8. Read and translate the following sentences into Russian to have a better idea of how the words from the Active Vocabulary List can be used in context.
1. He will graduate from Cambridge University in May. 2. She was a graduate of Georgia Southwestern University. 3. The National Science Foundation makes possible a number of opportunities for undergraduates to participate in research projects each summer. 4. This Programme provides fi nancial support to postgraduate students of exceptional research promise. 5. He decided to take a postgraduate course at Australia’s Capital University. 6. This university is an international leader in postgraduate education. 7. I have a degree in chemistry from Moscow University. 8. This college is authorized to offer academic degrees. 9. Doing a Bachelor’s degree online is great for students who need to attend classes on their own time, or for those who are simply uninterested in a more traditional campus life. 10. A Master’s degree is now essential to access the higher level jobs. 11. A PhD degree, sometimes referred to as a Doctorate, is a postgraduate qualifi cation that takes between two and fi ve years to complete in the UK. 12. He was awarded his Doctoral degree in physics. 13. This programme provides students the opportunity to earn a PhD degree in the area pertinent to medicine. 14. How much does a degree holder in business information technology earn? 15. They published the results of their research. 16. He is researching in history. 17. My friend is doing (carrying out) research into (on) the effects of stress at work. 18. I am writing my thesis on computer science. 19. This book provides a concise overview of the dissertation process. 20. You will defend your thesis on the appointed date. 21. I invite anyone to attend my dissertation defence. 22. Science and technology have continually modifi ed human existence through the engineering process. 23. You are probably familiar with the traditional branches of science, e.g. chemistry, physics, botany and zoology. 24. A scientist should be a creative and critical thinker. 25. She is a renowned scholar of American history. 26. The essay is a work of serious scholarship. 27. She won a scholarship to study at Oxford University. 28. After the interruption, she proceeded with her presentation. 29. We will proceed according to plan. 30. Some higher education qualifi cations require that you already have a Bachelor’s degree. 31. A comprehensive examination is often required in the fi rst year of doctoral study. 32. The minimum entry requirement for any postgraduate study is a successful completion of a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent study. 33. He submitted his application to undertake postgraduate study online. 34. No date has yet been set for the submission of applications. 35. Make sure you choose a postgraduate course that gives you wide access to professionals in your chosen fi eld. 36. The examiners will be required to submit a detailed assessment of the thesis. 37. In order to hold the rank of professor within the German system, in some scientifi c branches it is necessary to attain the habilitation. 38. My postgraduate adviser always helps me with my thesis. 39. My supervisor guides me on all aspects of my postgraduate studies. 40. Each research student is allocated an academic supervisor. 41. He has accomplished his scientifi c achievements and is able to attain the Doctor’s degree by producing a doctoral dissertation. 42. The company is seeking new ways to improve service. 43. This country is an attractive choice for international students seeking educational opportunities. 44. Scholarships are available for the postgraduate degree seekers in any fi eld. 45. One of the benefi ts of a postgraduate research degree is the output of original contributions to knowledge. 46. I have benefi ted enormously from Professor Smith’s vast knowledge. 47. Higher education institutions offer a range of postgraduate programmes to diverse students. 48. There is a wide diversity of opinion on this problem. 49. Postgraduate study requires the deepening of your academic skills in order to make a contribution to knowledge creation. 50. There is a shortage of skilful graduates in the power and energy sector globally. 51. It is a highly skilled job. 52. He submitted a report on the experience of translating research into practice. 53. Thousands of postgraduates are employed in higher education, usually in teaching roles. 54. Some employers support their employees to undertake postgraduate studies by allowing fl exibility with working hours. 55. Improving employment and salary prospects is not the only reason to pursue further study. 56. Postgraduate unemployment is almost half the graduate unemployment rate. 57. Postgraduate study involves hard work and commitment, but success can bring with it a range of benefi ts, some personal, some professional and some fi nancial. 58. Taking this decision will cost us more in the short term, but will be benefi cial in the long term. 59. In Britain, the spring term starts in January and ends just before Easter. 60. That is an outdated term that no one uses anymore. 61. These are the terms and conditions of your employment. 62. In terms of depth, postgraduate study is different from undergraduate.
