find them in the text. | |
entertainment | before |
initially | rapidly |
rate | diversity |
leisure | client |
seaside town | speed |
variety | amusement |
continental | soccer |
customer | time off |
previously | inland |
football | personnel |
by train | coastal city |
fast | by rail |
staff | originally |
Match the antonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and
find them in the text. | |
village | city |
similar | unpaid |
rural | old |
increase | international |
domestic | expensive |
inland | different |
cheap | disappear |
recent | manual |
winter | urban |
appear | majority |
indoors | summer |
mechanical | outdoors |
minority | coast |
paid | decrease |
9. Give plural forms to these words:
Phenomenon, criterion, datum, million
Retell the text.
Match the name of the form of tourism with its definition. Translate them.
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Unit L Forms Of Tourism |
travelling alone or with groups to participate in hobby interests, to meet others with similar interests, or to experience something pertinent to the hobby, e.g. garden tours or square dance cruises.
spending your time participating in some sport activities such as skiing, golf and scuba diving or travelling to watch a sport competition or vacationing at the winter home of one's favorite baseball team, and seeing them play everyday.
wealthy individuals always on vacation, some of them, for tax purposes, to avoid being resident in any country.
travelling only to few countries in the region, using one of the countries as the transit point. The country of transit point is usually a country with good transport infrastructure, e.g. Singapore is the base for tourism for South East Asia due to its strategic location and good transport infrastructure, usually to escape from cities or relieve stress, perhaps for some Tun in the sun', etc., often to "health spas".
Heritage tourism
Health tourism |
Hobby tourism |
Inclusive tourism |
Medical tourism |
Perpetual tourism |
Regional tourism |
tourism marketed to those with functional limits or disabilities. Referred to as "Tourism for All" in some regions. Destinations often employ Universal Design and Universal Destination Development principles, visiting historical or industrial sites, such as old canals, railways, battlegrounds, etc.
Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса
Sport tourism — travelling to get medical treatment either that
is illegal in one's own country, e.g. abortion, euthanasia, or for advanced care that is not available in one's own country or in the case that there are long waiting lists in one's own country or for use of free or cheap health care organizations.
Choose the right word from the list below. Mind the forms of the words. Translate the article.
In the great____________________ tradition of the flaneur, or thoughtful
boulevard-stroller, Paris is a wonderful___________________ for aimless wandering. Relaxed quarters such as the vibrant Marais, elegant St-Germain
and romantic Montmartre are_________________________ for street-browsing,
shopping and caf6-sitting, and the city's lack of open
_________________ is redeemed by beautiful formal gardens, by the
_______________ and pavements that run beside the River Seine, and
by endless__________________ or unexpected havens. And everywhere
you go, historic landmark buildings and contemporary
_____________________ wonders remind you of the city's pride and
There are over 150 art______________________ and museums in the
city and an uncounted number of____________________________ , brasseries and
restaurants lining every street and boulevard. The variety of style and
decor is hard to beat,______________________ from ultra-modern fashion
temples to traditional, mirrored palaces, and from__________________________
bistros where the emphasis is all on the cooking to bustling Vietnamese diners. After dark, the city's theatres and concert halls _________________ inventive and world-leading productions of theatre and dance, while many classical concerts_ in
fine architectural settings, particularly chapels and churches. Above all, Paris is a real________________________ capital, and the city's vibrant cultural mix puts it at the forefront of the world_________________________ scene.
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To range, architectural, cinema, pathway, local, cafe, city, tiny, music, to take place, gallery, hidden, ideal, space, to host.
Unit 1. Forms Of Tourism
Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 431.