The standard way, to take the order, to pay the bill afterwards, to add, it goes to the staff, certain types of food, seafood restaurant, vegetarian restaurant, ethnic restaurant, generally speaking, food of foreign origin, to be licensed to serve alcohol, restaurant guide, high culinary merit, the more stars awarded, the higher the prices, roughly equivalent, star ratings, casual places, to visit dining establishments anonymously, the most thorough coverage, supply chain, foodservice industry, barriers to entry are relatively low, heavily regulated, food poisoning, bring your own booze.
4. Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.
Клиент /посетитель ресторана (2); в зависимости от местных традиций; принять заказ; оплатить счет; соответственно; алкогольные напитки; иначе; строгие ограничения; разрешать; в общем; критическая оценка; попробовать все блюда в меню; варианты пообедать; слишком большая конкуренция; трудно получать прибыль; накопить первоначальный капитал; найти компетентную рабочую силу; обеспечивать здоровье и безопасность; пищевое отравление; поэтому.
5. Make word combinations, translate them and find them in the
local seafood alcoholic |
merit restaurant industry coverage quality menu |
culinary roughly critical |
Unit 7. Restaurants
thorough | capital |
various | beverages |
entire | assessment |
foodservice | poisoning |
heavily | custom |
initial | labour |
skilled | regulated |
consistent | equivalent |
food | options |
Match the synonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and
Find them in the text (both parts).
Match the antonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and find them in the text (both parts).
permit modern simple traveller
in the former case
casual expensive prohibit roughly individual refined local monopoly in the latter case ancient |
176 |
Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса
Make a summary of the text.
Match the word with its definition.
Captain or Host
or Hostess Whiter or Waitress Busboy Sommelier
Or Wine Steward Bartender
Buffet server
Floor supervisor
Manager Chef
Kitchen aid Dishwasher
a person who serves drinks at the bar or in the bar if it is a separate establishment, the head cook.
a person who meets and sits the guests, a person who washes dishes.
a person who takes the orders and serves the meals.
a person who waits on guests at a buffet or helps people to choose from a buffet menu, a person who works in the kitchen but doesn't' actually cook or just makes simple things like salads.
a person who pours water, clears and sets tables, and performs other similar chores, the head waiter or waitress, the person who operates the restaurant or manages the work of a restaurant, a person who actually prepares meals, a person who takes orders for wine and sometimes for other alcoholic drinks, a person who receives payments from the guests.
Divide all people who work at a restaurant into two groups: kitchen staff and floor staff or serving staff.
Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary. Translate the story.
Dining Out:
• Wkitstaff — 15—20 % ... the bill, excluding tax and expensive wine. Many restaurants automatically add a 10—15 % gratuity ... parties ... six or more, so check the menu. You can add another 5 % ... exceptional service.
Unit 7. Restaurants
• Wine Steward/Sommelier — If they help you choose a bottle ... wine (or choose it... you), 10—20 % ... the wine bill only. Use discretion based ... how much service was provided (did he allow you to taste before you selected?) If the wine is very expensive, it's generally acceptable to cap your tip ... a reasonable amount (say, about $20), since you are tipping ... the service received. Leave cash or specify ... the credit card receipt which portion is ... the som- melier.
• Buffet Servers — $1—$2 ... person dining. Lean ... the higher end if they bring you drinks.
In the Lounge:
• Bartender/Cocktail Waitress — 10—15 % ... the total.... free drinks ... Las Vegas, $1—$2 ... round.
Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 678.