Match the synonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and find them in the text
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой














tourism rest







comprise organization occur wish




Match the antonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and

find them in the text.  
major disease
private minor
health slow
increase distant
import different
slightly export
shallow public
similar heavily
close decrease
fast deep


Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса

8. Form antonyms using negative prefixes un-, in-, il-, im-, ir

Dismis-, поп-. Consult the dictionary if necessary.


Government, locals, equaled, essentials, legal, official.

9. Give full forms to these abbreviations: WTO, UN, NGO, US, GB, UK.

10. Retell the text.

11. Match the word with its definition


For the past few decades many forms of tourism, also known as niche tourism, have been becoming more popular, particularly:

Adventure tourism — is a grassroots effort to support independent

bookstores by promoting them as a travel des­tination.

— sustainable tourism which has minimal impact on the environment, such as safaris (Kenya) and Rainforests (Belize), or national parks.

Armchair tourism or virtual tourism — includes urban tourism, visit­ing historical or interesting cities, such as Lon­don, Paris, Prague, Rome, Cairo, Beijing, Ky­oto, and experiencing their cultural heritages. May also consist of specialized cultural expe­riences, such as art museum tourism where one visits many art museums during the tour, or op­era tourism where one sees many operas or concerts during the tour. Bookstore Tourism — travelling to such places as Atlantic City, Las

Vegas, Macau or Monte Carlo for the purpose of gambling at the casinos there. Cultural tourism — farm based tourism, helping to support the lo­cal agricultural economy. Disaster tourism — involves travelling to an education institution,

a wooded retreat or some other destination in order to take personal-interest classes, includ­ing cooking classes with a famous chef or crafts classes.




— not travelling physically, but exploring the world through internet, books, TV, etc.

Unit 1. Forms Of Tourism

Educational tourism — travelling to a disaster scene not primarily for

helping, but because one finds it interesting to see. It can be a problem if it hinders rescue, relief and repair work.

Gambling tourism — tourism involving travel in rugged regions, or

adventurous sports such as mountaineering and hiking (tramping).

Choose the right word from the list below. Mind forms of the words. Translate the article.


In the 18th century, the Grand Tour was a kind of____________________________

for wealthy British noblemen. It was a period of European _______________ which could last from a few months to 8 years. Dur­ing the tour, young men learned about the politics,_________ _,

art and antiquities of neighboring countries. They spent their time sight­seeing, studying, and____________________ ______ .

Italy with its heritage of_______________________ Roman monuments

became one of the most popular places to visit. At the same time, art students from all parts of Europe also came to Italy to

_________________ from ancient models. Sometimes, the trip south

was as liberating sexually as it was aesthetically, as several erotic draw­ings show.

France was the height of style and______________________________ , so

young men went there to throw off their coarse behavior and put on the

_________________ that set them apart as the aristocracy of Britain.

Under the_________________ eye of his tutor and cared for by his va­let, the young man set off. The first__ in the tour was

to cross the English Channel to Calais, France. For many young men,

this was a test in itself since seasickness was often the __________________________________________

of turbulent crossing. In Paris, all outward______________________ of the back­ward Briton were erased as he was fitted for a totally French wardrobe.

Dressed like a Frenchman, he was now ready to_____________________________

to French society. After his introduction in Paris, the tourist went on to Dijon, Lyon, and finally Marseille.

During the 19th century, most educated young men took the ________________ . Later, it became also fashionable for young wom­en. A trip to Italy with a_______________ aunt as chaperon was

part of the upper-class lady's education.


Education, sophistication, spinster, watchful, ancient, polish, shopping, travel, result, culture, grand tour, trace, to learn, to introduce, step.

Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса

Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 552.