Translate the derivatives; say to what part of speech they belong
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complete → completeness (= the state of being complete)

kind → kindness (= the quality of being kind / kind behavior / kind feelings)

polite → politeness (= polite behavior)


a) fit → fitness

b) alert → alertness

c) happy → happiness

d) sad → sadness

e) lively → liveliness

f) ill → illness

g) good → goodness

h) great → greatness

Choose the corresponding English word.

1   здоровый a) healthily     b) health c)   healthy
2 необходимый a) necessary b) necessitate c) necessity
3 питание a) nutrient b) nutrition c) nutritious
4 энергичный a) lively b) livelihood c) liveliness
5 разный a) vary b) variety c) various
6 регулярный a) regularly b) regular c) regularity
7 неспособный a) unable b) ability c) inability


Read and translate the sentences.

1. Your health is more important than any amount of money. 2. To be really healthy, you must take regular exercise. 3. “How do you manage to keep so healthy?” “I exercise at least 3 times a week.” 4. He’s nearly 50 now but he’s strong and healthy and full of energy. 5. He’s got such an unhealthy lifestyle – smoking, drinking and eating too much – he won’t live to be fifty. 6. I know smoking’s very bad for me, but I find it difficult to give up. 7. We are trying to encourage people to exercise more regularly and eat more healthful foods. 8. By serving food that is healthful and nutritious, we can improve the eating habits of the population. 9. He’d like to live a healthy outdoor life but instead he’s stuck in an office and a tiny apartment. 10. He cycles to work because he thinks the exercise is good for him. 11. She likes to exercise by working in her garden. 12. You should do at least fifteen minutes’ exercise each day. 13. I’m not as fit as I should be. I don’t train enough. 14. After three weeks of exercise and diet regime she was feeling fit and glowing with health. 15. Our local gym does keep-fit classes. 16. He works out every day in the gym. 17. Larry trains at the gym five mornings a week. 18. Paul, a keen sportsman, prided himself on his level of fitness.

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words in brackets.


Research has revealed some worrying trends in the way young people are leading their lives. Bad 1) ___ (eat) habits are at the top of the list, with many youngsters eating too much of the wrong thing. Health experts warn that the 2) ___ (consume) of large quantities of junk food puts children in danger of becoming obese1 and creating serious health problems later on in life.

The sit-down lifestyle led by children today is also a major cause for concern. Preferring to sit for hours at a computer screen chatting instead of2 actually going out and mixing with friends is a growing 3) ___ (tend) among young people, causing them to become more antisocial. Moreover, the 4) ___ (combine) of lack of exercise and too much sitting, with eating too much 5) ___ (health) food is a recipe for disaster.

There are, however, ways of 6) ___ (tackle3) these problems. For example, youngsters and their parents can make sure they have a 7) ___ (balance) diet consisting of five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Moreover, children should limit their time on the Internet and take the chance to meet with their friends in their free time. They could even join a club or society where they could make new friends. One thing is for sure, a lifestyle of junk food and lack of exercise is certainly not one worth 8) ___ (die) for.


1 obese –  тучный, страдающий ожирением

2 instead of – вместо чего-л., взамен чего-л.; вместо того чтобы

3 tackle – пытаться найти решение (проблемы)

Express the following in one word.


nutrition, health, ability, illness, alert, heredity


1 condition of the body or the mind

2 the passing on of qualities from parent to child in the cells of the body

3 the action or state of being provided with food

4 unhealthy state of the body

5 capacity or power (to do something physical or mental)

6 fully awake and ready to act

Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 367.