9. Match the pairs of antonyms from A and B and translate them.
1. harm a. seek
2. fail b. skilful
3. employee c. graduate
4. stop d. benefit
5. similarity e. employer
6. neglect f. perform
7. drop out g. diversity
8. unqualified h. proceed
10. Match the noun(s) on the left with a suitable item on the right. Use each item once only.
1. The scholarship a. has to pass three exams.
2. This research b. was awarded to him.
3. Unemployment c. was taught in English.
4. Skills d. should be met.
5. Academic advisers e. was ready for defence.
6. The PhD degree f. reached record levels.
7. These requirements g. helps me to study full time.
8. Science h. assist postgraduates.
9. The thesis i. was conducted by her.
10. A degree seeker j. are vital to our society.
11. Replace the underlined words with the words below.
a) postgraduate b) hold c) term d) submit e) assess f) accomplish g) translate into practice h) in terms of i) skilled j) thesis
1. They decided to implement the committee’s suggestions immediately. 2. To present an application it is necessary to complete the electronic application form with all the information related with the project. 3. Writing a dissertation is an exciting, challenging, rewarding and often wonderful experience. 4. Entrance examination permits are handed out by the entrance examination board with regard to applicant’s interview results. 5. Every single graduate student, upon entering their course, is automatically a full member of the Graduate Students’ Union. 6. The academic staff should be highly quali fi ed and recruited worldwide. 7. If you are planning to defend your dissertation this semester, there are a number of forms that you will need to complete throughout this semester and submit to the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. 8. Management needs to evaluate the situation. 9. Some companies require licensed psychologists to have a doctorate degree in psychology. 10. If you organise your work, you will achieve more.
12. Memorize the active vocabulary to Text 1A.
13. Read and translate the following international words. Look up their transcriptions in the dictionary if necessary. Mind the part of speech.
Qualification n, organization n, hierarchy n, philosophy n, presentation n, academic adj, context n, term n, original adj, demonstrate v, competence n, department n, examination n, test n v , programme n, general adj, discipline n, special adj, select v, criteria n, vary v, typically adv, candidate n, committee n, interpretation n, publication n, systematic adj, professional adj, practice n, conceptualise v, generation n, project n, detailed adj, total adj, factor n, process n, international adj, standard n, classification n, equivalent adj, certification n.
14. Read and translate the following word combinations which come from the texts of the Unit. Mind the use of nouns as attributes in preposition. Look up your dictionary if necessary.
Background undergraduate-level knowledge, a PhD Candidacy Examination, a Special Field Examination, a peer review, a thesis topic, a research Doctorate, a Habilitation thesis/dissertation, a research doctoral dissertation, a faculty supervisor, a Habilitation qualifi cation, a two-stage research degree obtaining path, an International Standard Classifi cation of Education, a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree, an Associate Professor, a Candidate of Sciences degree, research experience.
15. Form the nouns with the help of the following suf fi xes. Read and translate them into Russian.
a) -er/-or: supervise, hold, seek, research, employ, speak, lecture, provide, teach, manage, advise, translate, use, design, compute; b) -ment: require, govern, adjust, manage, equip, achieve, state, measure, move, improve, recruit, develop, arrange, advertise, employ; c) -ion/-ation/-ition/-sion/-tion: create, educate, organize, present, examine, generate, submit, motivate, conclude, discuss, evaluate, compare, abbreviate, investigate, cite, defi ne, combine, relate, educate.
16. Arrange these words in the right order. Use a capital letter to begin each sentence. Mark each rewritten sentence S V O M P T to show Subject, Verb, Object, Place (Where?), Time (When?).
1. degree, studying, I, PhD, am, the, for. 2. postgraduate, abroad, spent, she, year, her, college, fi rst, after, studying. 3. three, complete, years, takes, four, to, PhD, to, a. 4. research, working, project, am, a, I, at. 5. wide, postgraduate, the, year, offers, range, a, university, this, you, studies, of. 6. postgraduate, loans, through, you, funding, grants, get, and, for, study, can. 7. programme, apply, postgraduate, to, university, a, decided, at, this, research, he, for. 8. practically, research, year, attended, every, I, last, seminar. 9. taught, world-leading, by, you, be, academics. 10. dissertation, Roman, he, architecture, his, on, wrote.
17. Read and translate the following complex sentences with different types of subordinate clauses. Use your dictionary if necessary.
