Match the words of similar meaning
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
1 affect                                                              a   continue   
2 withstand               b include
3 alert c influence
4 involve d lively
5 carry on                        e eating
6 allow  f resist
7 nutrition g  enable

Match the words to their opposites.

1   healthy                                                                  a   stop
2 positive b ill
3 continue c slow / sleepyheaded
4 withstand d negative
5 ability                     e ruin / harm 
6 alert                   f give in / capitulate
7 improve g inability

Match the words to make phrases. Use them in the sentences of your own.

1 to improve (in) a fit  
2 to keep b illness    
3 to take up                     c with stress
4 to deal d sports
5 to treat e health

Fill in the correct word from the list below. Some words may be used more than once.

fit, unfit, shape, nutrition, exercise, enough, illness, walking

1. I ___ every day and get plenty of fresh air.

2. A serious ___ has prevented him from working for a year.

3. She keeps ___ by jogging five miles every day.

4. The magazine contained several articles about natural beauty, healthy ___, fitness and exercise.

5. I realized how ___ I was when I tried to run up the stairs.

6. Carrie likes to keep in good ___ and spends hours at the gym.

7. The doctor says I don’t get ___ exercise.

8. The only exercise I get is ___ to work.


Match the sentence beginnings (1-8) with their endings (a-h).

1. Exercise and a well-balanced diet ...

2. The recreation centre offers such activities ...

3. I do two hours’ training every evening – ...

4. I go jogging every morning ...

5. I know I should do more exercise, ...

6. Just because you’re on a diet ...

7. Walking to the car is ...

8. To do any sport at international level


a. but I never seem to have time.

b. the only exercise you get!

c. an hour running and an hour in the gym.

d. as dance classes, aerobics and weight lifting.

e. keeps you fit and healthy.

f. you have to be extremely fit.

g. and work out with weights twice a week.

h. it doesn’t mean you don’t need to exercise.

27. W ork with a partner. List the sports in the box in different groups according to the criteria a–f. A sport might belong to more than one group.

a) Winter sports

b) Water sports

c) Team sports

d) Indoor sports

e) Sports that are hardly ever shown on TV

f) Sports that need special footwear

athletics – badminton – baseball – basketball – boxing – cycling football – golf – horse-riding – ice hockey – judo – karate – rugby running – sailing – skating – skiing – skydiving – snowboarding – surfing swimming – tennis – table tennis – volleyball – windsurfing – wrestling


Verbs play, go and do

We use different verbs with different types of sports.

to play basketball / football / volleyball

to go jogging / skiing / swimming

to do karate / gymnastics / athletics

Play is often used with sports that are team games, or where we play with another person.

Go is often used for things done outside, and which we can do alone, especially for enjoyment and not in order to compete against people. These sports often end in –ing.

28. Complete these collocations lists with either do, go or play.

a) _____ cycling             wrestling
            riding               karate
            swimming               judo
            skiing   c) _____  tennis
            jogging               volleyball
b) _____ athletics                basketball
            gymnastics             football

Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 344.