1. What was the situation?
2. When did it happen?
3. Where was Jake?
4. Who was he with?
5. What was he doing?
6. What happened?
7. What happened next?
8. How did he feel?
9. What were the consequences?
Jake: | Have I ever told you about the time a dog nearly attacked me? |
Mary: | No – what happened? |
Jake: | Oh well, it was a few years ago. I was still at school, actually, so I guess I was sixteen or seventeen. It was the weekend and it was summer – the sun was shining, and I was with some friends in the garden. We were playing football. Well, we weren’t exactly playing football, because there were only three of us, but we were playing with a ball. In fact, we were using my older brother’s football. Anyway we were having a laugh and enjoying the game, when suddenly one of my friends kicked the ball really hard, and it went up in the air, over the fence and into my neighbour’s garden. I couldn’t believe it. My brother really loved that football and he never let me use it. |
Mary: | Oh no. What did you do? |
Jake: | Well, I went and knocked on the neighbour’s door, but there was no answer. So I had to climb over the fence. It was really high, and my friends had to push me over. anyway, as soon as I dropped down on the other side, I realised I wasn’t alone. |
Mary: | The dog? |
Jake: | Yes, an enormous dog was running towards me, barking like mad. I’ve never been so frightened in my life! |
Mary: | What did you do? |
Jake: | I was absolutely terrified. I couldn’t move. But then I noticed a chair near the fence, so I jumped up on it and managed to climb back over the fence. |
Mary: | What about the ball? |
Jake: | I didn’t get the ball, but fortunately, the neighbours came back, before my brother did. So in the end, he never knew about it. Which is good because my brother is almost as frightening as the neighbour’s dog! |
56. Tell your partner about a time when you were in an exciting, funny or dangerous situation. Think about what to say and how to say it. Use the questions in task 56 as a plan.
UNIT 4. Lifestyle: SPORT & HEALTH
He who has health has hope and
he who has hope has everything.
Arab proverb
Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss the following questions.
1. What words and images do you associate with the expression “a healthy way of life”?
2. Is there anything more important than health?
3. Does health depend on you?
4. Keeping fit… Is it an important issue for people?
5. Why is it necessary to go in for sports?
2. Answer the following questions..
1. Do you care about your health?
2. What is your attitude towards bad habits?
3. How do you keep fit?
4. Do you work out in a gym? Do you jog or run?
5. What other exercise do you get? How often?
3. A sound mind in a sound body. An ideal person according to the Greeks was a person who was strong both physically and mentally. They never admired a person who was just a good athlete, or just a good artist or a scientist, but was not fond of sports. What do you feel when you hear: ”A sound mind in a sound body”? Read through the following texts and make up your own project about what fitness is for you.
Keeping fit
Physical fitness is a general state of good health, usually as a result of exercise and nutrition. Physical fitness can also be described as a condition that allows us to look, feel and do our best. Being fit helps us have more energy for work or studies throughout the day, and energy left over to enjoy our leisure time activities. It is also the ability to withstand stress and to carry on in circumstances where an unfit person could not continue.
Physical fitness involves the performance of the heart and lungs, and the muscles of the body. And, since what we do with our bodies also affects what we can do with our minds, fitness influences to some degree qualities such as mental alertness and emotional stability.
Fitness is an individual quality that varies from person to person. It is influenced by age, sex, heredity, personal habits, exercise and eating practices. You can’t do anything about the first three factors. However, it is within your power to change and improve the others where needed.
Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 303.