1. The ability to teach students to think for themselves is one of the highlights of UK higher education, and as teaching and academic contact hours seem likely to be increasingly scrutinised by prospective students, it will be important for universities to find ways to emphasise educational nuances which are not easily quantifiable.
2. There is no single definition of the term “postgraduate” although it is often used to describe further study undertaken by those who already have a first degree.
3. New models of PhD have developed in recognition of the fact that a PhD is not solely a route into academia, and that a large proportion of PhD graduates progress into senior positions outside the higher education sector.
4. A doctoral degree is awarded for the creation of original research that extends the boundary of knowledge or practice within a particular discipline.
5. What is important is the correct sequence of building operations.
6. While doctoral degrees have traditionally focused on research, in recent years there has been a noticeable growth in courses which incorporate a substantial taught element, although the fundamental requirement for a doctoral candidate to carry out a substantial body of original research remains.
7. Research degrees are the one area of postgraduate education where men outnumber women, though only just.
8. In 1999, ministers from 29 European countries signed the Bologna Agreement to reform higher education, establishing an international set of standards and nomenclature by which to compare qualifications offered by different countries.
18. Read and translate the following complex sentences with relative clauses in which the relative conjunctions (which/that) are left out.
1. The quality assurance processes of academic standards currently provided by the Quality Assurance Agency are generally considered efficient by the universities it serves, and as a body, it is highly regarded internationally. 2. The structural engineer must design structures to be safe for their users and to successfully fulfil the function they are designed for. 3. There are lots of different types of engineering. The one thing they have in common is that they use Maths and Science to improve industry and manufacturing. 4. The report he made after the delegation had visited our plant shows that he has finally realized the importance of the work we are doing here. 5. Given the diversity of the postgraduate population and the variety of postgraduate qualifi cations available, it is not surprising that the motivations people have for undertaking postgraduate study are varied. 6. The UK is second only to the USA in terms of the number of international students it attracts, with 11.6 percent of the international student market.
19. In some of these sentences you don’t need who, which or that. If you don’t need these words, put them in brackets like this: (who), (which), (that).
1. A Master’s degree aims to deepen students’ knowledge within a subject that they have already studied. 2. The most common doctoral degree is the traditional Doctor of Philosophy that is usually awarded following an oral examination of the candidate’s research thesis, and normally taking three to four years of full-time study to complete. 3. The technique that they used in structures was worked out by the design team. 4. Prospects will be best for people who have a bachelor or higher degree in construction science. 5. The students who we met at the construction site were having practical training. 6. This is a four-year programme which provides doctoral students with taught courses and practical experience alongside advanced research.
20. Match the following phrases. Put the preposition at the end of the relative clause. Example: Your destination is the place you are going to.
Chemistry is the institution you are working on it.
A PhD is the place you are taking a degree in it.
The university is a piece of writing you are applying for it.
Your destination is the subject you were conferred on it.
The thesis is financial aid you are going to it.
A scholarship is the degree you graduated from it.
21. Read and translate the following emphatic sentences it is … that/ which/who into Russian.
1. It is this course that helps you to develop skills enabling you to conduct social research in any fi eld. 2. It is the Quality Assurance Agency which provides a basic guide to the level of intellectual attainment expected of students. 3. It was Lomonosov who fi rst discovered the law of conservation of energy. 4. It is only by performing a lot of experiments that progress can be made. 5. It is the Bologna Process that has brought major changes to the higher education landscape in Europe.
22. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Внимательно изучите требования для аспирантов, которые необходимо выполнить для успешной защиты диссертации.2. Я считаю, что получение ученой степени в зарубежном университете даст мне возможность начать международную карьеру. 3. Именно эрудиция обусловила широту его научных интересов. 4. Вот статья, о которой я тебе говорил. 5. Комиссия будет рассматривать только те документы, которые вы представили на рассмотрение. 6. Я поступил в аспирантуру, потому что хочу заниматься наукой. 7. Тема диссертации, которую вам предложил научный руководитель, была утверждена на заседании кафедры. 8. Ученый, с которым вы хотели обсудить результаты вашего исследования, приезжает завтра. 9. Университет, который я закончил, является одним из лучших в стране. 10. Именно аспирантура готовит будущих научных работников.
Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 902.