Section 6. Additional reading
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой


32. Read the text “Postgraduate Levels in Russia”. Answer the questions that follow.

Postgraduate levels in


The postgraduate diploma structure so far retains its unique Soviet pattern established in 1934. The system makes a distinction between scientific degrees, evidencing personal postgraduate achievement in scientific research, and related but separate academic titles, evidencing personal achievement in university-level education. There are two successive postgraduate degrees: kandidat nauk (Candidate of Sciences) and doktor nauk (Doctor of Sciences). Both are a certificate of scientifi c, rather than academic, achievement, and must be backed up by original/ novel scientific work, evidenced by publications in peer-reviewed journals and a dissertation defended in front of the senior academic board.

 The titles are issued by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education. A degree is always awarded in one of the predetermined fields of science. Kandidat nauk can be achieved within university environment, specialised research facilities. A typical kandidat nauk path from admission to diploma takes about 3 years. The dissertation paper should contain a solution of an existing scientifi c problem, or a practical proposal. The title is often perceived as equivalent to Western Ph.D., although this may vary depending on the field of study, and may not be seen as such outside of Russia. Doktor nauk, the next stage, implies achieving significant scientific output. This title is often equated to the German or Scandinavian habilitation.

 The dissertation paper should summarise the author’s research resulting in theoretical statements that are qualified as a new discovery, solution of an existing problem, or a practical proposal. The road from kandidat to doktor typically takes 10 years of dedicated research activity; one in four candidates reaches this stage. Academic titles of dotsent and professor are issued to active university staff who already achieved degrees of kandidat or doktor; the rules prescribe authoring established course books in their chosen field, and mentoring successful postgraduate trainees; special, less formal rules apply to professors of arts.



1. What is the postgraduate diploma structure characterised by? 2. What must doctoral dissertations be backed up by? 3. What is the procedure of the defence of a dissertation? 4. How are postgraduate degrees approved? 5. What should a doctoral dissertation contain?


33. As you read, make notes under the following headings.

1. A Candidate of Sciences degree (kandidat nauk).

2. A Doctor of Sciences degree (doktor nauk).

3. Academic titles of dotsent and professor.


34. Check your answers with your groupmates. Look up the words you do not know in the dictionary.


35. Retell the text about the Russian postgraduate degrees and titles.


36. Tell your groupmates about the hierarchy and speci fi c features of postgraduate degrees in different countries. Use the Internet to fi nd the information required.



Section 7. WRITING


37. Study the parts and some features of the following CV.


CV (example)

Personal data

Alexander Popov
Gercena str. 28-29, Town of Oktyabrskiy,
Respublika Bashkortostan, Russian Federation
+7 916 38195754632

Date of Birth: 25.08.1972
Marital Status: married


To obtain a position service engineer that will allow me to use my knowledge and take advantage of my desire to work in Sulzer Ltd.

   Ufa State Oil Technical University Oktyabrskiy Branch (OF UGNTU) 08.2002 – 06.2007
  Specialty: Engineer-mechanic

 Work experience

10.2011 – till now
OAO "Rosneft"
Position: Head of Service of Manufacturing Custom Equipment.
Activities and responsibilities: Manage the production of service of manufacturing     custom equipment. Control and technical maintenance of production metal parts
03.2010 - 10.2011 – OAO "Rosneft"
Position - Engineer-constructor
Activities and responsibilities: Schematic drawing metal parts for different equipment, technology of metal processing for the manufacture of metal parts.

Employment history
06.2007 - 03.2010
Position: Engineer-constructor
Activities and responsibilities: constructor documentation of Installation Electric    Submersible Pumps - Electric Submersible Pumps (18-400 cubic meters per day), electric asynchronous motors, protector.


MS Word, Excel Typing, Compas 3d.
Russian: native
English: Fluent reading, writing and speaking ability

German: spoken

Italian: written


Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Reading, Internet.


Available upon request


38. How is a CV different in Russia?


39. Write your own CV in English using quali fi cations you already have, or ones that you think you might get in the future. Use the given CV as a guide for your writing.

40. Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist of the following topic.

“University education should be complemented with the postgraduate studies to provide a graduate with better career prospects. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ”

You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence. Write a t least 250 words.



Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 623.