Combinations. Find and translate sentences with them in the
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой


Regular meals, daily basis, special meal, in conjunction with, occa­sion, common meals, high-calorie affair, outdoor meal, natural or rec­reation area, road-side stop, elaborate meal, to choose certain meal plan, multicourse meal, to consist of, appetizer, starter, liqueur, brandy, cognac, grappa, drinks and snacks are served both before and after the meal, re­gional differences, complex multicultural society, increased risk, small pieces of food, held in the hand, different rules, the same item, sausages in a bun, sausages are held between the fingers, not an issue, a short time of silence, diverse, religiously mixed company.

4. Give English equivalents to the following words and word



Определенное время; приготовленная еда; случаться; отлича­ется от...; более питательный; в маленьком количестве; в неопре-

Unit 7. Restaurants

деленное время; корзина для пикника; происходить; лес; зона от­дыха; блюдо в меню; подходящие напитки; подходит к этому блю­ду; закуска(2) подается в начале обеда; основное блюдо; порядок блюд; относительно еды...; правильное поведение; в каких обсто­ятельствах; кушать из отдельной тарелки; из общей тарелки; в слу­чае...; держать в руках; есть руками; ножом и вилкой; в некоторых культурах; в то в время как в других культурах; дать возможность помолиться.

5. Find out all word combinations with the word "meal" in the text and translate them.

6. Match the synonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and find them in the text.

common                                        complex

diverse                                          biscuits

correct                                       appetizer

starter                                               take place

drink                                              thing

cookies                                           regular

occur                                            mixed

multicultural                                        beverage

item                                            proper

7. Match the antonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and find them in the text.

scheduled                                                 the same

outdoor                                     impossible

different                                       exception

rule                                             snack

meal                                  unscheduled

possible                                            indoor

8. Retell the text. Make a summary of the text.

9. Match the word with its definition.



Standard meals eaten on a daily basis have different names depend­ing on the time of day or the importance of the meal:

Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса

Breakfast — an evening meal. Lunch — a midday meal.

Brunch — is usually eaten within an hour or two after a person

wakes up in the morning. Tea — a late-morning meal, usually larger than a breakfast

and usually replacing both breakfast and lunch. Dunch — a mid-afternoon meal consisting of light food with tea.

In parts of the UK, Australia and New Zealand, it may refer to the evening meal (dinner). Supper — can be at any time of the afternoon or evening and

denotes the main meal of the day; sometimes it is at lunchtime and sometimes at suppertime. Dinner — a mid-afternoon meal, usually replacing both lunch

and dinner as the main, or even only, meal of the day.

10. Speak about... your usual meals of the day: when, where and what you usually eat on weekdays, on weekends and while on holidays.

11. Speak about ... customs, traditions and etiquette of eating in Russia. Describe a typical Russian breakfast, lunch and din­ner.

12. Make an ethnographic survey. Speak about customs, tradi­tions and etiquette of eating in your region.

1. What peculiar customs and etiquette does eating in your region imply?

2. What is the traditional food of your region?

3. Which way did the traditional food and eating etiquette of your region influence Russian and world cultures and cuisines?

13. Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary. Translate the advertisement.



Situated in ... old stone house dating back to ... 1880s, this is ... good place for... romantic dinner. Dine inside by ... fireplace or under ... stars on ... flowery patio. It features ... good old-fashioned country dishes such as ... Herb Rotisserie Duck and ... Grilled Center Cut Pork Chop with ... Bourbon Molasses. "Royal" dishes include ... Lamb Cooked in ... Royal Cashew-Onion Gravy and ... Cauliflower Florets in ... Vegetable

Unit 7. Restaurants

Sauce. There is also ... full bar inside. ... Rooms are available for ... pri­vate parties and ... catering is also available. ... extensive wine list begins at USD18 ... bottle at... low end and includes several... Syrah, ... Cab­ernets, and ... rare Magnums. ... impeccable service attracts ... many types, from ... couples on ... romantic getaways to ... tourists and ... lo­cals.

Open Hours: Lunch: 11:30 am — 2:30 pm Tue-Sun; Dinner: 5:30 pm — 10:30 pm daily

Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 543.