгибать; ( N ) кривая curvature ( N ) – кривизна, изгиб, искривление disagree ( V ) – не совпадать, расходиться encompass (V) – окружать, заключать equation ( N ) – уравнение, равенство exert ( V ) – приводить в действие, оказывать давление, влиять expand ( V ) – расширять inertial (Adj) – инерционный incompatible (Adj) - несовместимый increase ( V ) – увеличиваться instead of – вместо, взамен observer ( N) – наблюдатель postulate ( N ) – аксиома, постулат precess ( V ) – предварять, предшествовать propose ( V ) – предлагать, предполагать regardless of – не обращая внимание, не взирая на shape ( N ) – форма, образ, модель simultaneity – одновременность slow down ( V ) – замедлять source ( N ) – источник space ( V ) – пространство, расстояние (между двумя объектами) spacetime – пространство-время suck up ( V ) – всасывать, поглощать the Special Theory of Relativity – специальная теория относительности the General Theory of Relativity – общая теория относительности time dilation – растяжение времени transmutable ( Adj ) – изменяемый, превращаемый uniform ( Adj ) – равномерный, постоянный upshot ( N ) – развязка, результат vacuum ( N ) – безвоздушное пространство, пустота well (N) – колодец, скважина with respect to – что касается

Task 1. Discuss with a partner.

1. Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above?

2. What is relativity? Who introduced the theory of relativity?

Task 2. Scan the text « The Theory of Relativity » and match the information below with the years.

a)  Introducing the Special Theory of Relativity by Einstein 1907-1915
b)  The period of Einstein’s life 1879-1955
c) Developing the General Theory of Relativity 1905

The Theory of Relativity

The Theory of Relativity, proposed by the Jewish physicist Albert Einstein (1879-1955) in the early part of the 20th century, is one of the most significant scientific advances of our time. The Theory of Relativity, or simply relativity, generally encompasses two theories of Albert Einstein: Special Relativity and General Relativity.

Special Relativity is a theory of the structure of spacetime. It was introduced in Einstein's 1905 paper «On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies». Special Relativity is based on two postulates which are contradictory in classical mechanics: The laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion relative to one another (principle of relativity). The speed of light in a vacuum is the same for all observers, regardless of their relative motion or of the motion of the light.

Some of the consequences of Special Relativity are:

- Relativity of simultaneity: Two events, simultaneous for one observer, may not be simultaneous for another observer if the observers are in relative motion.

- Time dilation: Moving clocks are measured to tick more slowly than an observer's «stationary» clock.

- Length contraction: Objects are measured to be shortened in the direction that they are moving with respect to the observer.

- Mass–energy equivalence: E = mc2, energy and mass are equivalent and transmutable.

- Maximum speed is finite: No physical object, message or field line can travel faster than the speed of light in a vacuum.

General Relativity is the Theory of Gravitation developed by Einstein in the years 1907–1915. The development of General Relativity began with the equivalence principle, under which the states of accelerated motion and being at rest in a gravitational field (for example when standing on the surface of the Earth) are physically identical. The upshot of this is that free fall is inertial motion; an object in free fall is falling because that is how objects move when there is no force being exerted on them, instead of this being due to the force of gravity as is the case in classical mechanics. This is incompatible with classical mechanics and special relativity because in those theories inertially moving objects cannot accelerate with respect to each other, but objects in free fall do so. To resolve this difficulty Einstein first proposed that spacetime is curved. In 1915, he devised the Einstein field equations which relate the curvature of spacetime with the mass, energy, and momentum within it.

Some of the consequences of general relativity are:

- Clocks run more slowly in deeper gravitational wells. This is called gravitational time dilation.

- Orbits precess in a way unexpected in Newton's theory of gravity. (This has been observed in the orbit of Mercury and in binary pulsars).

- Rays of light bend in the presence of a gravitational field.

- Rotating masses «drag along» the spacetime around them; a phenomenon termed «frame-dragging».

