Сингл группы Ignorants: «Phat Girls»
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Blur: « Girls And Boys»  ремиксы Pet Shop Boys на промо-компакт-диске.

Питер Андреас.

7 августа видеофильм Pet Shop Boys об их турне <i>Performance</i> 1991 года покажут в Национальном Доме Кино в Лондоне, его премьера пройдет в рамках сезона поп-музыки.


К радости Pet Shop Boys, толпы футбольных фанатов по всей Европе превратили «Go West» в речевку. Когда Крис отправился в Париж на первый полуфинальный матч Кубка Кубков с «Арсеналом» против «Пари Сен-Жермен» - он испытал это на себе. «Они пели ...» - на манер припева - «... О-Йе Пари Сен-Жермен! О-Йе Пари Сен-Жермен!» Весь стадион пел. На самом деле это было очень здорово. Это было восхитительно».


Во время гей-парада Марди Гра в марте этого года в Сиднее, Австралия, прошла процессия, вдохновленная видеоклипом «Go West».


Дуэт Ignorants, продюсируемый компанией Spaghetti Records, наконец-то выпустил свой первый сингл «Phat Girls» в конце декабря. Он вполне прилично продавался и очень часто звучал на Radio One, но так и не попал в Топ-75. Их планы на будущее неясны, хотя песня под названием «Caged» может стать синглом.

Сисеро работает над новым материалом.


Многие читатели <i>Буквально</i>  обращались с письменными запросами по поводу довольно нерегулярных интервалов между выпусками журнала. Все вовлеченные пытаются обеспечить, чтобы журнал выходил каждые четыре месяца, но порой его невозможно сдать в срок, сохраняя желаемое качество. Все ежегодные абонементы предназначены для трех выпусков Буквально, а не для календарного года, поэтому, пожалуйста, примите наши извинения, когда журнал опаздывает.

Раздел «Пластинки» в отпуске. В следующем выпуске он вернется.


На Буквально возложена печальная обязанность сообщить  о недавней смерти Питера Андреаса в возрасте 31 года после долгой болезни. Он был близким другом Pet Shop Boys, а также работал на них четыре года; он открыл Сисеро и был его менеджером. Кто-то из вас, возможно, встречался с ним, когда в отеле были Pet Shop Boys, или за подписью на книги и записи. Он познакомил Pet Shop Boys с Дэйнтоном и его кипучей индивидуальностью, и был источником вдохновения для нескольких песен Pet Shop Boys. Именно он танцевал, побеждая Криса и Нила в домино во время отпуска (отсюда фраза «domino dancing»), и именно он однажды объявил: «Я хочу собаку - чихуахуа. Просто у меня маленькая квартира» (отсюда «I Want A Dog» на <i>Introspective</i>). Его будет очень не хватать Крису и Нилу, и всем, кто его знал.



(Тексты песен даны без перевода. Переводы этих песен есть на сайтах лирсенс и амальгама. К тексту Absolutely Fabulous ниже дан подстрочник .)


(Hello! Darling! Mmm...)

(How dare you! Do you know who I am?

You look fabulous!)

I know what you think

it’s clear as mud in your eyes

We’re the plastic poseurs and prostitutes

you’ve obviously come to despise

But you don’t know nothing

You’re not hot enough to matter

You don’t understand the glamorous life

a dream that no one can shatter

We’re shameless

We will do anything

to get our fifteen minutes of fame

We have no integrity

We’re ready to crawl

To obtain celebrity

we’ll do anything at all

I’m ambitious

Believe me, I’m going to be big

I’m a slave to glamour

applause and clamour

my make-up, my wardrobe, my wigs

Don’t call me pathetic

I’m harder than you’ll ever guess

Relentlessly tough

’cause when the going gets rough

the tough get their picture in the press

We’re shameless

We will do anything

to get our fifteen minutes of fame

We have no integrity

We’re ready to crawl

To obtain celebrity

we’ll do anything at all

Anything, anything, anything at all

We’ll do anything, anything, anything at all

(How dare you! Do you know who I am?

It’s an absolute disgrace!)

Tell me you love me

admit it, you’re really impressed

Would it not amuse you

for me to seduce you?

Have you ever seen me undressed?

We’re shameless

We will do anything

to get our fifteen minutes of fame

We have no integrity

We’re ready to crawl

To obtain celebrity

we’ll do anything with anyone

go absolutely anywhere for anything at all

(I’m terribly sorry!)


Too Many People.

I sometimes think that I’m too many people

too many people, too many people

I sometimes think that I’m too many people

too many people, too many people at once


The husband or the hedonist

The businessman or the communist

The artist or the showbiz creep

The lover or the nervous geek

The question of identity is one that’s always haunted me

Whoever I decide to be

depends on who is with me


I sometimes think that I’m too many people

too many people, too many people

I sometimes think that I’m too many people

too many people, too many people at once


The tactless twit putting his foot in

or the sensitive soul who’s a role model

The urban jetsetter never at home

or the country recluse - just leave me alone

Extrovert or introvert

Love is kind and love hurts

Rebellion or conformity

What is my identity?


