1. Before you read Text 1A “Postgraduate Degrees”, discuss these questions with your groupmates or teacher. a) What does postgraduate education involve? b) Does postgraduate education vary in different countries? c) What is its organisation in most countries? d) Do postgraduate programmes require any examinations? e) What characteristics of Doctoral studies do you know? f) What are the criteria for award of a Doctorate degree? g) What is habilitation? h) What is the structure of postgraduate education in Russia? i) What degrees are the Russian postgraduate degrees of kandidat nauk and doktor nauk equivalent to as awarded in many countries?
2. Read and translate Text 1A. The Active Vocabulary List following the Text may be helpful. Find out if your answers are right or wrong. Use the introductory phrases, like: Exactly. It’s (partly) true. Just the opposite. I don’t think so. That’s right. That’s wrong.
Text 1A. Postgraduate degrees
Postgraduate education (or graduate education in North America) involves learning and studying for degrees or other qualifi cations for which a fi rst or Bachelor’s degree is generally required. The organisation and structure of postgraduate education varies in different countries, and also in different institutions within countries.
In most countries, the hierarchy of postgraduate degrees is as follows:
1. Master’s degrees. These are sometimes placed in a further hierarchy, starting with degrees such as the Master of Arts and Master of Science, then Master of Philosophy, and fi nally Master of Letters. Many Master’s students will perform research culminating in a paper, presentation, and defence of their research. This is called the Master’s thesis.
2. Doctorates. An academic doctorate can be awarded as a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy). In the context of academic degrees, the term philosophy does not refer solely to the fi eld of philosophy, but is used in a broader sense in accordance with its original Greek meaning, which is love of wisdom. Many postgraduate programmes require students to pass one or several examinations in order to demonstrate their competence as scholars. In some departments, a comprehensive examination is often required in the fi rst year, and is designed to test a student’s background undergraduate-level knowledge.
Most postgraduate students perform teaching duties. Doctoral programmes often require students to pass more examinations. Programmes often require a Qualifying Examination, a PhD Candidacy Examination, or a General Examination, designed to students’ grasp of a broad sample of their discipline, and/or one or several Special Field Examinations which test students in their narrower selected areas of specialty within the discipline. These exams must be passed to be allowed to proceed on to the thesis.
The criteria for award of Doctorates vary somewhat throughout the world, but typically require the submission of a substantial body of original research undertaken by the candidate. This may take the form of a single thesis or dissertation, and will usually be assessed by a small committee of examiners appointed by the university.
Doctorates are awarded to students who have demonstrated:
— the creation and interpretation of new knowledge through original research of a quality to satisfy peer review, extend the forefront of the discipline, and merit publication;
— a systematic acquisition and understanding of a substantial body of knowledge which is at the forefront of an academic discipline or an area of professional practice; — the general ability to conceptualise, design and implement a project for the generation of new knowledge, applications or understanding at the forefront of the discipline;
— a detailed understanding of applicable techniques for research and advanced academic enquiry. In total, the typical Doctoral degree takes between three and eight years from entering the programme to completion, though this time varies depending upon the department, thesis topic, and many other factors.
Habilitation (lat. habilis — fit, proper, skilful) is the highest academic qualifi cation a scholar can achieve by his or her own pursuit in several European and Asian countries. Earned after obtaining a research Doctorate, such as a PhD, habilitation requires the candidate to write a professorial thesis/dissertation (often known as a Habilitation thesis/dissertation) based upon independent scholarship, reviewed by and defended before an academic committee in a process similar to that for the doctoral dissertation. However, the level of scholarship has to be considerably higher than that required for a research doctoral (PhD) dissertation in terms of quality and quantity, and a Habilitation dissertation must be accomplished independently, in contrast with a PhD dissertation typically directed or guided by a faculty supervisor.
Habilitation qualification (Habil. Dr.) exists in France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Finland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia (Doktor nauk). Those who have achieved habilitation can denote the fact by placing the abbreviation Dr hab. or Dr habil. before their names.
Many post-Soviet countries, including Russian Federation, have a two-stage research degree obtaining path, generally similar to the doctorate system in Europe. The first stage is named Kandidat nauk (literal translation means Candidate of Sciences). According to par. 262 International Standard Classifi cation of Education (ISCED) UNESCO 2011, for purposes of international educational statistics Candidate of Sciences is equivalent to Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree as awarded in many English-speaking countries. It allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor (Docent). The Candidate of Sciences degree requires at least (and typically more than) three, four or five years of postgraduate research which is finished by defence of a dissertation or a thesis. Additionally, a seeker of the degree has to pass three examinations (a so-called Candidate minimum): in his/her special field, in a foreign language, and in the history and philosophy of science. After additional certification by the corresponding experts, the Candidate degree may be recognized internationally as an equivalent of PhD. The second stage is Doktor nauk (Doctor of Sciences). It requires many years of research experience and writing a second dissertation. The degrees of Candidate and Doctor of Sciences are only awarded by the special governmental agency (Higher Attestation Commission). A university or a scientific institute where the thesis was defended can only recommend awarding a seeker the sought degree.