- The Universe is expanding, and the far parts of it are moving away from us faster than the speed of light.

 (From www.wikipedia.org)

Einstein Vacation to Mexico

Albert Einstein was just about finished his work on the Theory of Special Relativity, when he decided to take a break and go on vacation to Mexico. So he hopped on a plane and headed to Acapulco. Each day, late in the afternoon, sporting dark sunglasses, he walked in the white Mexican sand and breathed in the fresh Pacific sea air.

On the last day, he paused during his stroll to sit down on a bench and watch the Sun set. When the large orange ball was just disappearing, a last beam of light seemed to radiate toward him. The event brought him back to thinking about his physics work. «What symbol should I use for the speed of light?» he asked himself. The problem was that nearly every Greek letter had been taken for some other purpose.

Just then, a beautiful Mexican woman passed by. Albert Einstein just had to say something to her. Almost out of desperation, he asked as he lowered his dark sunglasses, «Do you not zink zat zee speed of light is zery fast?» The woman smiled at Einstein (which, by the way, made his heart sink) and replied, «Si». And do you know the end of the story?[7]



«As far as the radio waves part of the spectrum, we can do these adequately from the ground because the atmosphere is basically transparent to our radio waves».

 Claude Nicollier[8]


available (Adj) – доступный axis ( N ) – ось, осевая линия band ( N ) – диапазон волн, полоса частот boundary ( N ) – граница broadcast ( V ) – транслировать, передавать (по радио) clockwise direction – направление по часовой стрелке configuration ( N ) – конфигурация, расположение congest ( V ) – перегружать, переполнять congestion ( N ) – перегрузка (каналов связи) devise ( V ) – разрабатывать, изобретать digital ( Adj ) – цифровой dish ( N ) – параболическая антенна, тарелка frequency ( N ) – частота fusilli pasta – фузи́лли (итал. fusilli –  маленькие спиральки) –разновидность лапши generate ( V ) – вырабатывать GHz ( N ) – сокр. от Giga Hertz – гигагерц implement ( V ) – внедрять, обеспечить выполнение infinite ( Adj ) – бесконечный, бесчисленный lighthouse (N) – маяк orbital angular momentum – орбитальный (угловой) момент multiplexing (Adj) – мультиплексирование, многократная передача perspective (N) – проекция phase ( N ) – фаза pick up ( V ) – ловить, принимать (сигнал) satellite (N) – спутник solve the problem – решить проблему solution ( N ) – решение state ( N ) – режим, положение three - dimensional ( Adj ) – трехмерный, объемный transmit ( V ) – передавать twist ( V ) – поворот, кручение, вращающий момент wavelength ( N ) – длина волны wireless ( Adj ) – беспроводной; ( N ) радиосвязь, радиостанция

Task 1. Discuss with a partner.

1. Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above?

2. What do you think is meant by a pasta-shaped radio wave?

Task 2. Scan the text « Pasta-shaped Radio Waves Beamed across Venice» and match the information below with numbers.

a) A distance from a lighthouse to a satellite dish on a balcony 2.4
b) Channels obtained in the same frequency band using multiplexing 442
c) The band in which two twisted radio waves were transmitted 55
d) Channels generated with one frequency band using five orbital angular momentum states, including untwisted waves 11


absorb ( V ) – поглощать altitude ( N ) – высота над уровнем моря, pl . возвышенность, высокая местность benefit ( N ) – выгода, преимущество bump ( N ) – изгиб, выпуклость cell ( N ) – клетка challenge ( N ) – сложная задача, проблема constructive ( Adj ) – конструктивный, созидательный consumption ( N ) – потребление contaminate (V) – загрязнять destructive ( Adj ) – деструктивный, ослабляющий dimension ( N ) – измерение, величина enhance ( V ) – усилить, улучшить evolve ( V ) – обнаруживать, filament ( N ) – волокно, нить hexagonal ( Adj ) – шестиугольный hollow ( Adj ) – пустой, полый interference (N) – интерференция выделять (тепло), издавать (звук) multilayer (Adj) – многослойный nanoscale (N) – наноразмерный nanometer ( N ) – миллимикрон, нанометр, нм nanostructure ( N ) – наноструктура nanotechnology ( N ) – нанотехнология pattern ( N ) – образец, рисунок reflectance ( N ) – коэффициент отражения, отражательная способность

Task 1. Discuss with a partner.

1. Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above?

2. Is «nanotechnology» important (revolutionary, transformative, powerful, dangerous, beneficial)?

3. Are there examples of nanostructures in nature?

Task 2. Read the text and say the examples of nanostructures in nature.

Nanostructures in Nature

Nanostructures – objects with nanometer scale features – are not new nor were they first created by man. There are many examples of nanostructures in nature in the way that plants and animals have evolved.

    On the surface of a butterfly’s wings are multilayer nanoscale patterns. These structures filter light and reflect mostly one wavelength, so we see a single bright colour. For instance the wings of the male Morpho Rhetenor appear bright blue. But the wing material is not, in fact, blue; it just appears blue because of particular nanostructures on the surface. The nanostructures on the butterfly’s wings are about the same size as the wavelength of visible light and because of the multiple layers in these structures optical interferences are created. There is constructive interference for a given wavelength (around 450nm for the Morpho Rhetenor) and destructive interferences for the other wavelengths, so we see a very bright blue colour. In the laboratory, many scientific instruments use this same phenomena to analyze the colour of light.

A moth’s eye has very small bumps on its surface. They have a hexagonal shape and are a few hundred nanometers tall and apart. Because these patterns are smaller than the wavelength of visible light (350-800nm), the eye surface has a very low reflectance for the visible light so the moth’s eye can absorb more light. The moth can see much better than humans in dim or dark conditions because these nanostructures absorb light very efficiently. In the lab, scientists have used similar man-made nanostructures to enhance the absorption of infra-red light (heat) in a type of power source (a thermo-voltaic cell) to make them more efficient!

The edelweiss (Leontopodium nivale) is an alpine flower which lives at high altitudes, up to 3000m / 10,000 ft, where UV radiation is strong. The flowers are covered with thin hollow filaments that have nanoscale structures (100-200nm) on their periphery. They will absorb ultraviolet light, which wavelength is around the same dimension as the filaments, but reflect all visible light. This explains the white colour of the flower. Because the layer of filaments absorbs UV light, it also protects the flower’s cells from possible damage due to this high-energy radiation.

(From www.nnin.org)

What is Nanotechnology?

In its original sense, nanotechnology _(1)_ to the projected ability to construct items from the bottom up, using techniques and tools being developed today to make complete, highly advanced products.

When Eric Drexler popularized the word «_(2)_ » in the 1980's, he was talking about building machines on the scale of _(3)_, a few nanometers wide – motors, robot arms, and even whole computers, far smaller than a _(4)_. Drexler spent the next ten years describing and analyzing these incredible devices, and responding to accusations of science fiction.

Meanwhile, mundane technology was developing the ability to build simple structures on a molecular _(5)_. As nanotechnology became an accepted concept, the meaning of the word shifted to _(6)_ the simpler kinds of nanometer-scale technology.

Nanotechnology is the science and technology of small things – in particular things that are less than 100 _(7)_ in size. One nanometer is 10-9 meters or about 3 atoms long. For comparison, a human hair is about 60-80,000 nanometers wide.

There are many different views of precisely what is included in nanotechnology. In general, however, most agree that three things are important: Small size, measured in 100s of nanometers or less; Unique properties because of the small _(8)_; Control the structure and composition on the nm scale in order to control the properties.

Nanotechnology is often referred to as a general-purpose technology. That’s because in its mature form it will have significant _(9)_ on almost all industries and all areas of society. It offers better built, longer lasting, cleaner, safer, and smarter products for the home, for communications, for medicine, for transportation, for agriculture, and for industry in general.