I sometimes think that I’m too many people

too many people, too many people

1 sometimes think that I’m too many people

too many people, too many people at once



The intellectual and bon viveur

or the naive simpleton, so immature

The devoted son and family man

or the wicked uncle who doesn’t give a damn

How often these have haunted me

The question of identity

depends on what I’m meant to be


I sometimes think that I’m too many people

too many people, too many people

I sometimes think that I’m too many people

too many people, too many people at once


Some Speculation.

There’s been some speculation about a recent invitation

There’s been some speculation about a recent invitation

What’s your game?

What’s his name?

Is it your inclination to accept this invitation?

Is it your inclination to accept this invitation?

What’s your game?


Running away with someone new

Yesterday I went there too

Running away with someone new

Yesterday I went there too





You don’t care about nothing

So you don’t care about love

If you want me to come back

You ’d better change

You’d better give up talking ‘bout money

Begin thinking of love

If you want me to come back

You ’ d better change

You’d better change for the better

It costs more than dollars and cents

Take it from me

There’s got to be

And end to this decadence

This decadence


You don’t care about people

So you don’t care about pain

If you want me to come back

You’d better change

You’d better change for the better

And start using some common sense

Take it from me

There’s got to be

An end to this decadence


For decadence is fatal

It’s the beginning of the end

In self-defence I cannot recommend

This decadence


You don’t care about real life

You’re too distant and strange

If you want me to come back

You’d better change for the better

It may be rather intense

Stop this caprice

You’ve got to cease

This fin-de-siecle pretence

For decadence is fatal

It’s the beginning of the end


I cannot recommend

This decadence




Absolutely Fabulous.

Lights! Models! Guest list! Just do your best darling.

Absolutely fabulous We’re absolutely fabulous

PATSY: Darling, you are a fabulous, wonderful individual. . .

EDINA: Oh thank you, darling.

PASTY:. . .and remember, I’ve known you longer than your daughter.

EDINA: Champers alright for you, Pats?

PASTY: Lovely, Sweetie.

EDINA: Shall we finish off the beluga or shall we have some smoked salmon and nibbly things?

PASTY: Oh, whatever, Sweetie.

EDINA: Alright, we’ll finish off the beluga.

PASTY: Dull, soulless dance music.

EDINA: Bip bip bip. Bop bop bop.

PASTY: Dull, soulless dance music.

EDINA: Ride on time, ride on time. Techno, techno, bloody techno darling!

Absolutely fabulous

(EDINA: That’s fabulous, darling)

We’re absolutely fabulous

(PASTY: That’s fabulous. EDINA: Good.)

EDINA: Chanel, Dior, Lagerfeld, Givenchy, Gaultier, darling. Names, names, names! Harper’s Tatler, English Vogue, American Vogue, French Vogue, bloody Aby-bloody-ssinian bloody Vogue, darling! Lacroix, Sweetie, Lacroix. Lacroix, Sweetie, Lacroix. Sweetie! Sweetie! Sweetie! Sweetie! Ong, pong, kerplinky, plong. Sweetie! Sweetie! Sweetie! Sweetie! Ong, pong, kerplinky, plong. Ong, pong, kerplinky, plong. Ong, pong, kerplinky, plong. I’m chanting as we speak, bye bye, darling. Ong, pong, kerplinky, plong. Ong, pong, kerplinky, plong. Ong, pong, kerplinky, plong. Champers alright for you, Pats?


PASTY: Oh, he was just a windscreen-washer I picked up at the traffic lights. Bums so tight he was bouncing off the walls.

EDINA: Bye, Pats. Lacroix, Sweetie. Lacroix, Sweetie. Lacroix, Sweetie. La-La-La-Lacroix

Absolutely fabulous

(EDINA: Let the music lift you up darling!)

We’re absolutely fabulous (PATSY: Dull, soulless dance music.)

Absolutely fabulous

(EDINA: It’s the bloody Pet Shop Boys, Sweetie.)

We’re absolutely fabulous

(EDINA: Are you ready for this, Sweetie?)

EDINA: Ong, pong, kerplinky, plong. Ong, pong, kerplinky, plong. Ong, pong, kerplinky, plong. I’m chanting as we speak, bye, bye, darling. Ong, pong, kerplinky, plong. Ong, pong, kerplinky, plong. Ong, pong, kerplinky, plong. Sweetie! Sweetie! Sweetie! Sweetie!


Absolutely fabulous (EDINA: Pump up the volume!)

We’re absolutely fabulous

(EDINA: Just put the needle on the record.)

Absolutely fabulous

(EDINA: Pump up the volume!)

We’re absolutely fabulous

(EDINA: Are you ready for this Sweetie?)

EDINA: Ong, pong, kerplinky, plong. Ong, pong, kerplinky, plong. Ong, pong, kerplinky, plong. I’m chanting as we speak, bye, bye, darling. Ong, pong, kerplinky, plong. Ong, pong, kerplinky, plong.

PATSY: It’s fabulous EDINA: Good. Thank you.

Дата: 2018-09-13, просмотров: 562.