graduate (from) [′grædʒueit] v – окончить вуз; (AmE) окончить любое учебное заведение
[′grædʒuit] n – окончивший вуз; (AmE) выпускник или аспирант учебного заведения
undergraduate [′Λndə,grædʒuit] n – студент вуза
postgraduate (student) [,pəust′grædʒuit] n adj – аспирант; аспирантский, относящийся к аспирантской подготовке
take a postgraduate course – учиться в аспирантуре
postgraduate education – послевузовское образование
degree [di′gri:] n – ученая степень, звание
academic degree – научная степень
Bachelor’s degree [′bæt∫(ə)ləz] – степень бакалавра
Master’s degree [′ma:stəz] – степень магистра
PhD degree [,pi:eit∫′di:]; (syn.) Doctoral degree [′dɔkt(ə)rəl]; Doctorate [′dɔkt(ə) rit] – степень доктора
award a degree [ə′wɔ:d] – присуждать степень
earn a degree [ə:n] – получить степень
hold a degree – обладать степенью
a degree holder – обладатель степени
research [ri′sə:t∫] n v – исследование, научно-исследовательская работа, изучение; исследовать, заниматься исследованиями
perform [pə′fɔ:m] / conduct [kən′dΛkt] / do / undertake [,Λndə′teik] / carry out research – проводить исследования / научно-исследовательскую работу, исследовать
thesis [′θi:sis]; (syn.) dissertation [,disə′tei∫(ə)n] n – диссертация
defend a thesis / a dissertation [di′fend] – защитить диссертацию
defence of one’s thesis / dissertation – защита диссертации
science [′saiəns] n наука; (собир.) – естественные науки
scientist [′saiəntist] n – ученый (преим. в области точных наук)
scholar [′skɔlə] n – ученый (особ. в области гуманитарных наук)
scholarship [′skɔlə∫ip] n – ученость, образованность; стипендия
proceed [prə′si:d] v – продолжать; приступать (к чему-л.)
require [ri′kwaiə] v – требовать, нуждаться
requirement n – требование, необходимое условие; потребность
submit [səb′mit] v – представлять, подавать (документы)
submission [səb′mi∫(ə)n] n – представление, подача (документов)
assess [ə′ses] v – оценивать, давать оценку
assessment n – оценка, мнение, суждение
habilitation [hə,bili′tei∫(ə)n] n – хабилитация (в некоторых европейских странах процедура, цель которой – получение высшей академической квалификации, следующей после ученой степени PhD (Doctor of Philosophy), и права на занятие профессорской должности в университете (Dr. Habil.)
adviser [əd′vaizə]; (syn.) supervisor [′sju:pərvaizə] n – консультант, советник academic / research adviser (supervisor) – научный руководитель
accomplish [ə′kΛmpli∫] v – выполнять; завершать
seek (sought) [si:k] v – искать, пытаться найти; пытаться/стараться что-л. сделать; стремиться к чему-л.
degree seeker – соискатель
sought degree – искомая степень
benefit [′benefi t] n v – преимущество, привилегия, польза, благо, выгода; приносить пользу, помогать, оказывать благотворное (воз)действие, приносить выгоду (прибыль)
diverse [dai′və:s] adj – различный; разный, разнообразный
diversity [dai′və:siti] n – разнообразие, многообразие; различие
skill n – мастерство, опыт, умение, квалификация, способности
skilful adj – искусный, умелый, опытный
skilled adj – опытный, умелый, квалифицированный
translate into practice – воплотить на практике, реализовывать, претворять в жизнь
employ [im′plɔi] v – предоставлять работу, нанимать; использовать, применять employer [im′plɔiə] n – работодатель, наниматель
employee [,emplɔi′i:] n – служащий; работающий по найму
employment [im′plɔimənt] n – работа, служба; занятость (рабочей силы); прием (на работу); применение. Использование
unemployment [,Λnim′plɔimənt] n – безработица
involve [in′vɔlv] v – включать, содержать; вовлекать
term [tə:m] n – период, срок; семестр, триместр, четверть; термин; (pl.) условия in terms of – с точки зрения
3. Complete the following sentences with details from the Text.
1. Master’s degree programmes usually include ____________ . 2. The degree of an academic doctorate is called ___________ . 3. Examinations are required to test _____________________ . 4. Typically a doctorate degree takes ___________ to complete. 5. __________________ is earned after obtaining a PhD degree. 6. The fi rst stage research degree in Russia is ______________ . 7. The second stage research degree in Russia is ___________ .
4. Locate the following details in the Text. Give the line numbers. 1. In which lines does the author explain the meaning of the term philosophy in the context of academic degrees? 2. Where in the Text does the author fi rst mention the requirements for Doctoral degree programmes? 3. Where in the Text does the author discuss what doctoral students are expected to demonstrate to be awarded a PhD degree? 4. At what point in the Text does the author discuss the level of scholarship required for habilitation? 5. In which lines does the author explain the equivalence of Russian postgraduate degrees to the ones recognized internationally?
5. Underline the detail that is NOT mentioned in the Text in each of the sentences below. 1. Postgraduate education includes Bachelor’s degrees, Master’s degrees, and Doctor’s degrees. 2. Doctoral degree programmes require students to pass a qualifying examination, a comprehensive examination, a special fi eld examination, and a PhD candidacy examination. 3. Habilitation qualifi cation exists in France, Austria, Denmark, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Poland, Russia and other countries.
6. Answer the following detail questions.
1. According to the Text, Master’s degree students complete their research with a) examinations. b) the defence of a thesis. c) a paper.
2. According to the Text, postgraduate students perform a) work as assistants. b) interviews for postgraduate candidates. c) teaching duties.
3. According to the Text, a thesis is assessed by a) an examiners’ committee. b) a professors’ council. c) an attestation committee.
4. According to the Text, a habitation thesis is accomplished a) with the help of a faculty supervisor. b) independently. c) with the help of an academic committee.
5. According to the Text, what examinations do Candidate of Sciences degree seekers have to pass? a) in a special field, science, and a foreign language b) in a special fi eld, local history, and a foreign language c) in a special field, the history and philosophy of science, and a foreign language.
7. Mark the main ideas of the Text and retell it in English.
Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 1145.