Many are predicting that nanotechnology is the next technical _(10)_ and products resulting from it will affect all areas of our economy and lifestyle. It is estimated that by 2015 this exciting field will need 7 million _(11)_ worldwide.

refers scale size nanotechnology nanometers revolution molecules impact workers cell encompass


Task 10. Enjoy the joke.

1) - Excuse me, where is the Nanotechnology department?

- You just trod on it!

 Task   11. Webquest. Use the Intrnet and find the information about modern investigations in «nanoscience» and be ready ro report back to the group.


«Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work».



advancement ( N ) –продвижение analytical ( Adj ) – аналитический appointment ( N ) – назначение (на должность) approximately ( Adv ) – приблизительно area ( N ) – область, сфера деятельности aspire ( V ) – стремиться bachelor ’ s degree – степень бакалавра department ( N ) – факультет doctorate ( N ) – степень доктора; работа над докторской диссертацией field ( N ) – сфера деятельности inquisitive ( Adj ) – любознательный master ’ s degree – степень магистра mind ( N ) – ум, разум, мышление offer ( V ) – предлагать permanent ( Adj ) – постоянный Ph.D. degree – степень кандидата наук position (N) – должность problem-solving (Adj) – способность решать проблему proposal (N) – предложение, проект, план prospective (Adj) – перспективный qualify (V) – подготавливать, квалифицировать receive (V) – получать require (V) – требовать research (N) – исследование research paper – исследовательская работа rigorous (Adj) – строгий, точный, напряженный skill (N) – навык specialize in (V) – специализироваться training (N) – обучение, подготовка trait (N) – черта (характера) ultimately (Adv) – в конце концов

Task 1. Discuss with a partner.

1. Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above?

2. Have you already thought about your future career? Have you made a decision about your future profession? What makes the profession chosen so attractive for you?

Task 2. Read the text «Education and training» and define the main idea of the text.

1. To become a successful physicist you should receive a Ph.D. degree in physics.

2. Higher education in the field of physics, specialized training, additional work experience and interpersonal skills and traits are key components for your future career ladder.

3. You should receive bachelor and master’s degrees to start a career as a physicist.

Education and Training

A Ph.D. degree in physics or closely related fields is typically required for basic research, independent research in industry, faculty positions, and advancement to managerial positions. This prepares students for a career in research through rigorous training in theory, methodology, and mathematics. Most physicists specialize in a subfield during graduate school and continue working in that area afterwards.

Additional experience and training in a postdoctoral, although not required, is important for physicists aspiring to permanent positions in basic research in universities and government laboratories. Many physics Ph.D. holders ultimately teach at the college or university level.

Master’s degree holders usually do not qualify for basic research positions, but may qualify for many kinds of jobs requiring a physics background, including positions in manufacturing and applied research and development.

Those with bachelor’s degrees in physics are rarely qualified to fill positions in research or in teaching at the college level. They are, however, usually qualified to work as technicians or research assistants in engineering-related areas, in software development and other scientific fields, or in setting up computer networks and sophisticated laboratory equipment. Increasingly, some may qualify for applied research jobs in private industry or take on nontraditional physics roles, often in computer science, such as systems analysts or database administrators. Some become science teachers in secondary schools.

Mathematical ability, problem-solving and analytical skills, an inquisitive mind, imagination, and initiative are important traits for anyone planning a career in physics. Prospective physicists who hope to work in industrial laboratories applying physics knowledge to practical problems should broaden their educational background to include courses outside of physics, such as economics, information technology, and business management. Good oral and written communication skills also are important because many physicists work as part of a team, write research papers or proposals, or have contact with clients or customers with nonphysics backgrounds.

                                     (From www.careercornerstone.org)


Student A

· You met B two years ago at a conference in Frankfurt.

· You are an experienced professor at the University of Physics, a successful and famous physicist.

· It is your first day at the conference – you arrived late last night.

· You try to persuade B to choose physics as a future career (an interesting subject, a challenging profession, a well-paid job, good career opportunities, knowledge of foreign languages).

· You are leaving in three day’s time.

· You think the conference will be very interesting.

Student B

· You met A two years ago at a conference in Frankfurt.

· You are a second-year student of the department of physics  and you hesitate about your future career.

· You have been at the conference for three days.

· You agree/disagree with some aspects (job requirements, stress in the workplace, qualifications, additional work experience, personal skills and traits).

· You are leaving tomorrow.

· The conference is boring – the speakers talk too much and go overtime.


Useful language

I can name/find the following/a lot of/ a few reasons to study physics ... .

I suppose/consider/think/suggest/imagine that … .

Physics is useful/helpful/comprehensive/productive because … .

Physics opens the door to many career options. That's why/therefore/however … .

Not taking physics closes the door to more career options because … .

This is one aspect that scares off many students.

But it is precisely one of the most/least important reasons why you should/should not study physics.

You just need to learn enough to have a basis for your future learning and professional growth.

Physics is like a whole other language.          

Physics is a difficult course for me because … .

There's a whole lot of math.

It makes me think critically about things that don't make sense. For example, …. .

It crosses over into subjects such as history, astronomy, biology, chemistry, literature, English, art and geology.

As a career, physics covers many specialized fields - from acoustics, astronomy, and astrophysics to medical physics, geophysics, and vacuum sciences.

Physics offers a variety of work activities – a lab supervisor/researcher/ technician/teacher/manager… Etc.

 Task 10. Enjoy the joke.

You Might Be a Physicist if …

1. the water in your kettle is boiling at 373 Kelvin.

2. you know that the speed of light is 299,792.5 km/sec.

3. you know the direction the water swirls when you flush.

4. you've already calculated how much you earn per second.

5. you are sure that differential equations are a very useful tool.

6. you are at an air show and know how fast the skydivers are falling.

7. you know the size of the electron, but don't know your own shirt size.

8. when you break a vase you blame the second law of thermodynamics.

Appendix 1. Summary.

A summary is a short, concise method of stating the main idea and significant supporting (major) details of a reading selection or textbook chapter.

Should include: the main idea of the selection; the most essential supporting details or explanations; only the information you have read; objective and factual information from the reading; ¼ the length of the original essay; your own words and the use of paraphrasing.

Should not include: your opinion; what you think the author should have said; copied material or a string of quotes from the selection.

Writing a summary:

· Read the paragraph (text) looking for all the important ideas and facts.


· [Place in brackets the main idea].

· Underline key words and phrases that support the main idea.


· Cross out any information that is not important.

· Make a map with the information you underlined and marked.

Main idea ______________
Major detail 1 ______________
Major detail 2 ________________
Major detail 3 ______________

· Write a summary that includes all the important information you have identified. Paraphrase – do not copy the exact words from the reading; try to put the information in your own words.

Appendix 2 . Extra Texts


1. Carpinelli, J.D. Electricity and Magnetism. A Two-week Course for Middle School Teachers. – New Jersey, 1982.

2. Glendinning E.H., McEvan J. Oxford English for Electronics. –Oxford University Press, 2002.

3. Hilgevoord J. Physics and Our View of the World. – Cambridge University Press, 1994.

4. Sargent, J.F. Nanotechnology and Environmental, Health, and Safety: Issues for Consideration. January 20, 2011.

5. Macmillan Guide to Science. – Oxford, 2008.


Web - Sources

1. Encyclopedia Britannica – www.britannica.com

2. BBC. Science and Nature – www.bbc.co.uk

3. Career Planning Resources – www.careercornerstone.org

4. Center for Responsible Nanotechnology –  www.crnano.org

5. Discovery Communication – www.dsc.discovery.com

6. IOP Institute of Physics – www.iop.org

7. Innovating for the future – www.micron.com

8. Nanotechnology Now – www.nanotech-now.com

9. National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network – www.nnin.org

10. News, views, and information for the global physics community –www.physicsworld.com

11. Ron Kurtus’ School for Champions – www.school-for-champions.com

12. Howstuffworks. Science – www.science.howstuffworks.com

13. Robert Krampf's library of science – www.thehappyscientist.com

14. Today in Science History – www.todayinsci.com

15. Wikipedia The free Encyclopedia – www.wikipedia.org

16. National Earth Science Teachers Association (NESTA) – www.windows2universe.org

[1] Polykarp Kusch (Jan 26, 1911 – March 20, 1993) – a German-American physicist, the Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics for his precision determination of the magnetic moment of the electron (1955).

[2] Alfred Smee, (Jun 18, 1818 - Jan 11, 1877) – an English electro-metallurgist and chemist who invented the Smee battery.

[3] Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879 – April 18, 1955) – a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the general theory of relativity.

[4] Claude Debussy  (Aug 22, 1862 – March 25, 1918) – a French composer.

[5] Niels Bohr (Oct 7, 1885 – Nov18, 1962) – a Danish physicist, made foundational contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum mechanics, for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics (1922).

[6] Immanuel Kant  (Apr 22, 1724 - Feb 12, 1804) – a German philosopher.

[7] (Explanation: the symbol for speed of light is c).

[8] Claude Nicollier (born 2 September 1944 ) – the first astronaut from Switzerland, and has flown on four Space Shuttle missions.

[9] Kim Eric Drexler (born April 25, 1955) – an American engineer best known for popularizing the potential of molecular nanotechnology.

[10] Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BС) – a Greek philosopher and polymath, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great.


Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для обучения иностранному языку в профессиональной сфере студентов 2-го курса физических направлений бакалавриата.

Основной целью пособия является подготовка студентов к практическому использованию английского языка в профессиональной деятельности, что предполагает формирование коммуникативной компетенции, необходимой для профессионального общения. Задачами пособия являются совершенствование навыков чтения литературы профессионального характера, развитие навыков устной и письменной речи. В пособии используется аутентичный материал научной проблематики в области физики, развивающий и совершенствующий уровень сформированности коммуникативной компетенции базового курса и формирующий иноязычную профессиональную коммуникативную компетенцию на втором образовательном уровне.

Пособие составлено в соответствии с содержанием рабочих программ «Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере (английский)» для студентов направлений 011800.62 «Радиофизика», 011200.62 «Физика», 222900.62 «Нанотехнологии и микросистемная техника», 223200.62 «Техническая физика». Пособие построено с учетом требований Федерального интернет-экзамена по английскому языку для подготовки к аспектам «Чтение» и «Лексика». Пособие состоит из пяти разделов, приложения и библиографии. Разделы представлены текстами для чтения и рядом заданий, направленных на расширение запаса активной профессиональной лексики, на развитие умений поиска главной информации, анализа, составления краткого изложения (summary), умений обсуждать, высказывать свою точку зрения по темам, связанным с профессиональной деятельностью. В приложении даны советы по составлению краткого изложения и дополнительные тексты.   


Unit 1. What is Physics?..................................................................................5

Unit 2. A Glimpse of Classical Physics…………………………………………11

Unit 3. A Glimpse of Modern Physics…………………………………………..31

Unit 4. Nanotechnology Around Us……………………………………………..56

Unit 5. Careers in Physics ……….………………………………………………64

Appendix 1. Summary…………………………………………………………….73

Appendix 2. Extra Texts ………………..………………………………………..75





«We live, I think, in the century of science and,

perhaps, even in the century  of physics».

Polykarp Kusch[1]


accept ( V ) – признавать, принимать accurate ( Adj ) – точный, тщательный alternate ( Adj ) – чередующийся, запасной attempt ( N ) – попытка behaviour ( N ) – образ действия, поведение branch (N) – отрасль branch off (V) – отделяться capacity (N) – способность comprehensive (Adj) – всесторонний, полный concept (N) – понятие, идея conservation ( N ) – сохранение deal with ( V ) – иметь дело determine ( V ) – определять, устанавливать discovery ( N ) – открытие, обнаружение electromagnetic ( Adj ) – электромагнитный energy (N) – энергия exist ( V ) – существовать extensively ( Adv ) – в значительной степени, широко gravitation ( N ) – гравитация, сила тяжести   include (V) –  включать interchangeable (Adj) – взаимозаменяемый, равнозначный law (N) – научный закон, закономерность matter (N ) – вещество motion (N) – движение occupy ( V ) – занимать originate ( V ) – происходить, возникать particle ( N ) – частица physicist ( N ) – физик quantum ( Adj ) – квантовый radiation ( N ) – радиация relate ( V ) – относиться, иметь отношение relationship ( N ) – взаимосвязь, взаимоотношение relativity ( N ) – относительность science ( N ) – наука separate ( Adj ) – отдельный technique (N) – метод, методика, способ

Isaac Newton ['aızək  'nju:t(ə)n] – Исаак Ньютон

Albert Einstein ['albət 'aınstaın] – Альберт Эйнштейн

Task 1. Discuss with a partner.

1. Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above?

2. What does physics study?

Task 2. Read the text «What is Physics?» and entitle each paragraph of it.

What is Physics?

1) Physics is the science that deals with matter and energy and the relationships that exist between them. Physics is the most comprehensive of the natural sciences because it includes the behaviour of all kinds of matter – from the smallest particles to the largest galaxies. The word «physics» originates from a Greek word meaning natural things. Physics was originally called natural philosophy and included all natural science. As a large amount of knowledge was collected on a particular subject within natural philosophy, that subject branched off and developed into a separate science.

2) The various laws of physics are attempts by physicists to explain the behaviour of nature in a simple and general way. Even the most accepted laws of physics, however, are subject to change. Nature's behaviour does not change, but techniques for determining its behaviour do change and become more accurate. At the beginning of the 20th century, the laws of physics were tested extensively and were found to be too narrow to explain many of the new discoveries. A new body of theories was started. The older body of laws is called classical physics; the new is called modern physics.

3) Classical physics is based primarily on the laws of motion and gravitation of Sir Isaac Newton and the theory of electromagnetic radiation of James Clerk Maxwell. In classical physics matter and energy are two separate concepts. Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass. It exists in three basic forms. Plasma – highly ionized gas – has been called a fourth form. Energy is the capacity to move matter; as more commonly stated, it is the capacity to do work. Energy exists as mechanical energy, chemical energy, radiant energy, and nuclear energy. Some of the most important laws in classical physics are the conservation laws. Classical physics is usually divided into several branches, each of which deals with a group of related phenomena (mechanics, dynamics, hydromechanics, statics, optics, thermodynamics, acoustics, the study of electricity and magnetism).

4) Modern physics is based on the theory of relativity of Albert Einstein and the quantum theory of Max Planck and others. Matter and energy are not separate concepts, but are alternate forms of each other. The theory of relativity states that matter and energy are interchangeable and that mass and time can vary. Quantum theory states that light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation behave as though they have a double nature. Sometimes they behave as waves; at other times they behave as particles. Small particles of matter also have a double, or wave-particle, nature. Modern physics is broken up into various fields of study (atomic physics, nuclear physics, high-energy physics, or particle physics, ultrasonics, solid-state physics, plasma physics).

(From www.science.howstuffworks.com)

Task 3. Choose the main idea of the text «What is Physics?».

1. Physics is really the study of how the world works, and, it might be considered the most fundamental of all the sciences.

2. Physics is divided into different branches, such as mechanics, electromagnetism and optics, thermodynamics, quantum physics, atomic physics, nuclear physics, particle physics, and relativity.

3. Physics is the most comprehensive of the natural sciences that deals with matter and energy and the relationships between them and can be divided into classical and modern physics.  

Дата: 2018-12-28, просмотров: 536.